American Black Voters Solidarity Movement


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I humbly stand before you today, to introduce...

The American Black Voters Solidarity Movement and the principles on which it stands:

0] All people, regardless of history or minority/majority status, have a right to gather, discuss, and politically advocate the interests of their race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences. Advocating the Interests primarily means seeking to insure truly EQUAL treatment. Advocating the Interests does NOT include asking for or demanding special preferences, treatment, set-asides, payments, benefits, advantages, reparations or exemptions.

1] No group in America should be given special government or policy preference or deference based on race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences. Affirmative Action was and is a great injustice and needs to END.

2] No Elected Politician, appointed government office holder, or public employee shall be beyond criticism for job performance, up to and including termination, or above the Law, up to and including prosecution and imprisonment by using accusation of discrimination as a distraction, excuse, intimidation, or justification for their actions and behaviors. “You’re a Racist” is NOT a valid defense.

3] In those situations where race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences must be considered by law, such as hate crime penalties, discrimination lawsuits, or diversity quotas, those laws should crafted and be enforced equally in both directions. i.e. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO MANY Blacks, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO FEW. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO FEW Whites, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO MANY!

4] No use of ethnic slurs, epithets, derogatory slang or abusive language against any person of ANY race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preference will be tolerated without loud and persistent objection.

5] No threat or act of violence, intimidation, illegal coercion, slander, or persecution will ever be used to pursue the above goals. We will simply agree to VOTE as a BLOC to remove those who oppose our goals and replace them with better people.

It should be noted that these principles do NOT involve any bias toward or against any particular race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preference, so effectively; dedication to the American Black Voters Solidarity Movement (pronounced “AbVism”) is also deciding to join a similarly defined:

American White Voters Solidarity Movement
American Latino Voters Solidarity Movement
American Native Voters Solidarity Movement
American Asian Voters Solidarity Movement

Armenian Trans-Gendered Gay, Tree Hugging, Squirrel Hunting, Toad Licking, Atheist, Hamster Lovers, Flat Earth Evolutionist Solidarity Movement…

We only put the term “Black” in the title, because it is recognized by our members that currently it is White Americans who lack the protections and rights given, in large part BY White Americans, to all others, but not yet fully granted to White Americans themselves.

We are grateful for the changes that Whites made in American society, to our great benefit, and want to extend those same benefits to the White Americans currently being denied.

This Movement is designed to END the use of Race in American Politics.

To Fix America's Race Problem, we have to take the Profit out of playing racial politics.

Right now, and for the last thirty years, mainly wealthy white aristocrats have been RAIDING lower and middle class whites of LOOT consisting of opportunities consisting of Jobs, Loans, Scholarships, Promotions, Retentions ( instead of Layoffs), Admissions, Grades, and then Re-Distributing that LOOT for their own personal political power and enrichment.

The only way to break the cycle of Racism in America is to take away the Profits that keep it going!

Well, we are a small segment of Black Americans who have the character and courage to demand that we stop receiving the LOOTS.

White Americans need to find the Pride, Purpose and Passion to stand up and DEMAND true EQUALITY and Civil Rights!

But those demands will be completely hollow without a STICK.

That STICK is for all Americans who advocate racial equality to begin Bloc Voting!

If you despise Race Card Politics, the way to get rid of it will never be to try to give Whites, or Blacks or Latinos or Women, or Gays, or.... Whatever special interest group, you just can’t give enough LOOT to satisfy.

The more Loot you Re-distribute, the more they think they want and deserve. That's a Black Hole you can NEVER Fill.

The way to stop Racial Politics is to take the PROFITS for anyone out of it, by grouping together to demand absolutely EQUAL treatment and Civil Rights for ALL, including White Americans.

It is within ALL Americans Power and I state that it is their Responsibility to END Racial Politics in America, by simply demanding EQUALITY.

We Join the American Black Voters Solidarity Movement to END the double standards.

One Law, One Country, One Standard!​

Who will have the courage and character to join our movement?

