Americans chickens are coming home to roost

He was preaching about not taking an eye for an eye and randomly killing the innocent along with the guilty.

He was preaching about turning the other cheek and reaching out in love instead of violence.

You know the kind of stuff preachers are supposed to do?
I said I agreed with him, last week while taking a blistering barrage of fire from superfreak and damo who were gleefully pushing the story that this church was anti-american and racist.
Good for you Cy I think I was on the other site mostly last week.

I knew that they were probably out of context but had no way to prove it until now.
Most Americans are afraid to confront our own part in some of the violence directed against us. You saw what happened to Ron Paul in the GOP debates. Every time I would try to point to our history in the Middle East & it's effect on terrorism on the old board, SR would respond with, "Why do you hate America?"

It's a shame, because it prevents an honest discussion in this country on terrorism & foreign policy. We're making the same mistakes now that we have always made, and my kids will be less safe as a result, all because our patriotism is immediately attacked when we try to tell the truth.

It pisses me off.
I said I agreed with him, last week while taking a blistering barrage of fire from superfreak and damo who were gleefully pushing the story that this church was anti-american and racist.

Again, the king of lies spews forth yet another one.... again moron... either back that shit up or quit spitting out the same bullshit lies over and over again.

I stated that some of his comments were racist. They were. I never said his whole church was racist, I never said he was racist on the whole. Just that he had made some comments that were racist.

Now... either back your shit up or shut the fuck up. Because for someone who professes to hate liars, you sure do lie a lot.
Good for you Cy I think I was on the other site mostly last week.

I knew that they were probably out of context but had no way to prove it until now.

First, thanks for posting that Desh, while I don't agree with some of his points during that ten minute speech, it certainly was worth listening to and adds a new perspective.

The part about the self reflection at the end should certainly be shown at the minimum. I do agree that the chickens coming home to roost takes on a different context when shown in its entirety.

Personally, as I have mentioned many times before... which idiots like Cypress continue to ignore.... Obamas speech essentially addressed Wrights comments perfectly. But yet, for all the bitching about the "right" not letting this issue drop.... it seems many Dems on this cite are intent upon starting ten threads a day on the issue to bitch about not letting the issue drop.
No its about putting it in perspective.

Im glad you now agree that Cypress was right.

Don't start with more bullshit Desh. Cypress is not "right". He has consistently lied about my position on this and many other issues.

The sermon you posted gives a new perspective to come of his comments. But it does not change the fact that some of his other comments were indeed racist. Did you happen to read Obamas speech? Especially the part where he discussed Wrights comments? He addressed it quite well and shows that Cypress was 100% wrong.

This was not "fear of an angry black man" as Cypress continues to try and paint it. This was about very divisive and sometimes racist comments that Wright made. People wanted to know where Obama stood on such comments and Obama answered that in the speech.