Allow me to introduce myself

Rat Robbersson

Oracle Of Omega (24)
I'm a man of wealth and fame but humble just the same.

Hope you get my name.

The liberals are to blame.

They have no shame.

Thank you. I hope there are a lot of jews here because I love them.

Sweet dreams.
Is that you Legion? Or is this an account of someone, that is one of the anti-fans of Mott's poems? This reeks too much of socks to be an actual newbie.

Meanwhile back at the oasis, the Arabs were eating their dates
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Welcome, an odd intro, just another right wing snowflake or an ironic joke? 'Sympathy For The Devil', would the devil be Donald? New modern age therapy for the right wing snowflakes, say Hillary five times and peace be with you follows. It's like magic.
Wash in the blood of jesus and you shall be saved. also vote republican and ye shall receive...

Rom 12:1[FONT=&quot]: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.[/FONT]
I'm a man of wealth and fame but humble just the same.

Hope you get my name.

The liberals are to blame.

They have no shame.

Thank you. I hope there are a lot of jews here because I love them.

Sweet dreams.

Pleased to meet you.
Hope you like your game.
But what's troubling you.
Is your intro is so lame.
Welcome, an odd intro, just another right wing snowflake or an ironic joke? 'Sympathy For The Devil', would the devil be Donald? New modern age therapy for the right wing snowflakes, say Hillary five times and peace be with you follows. It's like magic.

Yup, he's a troll.