America: Land of the Socialists


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Since he took office Joe Bribe-n has been hell-bent on turning our capitalist nation into a socialist one.

First, Bribe-n proposed socialist legislation like "Build Back Better," supported the "Green New Deal," and signed into law the "Inflation Reduction Act." What's the common theme in all of these? They raise taxes by the TRILLIONS and even more to our national debt.

Then, Bribe-n and his cronies launched attacks against free speech, responsible gun owners, parents of school children, and our Constitution. History shows us repeatedly that the first step to socialism is the suppression of free speech, the disarming of the populace, and the abandonment of a country's ideals and principles.

Now, Bribe-n is punishing Americans with GOOD credit by forcing them to subsidize future homebuyers with BAD credit. How has our country fallen so far that those hardworking Americans (not the liberal elites) trying to buy a home now have to pay not only for theirs but also for homes for the lazy as well, or for any young-lazy potential Democrat.
Since he took office Joe Bribe-n has been hell-bent on turning our capitalist nation into a socialist one.

First, Bribe-n proposed socialist legislation like "Build Back Better," supported the "Green New Deal," and signed into law the "Inflation Reduction Act." What's the common theme in all of these? They raise taxes by the TRILLIONS and even more to our national debt.

Then, Bribe-n and his cronies launched attacks against free speech, responsible gun owners, parents of school children, and our Constitution. History shows us repeatedly that the first step to socialism is the suppression of free speech, the disarming of the populace, and the abandonment of a country's ideals and principles.

Now, Bribe-n is punishing Americans with GOOD credit by forcing them to subsidize future homebuyers with BAD credit. How has our country fallen so far that those hardworking Americans (not the liberal elites) trying to buy a home now have to pay not only for theirs but also for homes for the lazy as well, or for any young-lazy potential Democrat.

Here is it how it happened. First leftists infiltrated journalism and education. Then VERY patiently over the course of many decades they went about dumbing down students. They discouraged independent thought and pushed group speak. We see the fruits of it. Their leader even says you ain't black if you don't support me. Identity dictates your beliefs not your mind. Students were told what to think by the "experts" because they are after all, "experts". That's why we now have credentialism. There is a sitting supreme court justice who can't tell us what a woman is. Why? She said she isnt a biologist. And of course "journalism" is now the propaganda arm of the socialist I mean democrat party. People have been made stupid and toldd they need experts to tell them what's good for them.
We haven't even started to delve into that stuff here in America, so quit crapping yourself over nothing. We haven't even reached European nation's level of social democracy. Quit being paranoid.
America: Land of the Socialists

True but this didn't start with Biden, this has been going on for over a century in this country. Read up on Fabian Socialism.
Since he took office Joe Bribe-n has been hell-bent on turning our capitalist nation into a socialist one.

First, Bribe-n proposed socialist legislation like "Build Back Better," supported the "Green New Deal," and signed into law the "Inflation Reduction Act." What's the common theme in all of these? They raise taxes by the TRILLIONS and even more to our national debt.

Then, Bribe-n and his cronies launched attacks against free speech, responsible gun owners, parents of school children, and our Constitution. History shows us repeatedly that the first step to socialism is the suppression of free speech, the disarming of the populace, and the abandonment of a country's ideals and principles.

Now, Bribe-n is punishing Americans with GOOD credit by forcing them to subsidize future homebuyers with BAD credit. How has our country fallen so far that those hardworking Americans (not the liberal elites) trying to buy a home now have to pay not only for theirs but also for homes for the lazy as well, or for any young-lazy potential Democrat.

Build Back Better is the infrastructure bill that Repubs have promised to do for decades. Any Taxes raised are for corporations and the extremely wealthy who have had their taxes cut over and over since Reagan.
You have no idea what socialism is. It is just a label you pin on anything right wing news tells you is wrong.
Build Back Better is the infrastructure bill that Repubs have promised to do for decades. Any Taxes raised are for corporations and the extremely wealthy who have had their taxes cut over and over since Reagan.
You have no idea what socialism is. It is just a label you pin on anything right wing news tells you is wrong.

No fella, you obviously have no idea what socialism is, or that the dem party is fully engrossed in every disastrous action of socialism.
Who do you suppose are paying the taxes need in the trillions to support the Build Back Better, the Green New Deal and the Inflation
Reduction Act that the dems have levied on Americans? Are those trillions of taxes being raised for corporations and the wealthy, or for
the corporations and the wealthy?
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... this has been going on for over a century in this country. Read up on Fabian Socialism.

The Fabian Society, founded 1884, is a British organization whose purpose is to advance social democracy by reformist activity rather than by revolutionary overthrow.
It is affiliated to the British Labour Party.

An American Fabian Society was established in 1895. It lasted less than a decade.
No fella, you obviously have no idea what socialism is, or that the dem party is fully engrossed in every disastrous action of socialism.
Who do you suppose are paying the taxes need in the trillions to support the Build Back Better, the Green New Deal and the Inflation
Reduction Act that the dems have levied on Americans? Are those trillions of taxes being raised for corporations and the wealthy, or for
the corporations and the wealthy?

I do know what it is. You are other trumplestilskins have no idea what it is. Because you have no knowledge of what it is. You low-level rightys throw the term around wrongly and stupidly. But since other rightys are as knowledgeable as you are, they buy it.