Americans Don’t Want a Divided Federal Government


Makes the ganglia twitch.
The obstructionists unintended (or intended?) consequences....

The huge growth in support for one-party rule comes primary from a big surge in Democrats who want one party rule, but is also due in part to a solid reduction in the number of Independents who think divided government is good for the country. I suspect this has a lot to do with the terrible relationship between President Obama and the Republican controlled House. The inability to get anything done seems to have convinced a large section of the electorate that divided government doesn’t produce bipartisan compromise, only gridlock.

This could have real implications in Congressional and Senate races. For example, you have Scott Brown trailing in the Massachusetts Senate race primarily because of his party label, despite having one of the best personal favorability ratings in politics.

It will be interesting to see if this results in a significant reduction in split ballot voting this cycle. A solid Obama win, or even the widely held impression that Obama is going to win, could have a bigger coattail effect this year than in past elections.
Do you change your name weekly? You're a moderator?? Wow...your level of participation is that of a three year old. You don't read or comprehend well do you! LMAO
Do you change your name weekly? You're a moderator?? Wow...your level of participation is that of a three year old. You don't read or comprehend well do you! LMAO

Is there a problem with me changing my name?

And I guess I misinterpret the desire for 1 party rule to mean 1 party rule. Might be the 1st sentence in the quote that says "The huge growth in support for 1 party rule..."
If they don't want divided government then how do you explain 2010? 2006?

the GOP had total control until 2006, voters said no thanks
the dems had total control until 2010, voters said no thanks

So I guess I should believe this poll rather than the results of actual elections? OK, the poll is right. The public wants the dems back in control. Lets see if you get your wish in November
38% of Americans are not a majority. The huge majority either doesn't care or wants divided government.
So lefties want fascist 1 party rule. Noted.

Fascists had only one legal party. Clearly, that is a different concept than a non-divided government.

Anyway, most democracies recognize it as a bad thing when two (or more) different parties with a large amount of differences both hold veto power. It can be downright dangerous. The problem hasn't been as bad in America until recently, but that's really because, for a long time, our parties were incredibly similar and often acted as basically a Republican-Democratic coalition. Now that they are more clearly coalescing along ideological grounds, we're in for some trouble.
If the parties can get along, it's a bad thing. It shows that our democracies not healthy, and that there's essentially no difference between any of the options. If they truly do get along, we effectively have a one party system.
Fascists had only one legal party. Clearly, that is a different concept than a non-divided government.

Anyway, most democracies recognize it as a bad thing when two (or more) different parties with a large amount of differences both hold veto power. It can be downright dangerous. The problem hasn't been as bad in America until recently, but that's really because, for a long time, our parties were incredibly similar and often acted as basically a Republican-Democratic coalition. Now that they are more clearly coalescing along ideological grounds, we're in for some trouble.

Since the 2000 election we've had on segment of the government gain the upper hand by abusing the rules and preventing/refusing any action. Then they point to the other side (Democrats) and blame them for not cooperating. The only way you can cooperate with the GOP is to allow them to dictate. That isn't governance, it's dictatorship.

I agree that there was a time, before the GOP became radicalized that it was possible to move forward and get things done in this country. Not any more...

Congress has something like a 12% approval rating due to the obstructionist policy of the right wing in this country. Because of that people would like to see Democrats in a large enough majority that they can overcome the right wings most recent ploy to gain control by obstructing with the need for super majorities etc. This is all well known.

We are entering our second decade with this kind of disfunction. I honestly don't see our infrastructure, green energy etc. being able to wait another decade. This is an important election and I hope soon that we can move beyond a two party system because this one has been abused to the point of being ineffective. Just to keep anyone from suggesting I'm talking about a one party rule, no I'm not. I'm talking about opening up our system to more people outside the duopoly.

The other problem is money in elections...we need to correct the constitution so it is clear that foreign governments, corporations (foreign and domestic) and billionaires can not buy our government. Our democracy is on the brink. Corporations are not people and dark money has corrupted our system.
Funny we got a poll saying the people don't want divided gubmint

You also see polls saying the American people want queer marriage

There were polls saying the American people wanted a President Kerry

But then Americans actually vote and queer marriage loses in 31 states, Kerry goes down in flames and in 2010 te American people fired the demalquedacrats