

Whenever I suggest something radical like, for instance, not removing suffrage for life from people convicted of felonies, I'm often met with intelligent replies such as "ZOMG why do you love rapists and murders?!?1"

Well alrighty then.

Let's give suffrage back to felons, except for rapists and murderers. That should take care of about 0.01% or so of the people currently denied suffrage.
All felons are lunatic right wingers.
Jack Abramoff is a felon.
Therefore Jack Abramoff is a lunatic right winger.

And what's more the bastard should never be able to vote again simply because he is a lunatic right winger.
I believe it is a state by state thing. Some states do in fact allow felons to vote after they have served their time.
I believe it is a state by state thing. Some states do in fact allow felons to vote after they have served their time.


I think about half of states do. However, I was talking about places, like my state, where 25% of the black male population is denied suffrage, usually for crimes like "felony check fraud".