American Taliban


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Screenshot 2024-06-07 064623.png


It is undeniable at this point that the political right (Magats) and the Supreme Court has been captured by an American Taliban, like movement, intent in imposing their own form of Theocratic state, which takes away the rights of women and PoC and imposes white christian male rule. Leonard Leo, states it clear states in his words and deeds, as he rallies a group of billionaires to this cause.


This election will determine whether America embraces a tilt into Taliban like theocracy or rejects it.


  • Screenshot 2024-06-07 065548.png
    Screenshot 2024-06-07 065548.png
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It is undeniable at this point that the political right (Magats) and the Supreme Court has been captured by an American Taliban, like movement, intent in imposing their own form of Theocratic state, which takes away the rights of women and PoC and imposes white christian male rule. Leonard Leo, states it clear states in his words and deeds, as he rallies a group of billionaires to this cause.


This election will determine whether America embraces a tilt into Taliban like theocracy or rejects it.
Someone sounds scared
View attachment 26831


It is undeniable at this point that the political right (Magats) and the Supreme Court has been captured by an American Taliban, like movement, intent in imposing their own form of Theocratic state, which takes away the rights of women and PoC and imposes white christian male rule. Leonard Leo, states it clear states in his words and deeds, as he rallies a group of billionaires to this cause.


This election will determine whether America embraces a tilt into Taliban like theocracy or rejects it.
no it won't.

there's a lot at stake, but theocracy is far off, unless you're in Hamtramck, Michigan.
Trumpys must have sore necks from constantly looking away when Trump shows who he is and it does not suit their beliefs. He has the religious right under his power. You would think, that to keep them aboard, he would go to church. He does not. The religious right is about money and power. They know Trump is not religious, perhaps an atheist. He has never attended church, except for photo ops and those are extremely rare. But they want the power they think he will give them. If they Trust Donald, they are making a bad mistake.
Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin recognized the modern Republican Party as the American Taliban at least ten years ago,
and I've been using the term ever since.

The oligarchs who actually run the party from behind the scenes
pander to the visible idiots in the party
who are theocrats and thus inferior, worthless people.

As a form of of life, the theocrat ranks with the terrorist, the scab, and the child molester.
About as low as you can get.