America's Future Leaders


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America’s future leaders on college campuses everywhere.

Get your government Student Loan today and participate in learning the “American Way” as taught by your friendly communist American college professor.
Kids are getting smarter year to year.

While Young Republican clubs are dwindling away.

Let the record show that ole Howey promotes Gestapo Government as long as its leftist Gestapo Government.

Oh! Wait! We already knew that, huh?

There is a partisan logic to the Republican hostility to higher education: the well-educated — a reliable source of conservative support as recently as the 1980s — have been moving steadily toward the Democratic Party. In a head-to-head contest, a March 26 McClatchy-Marist Poll shows Romney ahead of Obama 47-42 among those without college degrees, while Obama leads Romney 51-42 among those with them. Similarly, those without college degrees lean toward voting for Republican congressional candidates 49-40, while those with them lean toward Democrats 46-44.

Not only are Democrats making gains among the better-educated, but these voters are becoming a larger share of the electorate. Exit polls show the growth of the college-educated voting bloc.
Evidence that the communist have done better infiltrating America’s colleges at the teaching level than the Fascist, huh? Are the traditional American patriots/constitutionalist long gone from America’s colleges? What does your poll say about that?

Sorry, but that's just a really bad question.

The poll was on college educated vs. not college educated.

You seem to be saying that being taught by communists makes people vote Democratic; and that therefore if people are voting Democratic, they must be being taught by communists.

That's illogical.
Republicans like to home school their children. That's like a drunk giving driving lessons. Of course, they like their kids uneducated so they can grow up to be bigoted, racist homophobes watching FOX news like the rest.
Evidence that the communist have done better infiltrating America’s colleges at the teaching level than the Fascist, huh? Are the traditional American patriots/constitutionalist long gone from America’s colleges? What does your poll say about that?
It says your a future ax murderer!
Sorry, but that's just a really bad question.

The poll was on college educated vs. not college educated.

You seem to be saying that being taught by communists makes people vote Democratic; and that therefore if people are voting Democratic, they must be being taught by communists.

That's illogical.

Actually the question was perfectly relevant to your alleged poll. If colleges graduate mostly democrat voters it’s perfectly reasonable to note that the teachers therein must be left-wing perpetrators of communist propaganda indoctrination since modern democrats and their political party are ardent supporters of the communist doctrine of “from each by their ability, to each by their need.” In other words, modern communism, i. e. “modern democrats.” is hardly any different than traditional communist socialism, i. e. The only real difference is modern communist/modern democrats have recognized that where there are actual democratic elections socialism must be achieved by bribery rather than the force of traditional communism. Thus the promotion from modern democrats is bribing the vote with socialist programming, i. e., socialist engineering.

Modern fascism, i. e. modern republicanism, i. e. neo-conservatism seeks to fashion a national society through militarism, religion-ism and world dominance and calls to patriotism.

It’s perfectly apparent that modern communism has won the day in the places of “supposed” higher learning, i. e., the graduating of a vast majority of neo-communist democrat voters and thereby pure idiots.

I was simply wondering if your alleged poll recognized the 3rd ideology, that being the true American patriots, the libertarians, (small l), the constitutionalist? I was wondering if their numbers in this modern day of political insanity were so small that they weren’t even noticeable, or if maybe the poll was attempting to simply cover up the fact that some actually still do exist?
Dems are richer, college grads are richer than neotools
Of course they vote dem.

Gee! That must explain all the fucking crooks on Wall Street, huh? No wonder they get socialist subsidies from their cronies in BIG crooked government, huh?