American Evangelism Looks Like an Apocalyptic Death-Cult

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Yes the white christian death cult

no, no mental health problems there :palm:

End-times Christians are set on a timeline in which every Jewish person in the world (yes all of them) return to Jerusalem and we see the start of WWIII in which every country attacks Israel for some reason or whatever, and God takes every Christian and child to heaven to escape the next seven years of tribulation and horror. This is referred to often by right-winged evangelicals as the “rapture.” So to answer the question of why Jerusalem is so important to the religious right, many American Evangelicals ascribe to the idea that not only is this a herald of the promised end times, but that it puts America on the right side of the coming conflict.

The promise of a doomed world, an apocalyptic future in which they escape while their enemies remain behind to suffer, is a cruel vision more reminiscent of a doomsday cult than the typical image of a happy Sunday School bible lesson. Watching the religious right cheer a blundering political move that is certain to bring harm and bloodshed, I am reminded of their true motives. They don’t actually care about the people or state of Israel and certainly not those suffering in Palestine. If they actually cared about the plight of Jewish people they wouldn’t still be praising and defending the actions of literal nazis and anti-semites in their circles. Instead, they’re holding up their books of prophecy like a religious bingo card, eager to set the ball rolling on the apocalypse.
Yes the white christian death cult

no, no mental health problems there :palm:

End-times Christians are set on a timeline in which every Jewish person in the world (yes all of them) return to Jerusalem and we see the start of WWIII in which every country attacks Israel for some reason or whatever, and God takes every Christian and child to heaven to escape the next seven years of tribulation and horror. This is referred to often by right-winged evangelicals as the “rapture.” So to answer the question of why Jerusalem is so important to the religious right, many American Evangelicals ascribe to the idea that not only is this a herald of the promised end times, but that it puts America on the right side of the coming conflict.

The promise of a doomed world, an apocalyptic future in which they escape while their enemies remain behind to suffer, is a cruel vision more reminiscent of a doomsday cult than the typical image of a happy Sunday School bible lesson. Watching the religious right cheer a blundering political move that is certain to bring harm and bloodshed, I am reminded of their true motives. They don’t actually care about the people or state of Israel and certainly not those suffering in Palestine. If they actually cared about the plight of Jewish people they wouldn’t still be praising and defending the actions of literal nazis and anti-semites in their circles. Instead, they’re holding up their books of prophecy like a religious bingo card, eager to set the ball rolling on the apocalypse.

1. You are saying that Christian evangelicals are as fucked up as the Judaic death cultists.
2. Fuck Israel.
3. "The Jews don't need Israel; they already have New York." Noam Chomsky (Jew)
1. You are saying that Christian evangelicals are as fucked up as the Judaic death cultists.
2. Fuck Israel.
3. "The Jews don't need Israel; they already have New York." Noam Chomsky (Jew)

Now, now, Controlled Opposition. Let's be supportive of Miss juno.
I think she will be comforted to know that the Mormons here in the US are Baptizing the deceased Jews into Jesus-loving Christians.
Now, now, Controlled Opposition. Let's be supportive of Miss juno.
I think she will be comforted to know that the Mormons here in the US are Baptizing the deceased Jews into Jesus-loving Christians.

Thanks for reminding me that upon my death, I will have been double baptized. The Presbyterians did it without my consent because I was an infant. When I die, the Mormons will do it again, against my will.

The good thing is that anyone can get into Presbyterian heaven. Tranquillus in Exile can get into Presbyterian heaven. Even if we don't want to be there. To me, heaven sounds like eternal boredom.
Thanks for reminding me that upon my death, I will have been double baptized. The Presbyterians did it without my consent because I was an infant. When I die, the Mormons will do it again, against my will.

The good thing is that anyone can get into Presbyterian heaven. Tranquillus in Exile can get into Presbyterian heaven. Even if we don't want to be there. To me, heaven sounds like eternal boredom.

hahahaha Funny.
Based upon the wedding I attended this past November in San Diego, with a Jewish bride, I'd say there's at least a few dozen Jews residing in SoCal who do not intend to move to Israel anytime soon.
Yes the white christian death cult

no, no mental health problems there :palm:

End-times Christians are set on a timeline in which every Jewish person in the world (yes all of them) return to Jerusalem and we see the start of WWIII in which every country attacks Israel for some reason or whatever, and God takes every Christian and child to heaven to escape the next seven years of tribulation and horror. This is referred to often by right-winged evangelicals as the “rapture.” So to answer the question of why Jerusalem is so important to the religious right, many American Evangelicals ascribe to the idea that not only is this a herald of the promised end times, but that it puts America on the right side of the coming conflict.

The promise of a doomed world, an apocalyptic future in which they escape while their enemies remain behind to suffer, is a cruel vision more reminiscent of a doomsday cult than the typical image of a happy Sunday School bible lesson. Watching the religious right cheer a blundering political move that is certain to bring harm and bloodshed, I am reminded of their true motives. They don’t actually care about the people or state of Israel and certainly not those suffering in Palestine. If they actually cared about the plight of Jewish people they wouldn’t still be praising and defending the actions of literal nazis and anti-semites in their circles. Instead, they’re holding up their books of prophecy like a religious bingo card, eager to set the ball rolling on the apocalypse.

Not believing you can go to heaven certainly makes Israelis happy go lucky people now doesn't it?