American Jews

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Republicans who claim that since ONLY Republicans care about Israel, then Jewish-Americans should automatically support them. This is very sloppy thinking. Most Jewish-Americans know that America will support Israel no matter which party is in control. Thus, other factors come into play. Consider the following:
1) Many (but by no means all) Republicans are evangelical Christians, and historically, they have not treated Jews well. The Jewish community has a long memory.
2) Jewish culture has a very strong tradition of community service and serving the poor. Hearing rhetoric from some Republicans about welfare cuts and reducing or removing community programs does not sit well.
3) Jewish culture also has an extremely strong tradition of valuing education, meaning that as a culture, American Jews tend to be very well educated. For reasons that can be argued in another post, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.
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People are free to vote however they wish. Regarding education, traditionally, Republicans won college educated voters and Democrats those without college degrees (the caveat there is Democrats won more of those with a Master's or beyond).

For a long time the Democratic base was labor unions and the working class. Republican supporters tended to be more the managerial class (hence the term Country Club Republicans).

That has changed in the past decade but historically the better educated you were the more likely you were to vote Republican.
Republicans who claim that since ONLY Republicans care about Israel, then Jewish-Americans should automatically support them. This is very sloppy thinking. Most Jewish-Americans know that America will support Israel no matter which party is in control. Thus, other factors come into play. Consider the following:
1) Many (but by no means all) Republicans are evangelical Christians, and historically, they have not treated Jews well. The Jewish community has a long memory.
2) Jewish culture has a very strong tradition of community service and serving the poor. Hearing rhetoric from some Republicans about welfare cuts and reducing or removing community programs does not sit well.
3) Jewish culture also has an extremely strong tradition of valuing education, meaning that as a culture, American Jews tend to be very well educated. For reasons that can be argued in another post, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.
1) Because some Republicans are evangelicals you don't like the Republican party.
2) Because some Republicans want to make the safety net programs less welfare and more workfare you don't like the Republican party.
3) Because you think Democrats are more educated you do not like the Republican party.
Republicans who claim that since ONLY Republicans care about Israel, then Jewish-Americans should automatically support them. This is very sloppy thinking. Most Jewish-Americans know that America will support Israel no matter which party is in control. Thus, other factors come into play. Consider the following:
1) Many (but by no means all) Republicans are evangelical Christians, and historically, they have not treated Jews well. The Jewish community has a long memory.
2) Jewish culture has a very strong tradition of community service and serving the poor. Hearing rhetoric from some Republicans about welfare cuts and reducing or removing community programs does not sit well.
3) Jewish culture also has an extremely strong tradition of valuing education, meaning that as a culture, American Jews tend to be very well educated. For reasons that can be argued in another post, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.

stupid Republicans expect loyalty.

The Zionist Christians are in for a rude awakening when they find out the chabad world order is that they will be beheaded if they don't renounce Jesus.

stupid Goyim.
Republicans who claim that since ONLY Republicans care about Israel, then Jewish-Americans should automatically support them. This is very sloppy thinking. Most Jewish-Americans know that America will support Israel no matter which party is in control. Thus, other factors come into play. Consider the following:
1) Many (but by no means all) Republicans are evangelical Christians, and historically, they have not treated Jews well.

Why aren't the Jews happy to be pawns in the "end-of-the-world" fantasies of the Evangelicals? I honestly think most Evangelicals care about the State of Israel so it will be a place where the end of the world plays out and the Jews being there is important in their eschatology.

The Jewish community has a long memory.
2) Jewish culture has a very strong tradition of community service and serving the poor. Hearing rhetoric from some Republicans about welfare cuts and reducing or removing community programs does not sit well.

The most pious Republican won't hear anyone tell them about the rules in the OT that command care for the poor.

Why aren't the Jews happy to be pawns in the "end-of-the-world" fantasies of the Evangelicals? I honestly think most Evangelicals care about the State of Israel so it will be a place where the end of the world plays out and the Jews being there is important in their eschatology.

The most pious Republican won't hear anyone tell them about the rules in the OT that command care for the poor.
Except gov't programs aren't the only way to care for the poor. Sure it can be a great virtue signal to show our supposed empathy but there are times these programs actually do more harm than good. But in the world of partisan politics and the quest for power results are often secondary, it's the 'goodness' of our intentions that matter.
Why aren't the Jews happy to be pawns in the "end-of-the-world" fantasies of the Evangelicals? I honestly think most Evangelicals care about the State of Israel so it will be a place where the end of the world plays out and the Jews being there is important in their eschatology.

