Am I the most-mentioned poster on JPP?


Oderint dum metuant
I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:
I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:

366 threads with Retarded Asshole in the title? Awesome!!! Gotta link to a few?

BTW, you forgot to ban dozens of members like you usually do on your threads. IMO, it's a pussy move to ban dozens of people from a thread. Gutless, cowardly shit, you know. Same for those sock puppet assholes.
What does it mean when you keep thread banning the same posters over and over so you can hear yourself talk?

I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:

Either because you got the most names, post to yourself the most, or are the Lloyd Christmas of the forum, I'm betting all three
Heh, heh.

I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:

You definitely ARE. You're obviously hitting a nerve and setting off the moronic liberal lunatics that post on here. Great work!
I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:

if you count all your socks you also have the most posts of any other poster on, it would only be logical......
I think it's possible.

I just found 366 threads that mentioned me in their titles, and that doesn't include the thousands of threads that were lost in the Great Database Dump that erased over a year's worth of JPP history.

What do you suppose this means? :thinking:

That you are In Love with yourself. (?)

Quote Originally Posted by Steven VanderMolen View Post
You definitely ARE. You're obviously hitting a nerve and setting off the moronic liberal lunatics that post on here. Great work!

You're such a naive newbie. Legion is a pure troll and he doesn't have a side. All he does is go for the easier troll opportunity. Apparently, he will switch sides on occasion. Since Trump has a troll effect to start with that is like a troll version of a performance-enhancing drug. Best not to encourage him.