All the Presidents Men, and women! MSM is a tool for Obama



Well, let’s use the “P” word here. This is propaganda when it comes from the White House: government covering the government. It’s not what you’re supposed to do in the United States of America.”
—CNN’s liberal reporter Bob Franken

The seedy alliance between the White House and the liberal media poses a clear and present danger to our Republic.

Recently, even top journalists from The New York Times and NBC News acknowledged at a journalist forum that “that there is absolutely a left-wing bias” in the media.

It’s this bias that President Obama has come to depend on to advance his radical agenda. With the help of a very eager and compliant press willing to do their bidding, the White House controls talking points, advances their leftwing agenda, and molds public opinion through propaganda disguised as news.

"The MRC has played a key role in our culture, not just documenting and exposing liberal bias, but helping to pave the way for the growth of an alternative media that works to balance the far left ideologues at the major networks and the major newspapers."
—Sean Hannity

Unfortunately, it’s the American people who pay the price. Instead of hard hitting journalism, we are force fed soft ball interviews. Rather than truthful reporting we are manipulated with false narratives. And when stories like the IRS scandal, the ObamaCare rollout or Fast and Furious continue to plague the Administration, the lapdog media obediently bury them.

This isn’t journalism . . . it’s propaganda, the likes of which we’ve never witnessed before in America.

We are in a battle to reclaim truth in journalism and the Media Research Center is on the frontlines of the propaganda wars. Together, we must stop the Left’s dangerous agenda!

The media are run by multi-millionaire conglomerates who have limitless funds to fuel their propaganda machine. In order to stand against them, we must have the support of every truth-loving, patriotic American.

Today, you can help to expose the liberal media’s propaganda and neutralize their influence by donating to the MRC by midnight on April 25.

The Liberal media are in the tank for President Obama and his allies in Congress. And with a critical election just around the corner, they are working overtime to promote their leftwing propaganda. So please don’t wait to get involved. Give to the MRC today and let’s break the nefarious alliance between Washington radicals and the liberal media.
The MSM shed any pretense of objectivity in the 2008 elections. They were all in for Obama and the ACA and no longer pretend to be objective.

I believe the popularity of talk radio and Fox News has forced them to show their hand and Leftist bias.

You are correct; our founders believed in a free unfettered press that would watchdog over Government malfeasance as an important segment for a flourishing Democracy devoted to Constitutional principles. That no longer exists. Instead hey have indeed become an important propaganda branch of the DNC.