Allright... The "staff" monikers end...

Real Staff have JPP Staff in bold below their Title. Users are able to change their title from "verified user" or "registered user" to something more personal. A couple people were putting JPP Staff into that Title bar and confusing others who believed those people were Staff.
Real Staff have JPP Staff in bold below their Title. Users are able to change their title from "verified user" or "registered user" to something more personal. A couple people were putting JPP Staff into that Title bar and confusing others who believed those people were Staff.

AH, I see.
To tell you the truth, I never payed any attention to it; except for you and Grind.
It was a joke when we did it and everyone knew who was doing it, but then the new guys came in and ruined everything. Damn foreigners.

And yet again; you demonstrate that the anti-right will abuse any power they get, no matter how small it is.

And yet again; you demonstrate that the anti-right will abuse any power they get, no matter how small it is.

True dat. Apparently watermark was given some mod power, which he abused and gave some to ibgayguy, who then abused it by giving me 1,000,000 neg rep points or something like that. lol what losers.
∂˚;456498 said:
he wasn't given any mod power he was just given a billion rep points.
I was away for a long weekend and someone PM'd me voicing shock that I had received a million neg rep points, and that watermark/ ibgayguy were responsible somehow, and I also had a neg rep note from gayguy that he "destroy me". So if you care to clear that up it would be helpful. *shrug*
lol awesome. ummm well you benefited from it because you actually have more rep points now then you did prior.
I was away for a long weekend and someone PM'd me voicing shock that I had received a million neg rep points, and that watermark/ ibgayguy were responsible somehow, and I also had a neg rep note from gayguy that he "destroy me". So if you care to clear that up it would be helpful. *shrug*

Someone PM'd you "voicing shock"? :D

Whoever that was is surely a contender for the thinnest skinned person in America, no?

Although i hate to make light of the situation and wish the shocked poster good health and a speedy exit from the trauma ward.
And, BTW,

The point of my post was that LadyT and a few other posters had made a big joke about the JPP staff monikers in the past, which made sense to everyone who was posting on this board AT THAT MOMENT. It had nothing to do with the current reputation scandal/conservative justice.
I doubt it, but you should ask them to be sure since it's a life or death situation.

It's obviously not been reported in the left wing media but, i have it on good authority, the loss of rep points on this very board is a major contributing factor to the current demonstrations on the streets of Iran.
It's obviously not been reported in the left wing media but, i have it on good authority, the loss of rep points on this very board is a major contributing factor to the current demonstrations on the streets of Iran.
I've heard that it contributes to the rekindling of violence in North Ireland as well as births of people named Mohamed.