Almost Unimaginable


First off, I want everyone to take a good gander and then you tell me where you have seen two older, more butt-ugly white dudes in your whole life:

And now...apparently Lieberman is a serious contender. As a political junkie, I have to say, I am just very interested in how this would shake out. The religious base stays home, period. Do the independents and I am thinking, suburban white women, make up for that loss? Who the hell knows? What a year.

"John McCain is seriously considering choosing a pro-abortion-rights running mate despite vocal resistance from conservatives, with former Democratic vice presidential nominee Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) very much in the mix, close McCain advisers say.

Under strong consideration: former Pennsylvania Republican Gov. Tom Ridge, and Lieberman, who was Al Gore’s running mate in 2000.

Multiple GOP sources say that party officials in Washington and in the states have been contacted by the McCain campaign in the past two weeks and asked about the fallout from such a choice. One person familiar with the calls said the party was being instructed to prepare for different candidate prototypes — including one in the mold of Lieberman, who is an independent but still caucuses with the Democrats.

One obstacle for Lieberman may be legal. A GOP official said that since he is not a Republican, Lieberman may have a challenge being certified on some state ballots.

But GOP sources say McCain and his close friend Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) still haven’t given up hope on making what some believe would be a game-changing decision by tapping Lieberman.

Lieberman’s office declined to discuss the topic. “Those questions are best left to the McCain campaign at this time,” said Erika Masonhall, Lieberman’s Senate press secretary.

Ridge also appears to still be on the short list, GOP sources say. McCain likes the fact that Ridge is a Vietnam War hero with a working-class background. Ridge worked in the White House as Bush’s homeland security adviser before becoming Secretary of Homeland Security, and could help McCain with his further reform of the nation’s intelligence apparatus.

“He’s McCain’s kind of guy,” said a close friend of the candidate.

McCain, who in the past had said it would be hard to choose a supporter of abortion rights, told Steve Hayes of The Weekly Standard last week that he would not rule it out.

One source close to the campaign who is sympathetic to such a plan sketched out a scenario in which Lieberman was the choice.

“First, if your instinct is to run on experience, it doesn’t hurt to have a vice president who’s got it, too,” said this source, a conservative.

But more than that, according to this source, picking Lieberman would dramatically support McCain’s theme that he puts “country first” above all else.

“It would fit well into the narrative of his not having any politics in the White House,” said the source. “No more Dick Morris, no more Karl Rove — we’re governing here. It’s an easy, natural message for McCain and it implies a one-term pledge without actually saying it.”

As for the inevitable blowback from the right, this person acknowledged the convention would be “a messy week,” representing a “shock to the system of a pro-life party.”
Jowl Liberman is pretty hard to look at and McCain has gotten pretty creepy to look at but did used to be a pretty handsome guy.

Lucky for them I dont vote on looks but unlucky for them their policies are out of line with the American puplic.
Jowl Liberman is pretty hard to look at and McCain has gotten pretty creepy to look at but did used to be a pretty handsome guy.

Lucky for them I dont vote on looks but unlucky for them their policies are out of line with the American puplic.

Ok, but forget about voting on good looks or lack thereof. Imagine it's 2am and your door bell rings. Disorientated, groggy, and apprehensive, you peek through the glass pane to see these two standing there with those same smiles on their faces. Do you let them in or frantically dial 911?
If I'm going by straight nausea, Lieberman makes me sicker than anyone in politics right now; more than Bush, more than Cheney.

I blame the latter 2 for much, much more, and they'll always have a special place reserved as far as hatred & disgust goes, but Lieberman is tops when it comes to just simply making me sick...
Looks like two peas in a pod to me...the body snatchers Cheney and Bush!
Actually darla, if youre speaking of the Christian base they will turn out in droves to vote for one of god's chosen people. Christian Churches have become bastions of zionism and Jew worship.