The most pious Republican won't hear anyone tell them about the rules in the OT that command care for the poor.
are you aware that there are jews who want to reestablish the temple at al aqso with sacrifices and all, and legally establish the NOahide laws world wide?

the Chabad Lubavich organization talks about it the most probably.

I assume everyone's eschatology is up for discussion.
Except gov't programs aren't the only way to care for the poor.

Charities are incapable of meeting the needs. Study after study finds this. Charity programs are wonderful but insufficient. The only thing that can really move the needle is a coordinate common-weal.

Sure it can be a great virtue signal

Unlike the Republican voters, I put my money where my mouth is. I vote for tax increases ON MYSELF. Instead of just sitting around demonizing the poor and paying some lipservice to some "ideal" by plopping a couple bucks in the collection plate each Sunday I'm actually putting my own $$$ on the line for what I believe in.

to show our supposed empathy but there are times these programs actually do more harm than good.

Standard issue Right Wing Talking Point #45543. You guys live a world filled with nothing but lazy evil doers trying to get your money. The rest of us live in the real world.

But in the world of partisan politics and the quest for power results are often secondary, it's the 'goodness' of our intentions that matter.

I understand that Conservative Voters only like to TALK about Jesus. But really he would just be a virtue-signaling libtard to today's Conservatives.

Charities are incapable of meeting the needs. Study after study finds this. Charity programs are wonderful but insufficient. The only thing that can really move the needle is a coordinate common-weal.

Unlike the Republican voters, I put my money where my mouth is. I vote for tax increases ON MYSELF. Instead of just sitting around demonizing the poor and paying some lipservice to some "ideal" by plopping a couple bucks in the collection plate each Sunday I'm actually putting my own $$$ on the line for what I believe in.

Standard issue Right Wing Talking Point #45543. You guys live a world filled with nothing but lazy evil doers trying to get your money. The rest of us live in the real world.

I understand that Conservative Voters only like to TALK about Jesus. But really he would just be a virtue-signaling libtard to today's Conservatives.

Wow. Before I respond my I respectfully ask are you new here or did you post previously under a different name?
Wow. Before I respond my I respectfully ask are you new here or did you post previously under a different name?

Not sure how that relates to my point so I'm going to simply ignore the question. Thanks. If you are unable to address the point of the post then perhaps you should just leave it alone.
Not sure how that relates to my point so I'm going to simply ignore the question. Thanks. If you are unable to address the point of the post then perhaps you should just leave it alone.
It's relevant in that this board has had basically the same posters posting for a long period of time, so everyone pretty much 'knows' each other. And with the board being down some folks have come back with new names. I like to know who I'm talking to. And I'm guessing based on the hostility in your response, we have spoken before.
It's relevant in that this board has had basically the same posters posting for a long period of time, so everyone pretty much 'knows' each other. And with the board being down some folks have come back with new names. I like to know who I'm talking to. And I'm guessing based on the hostility in your response, we have spoken before.

You don't need to know anything like that to address my post. Again, if you can't or don't want to address the post and simply MUST know who I am then I am going to introduce you to one of life's sadder things: not getting what you want.

Address the point or go elsewhere.
It's relevant in that this board has had basically the same posters posting for a long period of time, so everyone pretty much 'knows' each other. And with the board being down some folks have come back with new names. I like to know who I'm talking to. And I'm guessing based on the hostility in your response, we have spoken before.
quit being such a fag.
as Hawkeye says, "buckle up".
In a prior life, I had been talking to this very attractive (Filipino) girl. It was the weekend of the Pride parade. She invited me to go a (gay) club after the parade with her (gay) male friend. Men do a lot of things to impressive women. In this case I went to a club where there were about 100 gay men, me and this girl. And she came home with me at the end of the night. I DGAF that it took that to make it happen.
Republicans who claim that since ONLY Republicans care about Israel, then Jewish-Americans should automatically support them. This is very sloppy thinking. Most Jewish-Americans know that America will support Israel no matter which party is in control. Thus, other factors come into play. Consider the following:
1) Many (but by no means all) Republicans are evangelical Christians, and historically, they have not treated Jews well. The Jewish community has a long memory.
2) Jewish culture has a very strong tradition of community service and serving the poor. Hearing rhetoric from some Republicans about welfare cuts and reducing or removing community programs does not sit well.
3) Jewish culture also has an extremely strong tradition of valuing education, meaning that as a culture, American Jews tend to be very well educated. For reasons that can be argued in another post, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic.

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered.
American Jews who vote for any democrats are dupes. Figure it out yet Guano?