American Taliban...Vote For Obama And You'll Roast In Hell!


Makes the ganglia twitch.
LMAO!!! Who the hell believes this crap?! :palm:

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire

Source: The Huffington Post

Mike Huckabee has a dire warning for Christians: When you vote on Nov. 6, hell's fire awaits, and a vote for President Barack Obama will not stand up to the flames.

In a new ad, the former Arkansas governor and ordained Southern Baptist minister warns Christians that their votes "will affect the future and be recorded in eternity" and they must cast a ballot that will "stand the test of fire." The video, entitled "Test of Fire," features symbolic fiery imagery and is narrated by Huckabee:

Christians across the nation will have an opportunity to shape the future for our generation and generations to come. Many issues are at stake, but some issues are not negotiable: The right to life from conception to natural death. Marriage should be reinforced, not redefined. It is an egregious violation of our cherished principle of religious liberty for the government to force the church to buy the kind of insurance that leads to the taking of innocent human life.

Your vote will affect the future and be recorded in eternity. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire? This is Mike Huckabee asking you to join me November the 6th and vote based on values that will stand the test of fire.

Huckleberry....what a hoot!!
My answer is he would support it. He and many like him want their own version of sharia law in this country. Don't like you they're on a mission.

I've always compared the radical xtian right to the taliban, they are very similar.
Who in a free democracy wouldn't laugh at radical religions telling their followers that if they exercise their free will and right to vote for who they want they will go to hell....who? No one in their right mind.

You'd do well to lay of the weed for a while and let your brain air out.
i would certainly laugh at them. but i wouldn't compare them to the taliban. huckabee is a nutter to say that. but like people who use the nazi comparison, it merely diminishes the true horror and evil the people you're comparing too when there is no evidence they have committed similar or same acts.

why not just call him a far right religious nut? i would agree with that.