Amazon & The Standard Oil Trust


Verified User

I see no difference between Amazon’s tactics and Standard Oil’s:

Amazon Demands One More Thing From Some Vendors: A Piece of Their Company
By Dana Mattioli
June 29, 2021 8:01 am ET

I would not legislate against the Amazon Trust if real competition in retail outlets is the goal. I would repeal the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment.

Make no mistake about this. Competition is the bane of wealth. The wealthiest American parasites make their fortunes off the income tax by eliminating competition.

Not one wealthy tax dollar parasite ever made a contribution to mankind or to civilization. They take and take. Oddly enough, welfare state mothers increase their tax dollar incomes by squatting and dropping another gump every year.

NOTE: Eliminating competition caused most of the wars in history —— i.e., one religion killing a competitor to acquire the customers and property of a defeated religion. Christians and Muslims are going down the same path although I am not sure which one started the war.

If there is any truth to reincarnation John D. Rockefeller, Sr. surely came back as

A flywheel is really just a heavy wheel. Because it’s so heavy, it’s hard to push—but once it gets spinning, all that weight helps it build momentum, and more momentum, ever faster. Low prices draw customers in, which provides Amazon with more data, more bargaining power, more market share, and more advantageous economies of scale, which then allows it to gobble up more businesses, grow its footprint, build more warehouses, increase selection, and lower prices even more—which then draws even more customers in. “We look for virtuous cycles everywhere,” Jeff Wilke, Amazon’s former CEO of consumer business, said in a 2012 company meeting. “Things that are complete, closed loop, and that as you inject energy into each piece of them, the flywheel spins faster and faster.” The idea, he said in the meeting, was originally written on a napkin by Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO. “That napkin will eventually be in the Smithsonian Institution, I imagine,” he added. It should be.

Cancel Amazon Prime
The subscription service is Amazon’s greatest—and most terrifying—invention.
By Ellen Cushing
June 22, 2021

Let me close with an observation. Jeff Bezos never gave anyone a dime.

John D. Rockefeller – The Man Who Gave Away Shiny New Dimes
June 2, 2012
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