American energy is essential to global security, but Biden undermines us at every turn


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American energy is essential to global security, but Biden undermines us at every turn

Around the world, America is in retreat. Recognizing weakness, our enemies are emboldened and taking advantage of the vacuum of leadership in the Oval Office. The Russia-China-Iran axis seeks to undermine U.S.-led alliances and weaken American security. These regimes seek to collapse the confidence of societies that value freedom and national self-determination.

Ukraine is in a fight for its survival against an expansionist Russia that despises the West. China has clear goals of achieving technological supremacy over the West in artificial intelligence and other areas. Iran directly attacks Israel, and its proxies attack the United States and threaten global shipping.

I was glad to see Congress approve critical military aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. However, charting a true course for American peace and security requires more than just military aid and preparedness: America’s strength abroad begins at home. And an essential component of that is energy.

Instead of supporting our economy and allies with domestic energy, the Biden administration is empowering America’s adversaries by stopping the future export of American liquefied natural gas (LNG).

When viable, shovel-ready projects, such as CP2 LNG in Louisiana, are needlessly being delayed by the administration’s illegal export moratorium, our adversaries cash in. For Russia alone, this will be a stimulus to the tune of billions of dollars to line Russian President Vladimir Putin’s pockets. By the same token, Iran will use the financial boost to undermine Israel and the United States.

While President Joe Biden delivers an energy victory to Putin by hamstringing U.S. exporters, he is also helping Beijing gain ground in the race for superiority in artificial intelligence, or AI. As the Wall Street Journal recently reported, America does not have enough energy to power planned investments in advanced manufacturing, cloud computing and AI. While the Biden administration touts these investments, its anti-energy policies set them up for failure.

Biden’s LNG export ban is just one example of recent attacks on American energy. There are plenty more. Consider his EPA’s revival of the failed Obama Clean Power Plan, a disastrous climate-change policy designed to close power plants that run 24-hours, 7-days a week, —threatening blackouts across the country. ....

When our allies cannot depend on the US for energy they turn to places like Russia and Iran. Not a good thing. LNG exports help our trade balances and provide jobs for Americans producing clean burning energy.