Amazing how easy it is to predict the lefts next move isnt it ?


Well-known member
Do you know why that is? Its because they are little more than trained monkeys. They do as trained to do, actual THINKING involved. Here is a post of mine that I put in just days before the pitiful " weird meme" was began. I detailed exactly to the t how this all works. Only thing I didnt include in the detailing of the program of how this all works is WHEN exactly their marching orders get issued. It is EXACTLY at 4 AM Eastern. Dont ask me how I know.... ;) The other thing is something anyone with half a brain cell SHOULD KNOW is that the DNC isnt even close to the highest authority,...nowhere near in fact. They take their marching orders from MUCH higher up and are just package boys as well. If you follow along the thread I am going to post you will even see multiple LWers come in and deny that this is how it works,....then of course turn around and do EXACTLY what I said they would do just a couple days later.....:laugh: yet ANOTHER reason to simply point and LAUGH at these little trained monkeys.

Here is the post......

"Here is the step by step procedure these dumb fucks go by ........

Step 1......The party heads give the marching orders to the left wing media about what narrative they want pumped out 24/7.

Step 2.....The complicit and subordinate LW media gets right to business of narrative creation....

Step 3......Lwers watch the LW media and after a matter of a few short days they know too what narrative they are supposed to push in their inner and outer every day circles...

Step 4.....Matters not how absurd the narrative is,.. or how much of a complete and total reversal of everything they literally just got done saying,....they will gleefully stop on a dime and spout the exact opposite of what they have been and they will do it shamelessly. Facts do not matter to them whatsoever,....its all about telling bigger and bolder lies in such a way as to control the narrative. They will simply just PRETEND they never said any of those earlier things and act as if it never happened."

And here is the link......
We dont "WIN" by attempting to win them over. In fact it is quite the opposite. We WIN by simply letting them BE THEM. Wind them up and let them go, then sit back and watch the a kids toy. Kids WILL BE KIDS,....thats what they do. And as we all KNOW,....there is no greater collection of uncontrollable little children then the American left. You lay a pistol on the table and simply leave the room..... :) Game over. You hand out the rope and watch them hang THEMSELVES. Happens EVERY SINGLE TIME...;)
Dont fight issues like defunding the police. Instead ALLOW it to happen. Hell,....join in even...:) When the eventual starvation and devastation of the area comes,...too bad, got what you wanted, cope bitches. ;) The John Galt plan is VERY effective if allowed to come to fruition. Good for just about any issue as well.
Lastly.........what do small children want ? They want to have fun. They want to play, they want to cause havoc among their siblings and peers and generally just live care free lives to do as they wish with NONE of the responsibilities that the actual adults take care of. They want to do as they wish when they want,....but also not carry any burden of responsibility. And who can blame them,...they are just KIDS after all. Kids dont worry about housing themselves, feeding themselves, providing health care for themselves or any of the other major things Humans need to survive , instead they are DEPEN DENT on the adults to supply those needs. Now,....what is it that the left wants here in our country? They want dependence. Dependence on Govt supplied housing, healthcare, food, college, grants, zero punishment for crimes like retail theft, defunding of police, free loans, bennies like cell phones and free internet access,....the list goes on and on. All this while living a care free life doing whatever they feel like doing. Do you get where I am going with this? Do you understand why so many people call the American left,... Kids, unruly little snowflake kids at that? You shouldnt. Thats EXACTLY what they are. Fuckum.......let them BURN.
Do you know why that is? Its because they are little more than trained monkeys. They do as trained to do, actual THINKING involved. Here is a post of mine that I put in just days before the pitiful " weird meme" was began. I detailed exactly to the t how this all works. Only thing I didnt include in the detailing of the program of how this all works is WHEN exactly their marching orders get issued. It is EXACTLY at 4 AM Eastern. Dont ask me how I know.... ;) The other thing is something anyone with half a brain cell SHOULD KNOW is that the DNC isnt even close to the highest authority,...nowhere near in fact. They take their marching orders from MUCH higher up and are just package boys as well. If you follow along the thread I am going to post you will even see multiple LWers come in and deny that this is how it works,....then of course turn around and do EXACTLY what I said they would do just a couple days later.....:laugh: yet ANOTHER reason to simply point and LAUGH at these little trained monkeys.

Here is the post......

"Here is the step by step procedure these dumb fucks go by ........

Step 1......The party heads give the marching orders to the left wing media about what narrative they want pumped out 24/7.

Step 2.....The complicit and subordinate LW media gets right to business of narrative creation....

Step 3......Lwers watch the LW media and after a matter of a few short days they know too what narrative they are supposed to push in their inner and outer every day circles...

Step 4.....Matters not how absurd the narrative is,.. or how much of a complete and total reversal of everything they literally just got done saying,....they will gleefully stop on a dime and spout the exact opposite of what they have been and they will do it shamelessly. Facts do not matter to them whatsoever,....its all about telling bigger and bolder lies in such a way as to control the narrative. They will simply just PRETEND they never said any of those earlier things and act as if it never happened."

And here is the link......
Wow! Realizing the buffoon, Trump, is going to lose in November really is getting to you, Stone.

Stop worrying. Hearing the words, "Madam President" is not going to hurt too much.
As I detailed in my earlier posts, children they just PRETEND and move on. Too funny! Actually, WEIRD and FUNNY!

I detailed EVERYTHING just days before,...then they did EXACTLY just as I detailed they would. Dealing with little kids has never been exactly rocket science. :laugh:

You are happy...and laughing. (Although what you had to say in your OP seems to indicate the laughing is forced...ya know, like an actor could do.

And I am happy...and laughing.


Get your excuses and accusations worked out. You're gonna need 'em in shortly after November 5th.