Amazon Good Reads forum posters

For the love of all that is pure and holy and rational with good will towards men

Please stop your incessant OLD board drama. I don't why you guys come to a new board simply to carry on the same shit from a board you already exist on?

I mean really, why join this board if you mostly keep up your old feds? Is the board closed? Do you just enjoy going to someone else's board and continuing your internet fights across the political boards?

I'm sure there are bitch fest boards for you.
You'd have to kill Bowel Woman first.

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Maybe we should just let nature take care of itself...

For the love of all that is pure and holy and rational with good will towards men

Please stop your incessant OLD board drama. I don't why you guys come to a new board simply to carry on the same shit from a board you already exist on?

I mean really, why join this board if you mostly keep up your old feds? Is the board closed? Do you just enjoy going to someone else's board and continuing your internet fights across the political boards?

I'm sure there are bitch fest boards for you.

Or at least contain themselves in moronic threads like this...
I saw that disgusting thing...(he's losing it...I'm not on the ban list, but I think I'll pass...even though it's a wildly popular thread...)

Lost "it"? I doubt he's ever had "it." But yeah, I'm banned, nothing new there. And speaking of maggots, the thread attracts likenesses, doesn't it?
Lost "it"? I doubt he's ever had "it." But yeah, I'm banned, nothing new there. And speaking of maggots, the thread attracts likenesses, doesn't it?

I love the way that Bowel Woman and Jaded Drag Queen have banned me, no problem with that per se, yet will venture into my threads whenever the mood takes them. Truly odious creatures, they deserve each other.