Americas chickens have come home to roost


Rev Wright was quoting this man when he said this in his sermon.
Edward L. Peck is a retired career United States diplomat who served thirty-two-years in the U.S. Foreign Service.

Edward Peck served as Chief of Mission in Baghdad (Iraq 1977 to 1980) and later held senior posts in Washington and abroad. He also served as a Foreign Service Officer in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt, and as Ambassador in Mauritania. At the State Department he served as Deputy Director of Covert Intelligence Programs, Director of the Office of Egyptian Affairs and as Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. He served as deputy director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism in the Reagan Administration. He is president of Foreign Services International, a consulting firm that works with governments, businesses and educational institutions across the world.
Oh but this guy has 32 years of middle east expertise and tried like hell to tell the American people before we went to Iraq that Bush's plan would be a huge disastor.

"He argued, in part, "when you take out Saddam Hussein, the key question you have to ask then is, what happens after that? And we don't have a clue. Nobody knows, but it's probably going to be bad. And a lot of people are going to be very upset about that, because that really is not written into our role in this world is to decide who rules Iraq." Peck has been highly critical of U.S. policy toward Israel, arguing through the Council for the National Interest (CNI) in which he plays an active role, that the U.S. should be more even handed in its Middle East policy. He argues that while Hezbollah could be considered a terrorist organization, it is no more terrorist than Israel or the U.S. itself. He supports a dialogue with Hezbollah. He claims that in 2000, at the Camp David talks, Israel offered the Palestinians "12 little Bantustans [see December 22 interview link below]." His speech was publicized in a documentary produced by If Americans Knew."
We had the same kind of response from our own government when people suggested that the London bombings may have had some vague connection with Iraq.

The government response -

"Terrorism existed before Iraq"

"Therefore Iraq played no part in the motivation for terrorist attacks"

"We can now sleep safer in our beds knowing that Saddam Hussein is not attempting to send his chemical/biological/nuclear collection to Britain. By the way watch out for the suicide bombers."

We know...we have no chickens...and even if we did we would not be training them with various counter-intelligence techniques, arming them with the latest surface-to-air weaponry and sending them out to combat perceived hostile regimes. Funny thing about chickens...the buggers keep coming back no matter how many times you get the CIA to tell them to "fuck off".
Thats what happens when you do more of the same thing that sarted AQ in the first place.

They knew it would do nothing to stop terrorism and inflate their ranks. They did not go to Iraq for anything but oil and money. They have already gotten what they wanted. Now the country will pay the price for generations to come.