Allowing Nationwide Conceiled Weapon Carry is the Solution Along with Common Sense


Verified User
The simple answer to stopping these shootings is to allow The American People nationwide to carry a conceiled weapon if they want to, so they could shoot back, if need be. We now allow airline pilots to carry guns and since 911, there has not been one plane takeover. Congress needs to pass a bill that would force ALL States to issue CCW permits to any Law abiding citizen upon demand. Also, we really need to disarm the gang members who keep shooting at everyone, that is who we need to concentrate on, not US law abiding folks. If The American People could properly defend themselves, that would stop these violent loony toones in their tracks, pun intended. We also need to investigate Hollywood and the making of all those violent films and video games, the same Hollywood crowd who preach Liberalism. If they can put armed Federal Marshalls on planes, they can place armed retired Police Officers in schools. I want to see "Moore" cops patroling schools and a locked security fence placed around every school, except the main entrance to the school office. The main entrance to the school's office needs to be made bullet resistant using lexan windows, and doors that have plate steel secured to them on the inside. They can have buzzer locks and inside the door a sliding dead bolt hidden from view by anyone approaching the main office from the ouside, in that way a shooter on the outside would not be able to shoot the dead bolt lock off because he could not see it from the outside. The idea is to buy time until the Police come, also part of the Police patrols during the day would be that a police car would always be somewhere in the area at all times. Now this is a common sense approach solution to these shootings, not some touchy feely Liberal pie in the sky idea about disarming a Country that does not want to be disarmed, the American People just want to defend themselves wherever they are in society. What do you think the armed street gang members would do if everyone else was disarmed, think home invasions. They knock on your door, you open the door and they pull a gun on you and that is that, it happened to someone directly across from my newly purchased house the week before I moved in, and it was in a nice area of Buena Park, Ca....all true, they tied the man and his wife up, well you can figure out the rest. That incident actually got me started thinking about how guns and crime prevention are connected.
they tied the man and his wife up, well you can figure out the rest. That incident actually got me started...

What did you do to the man?
What did you do to the man?
A typical weak Lib Demo smart ass cutesy answer, when you are mentally trapped, do you claim to be a brilliant writer? I have given the American People the answer that the vast majority want to hear and you know it, don't you? On the old Board there was this so-called Brilliant Liberal Writer/poster who I mentally reduced to an angry out of control jackass of a fool, who actually ran away and everyone on this Forum from that old Board, knows exactly who I owned mentally. He was told/ordered by another Liberal poster to stay away from me because I caused him to go Bonkers all the time, causing his blood pressure to rise. Everytime he tried to mess with me, I won the mental jousting, and it was fun to turn the moron everyway butt loose, does you wants to get into the same boat with that Fool?
The simple answer to stopping these shootings is to allow The American People nationwide to carry a conceiled weapon if they want to, so they could shoot back, if need be. We now allow airline pilots to carry guns and since 911, there has not been one plane takeover. Congress needs to pass a bill that would force ALL States to issue CCW permits to any Law abiding citizen upon demand. Also, we really need to disarm the gang members who keep shooting at everyone, that is who we need to concentrate on, not US law abiding folks. If The American People could properly defend themselves, that would stop these violent loony toones in their tracks, pun intended. We also need to investigate Hollywood and the making of all those violent films and video games, the same Hollywood crowd who preach Liberalism. If they can put armed Federal Marshalls on planes, they can place armed retired Police Officers in schools. I want to see "Moore" cops patroling schools and a locked security fence placed around every school, except the main entrance to the school office. The main entrance to the school's office needs to be made bullet resistant using lexan windows, and doors that have plate steel secured to them on the inside. They can have buzzer locks and inside the door a sliding dead bolt hidden from view by anyone approaching the main office from the ouside, in that way a shooter on the outside would not be able to shoot the dead bolt lock off because he could not see it from the outside. The idea is to buy time until the Police come, also part of the Police patrols during the day would be that a police car would always be somewhere in the area at all times. Now this is a common sense approach solution to these shootings, not some touchy feely Liberal pie in the sky idea about disarming a Country that does not want to be disarmed, the American People just want to defend themselves wherever they are in society. What do you think the armed street gang members would do if everyone else was disarmed, think home invasions. They knock on your door, you open the door and they pull a gun on you and that is that, it happened to someone directly across from my newly purchased house the week before I moved in, and it was in a nice area of Buena Park, Ca....all true, they tied the man and his wife up, well you can figure out the rest. That incident actually got me started thinking about how guns and crime prevention are connected.
This is serious stuff and these Libs try to be cute and they think that they know everything, do as I say, not as I do. Libs are HippoCrats, fat ass Democrats, who live in Never Never Land.