America's Hard Turn to the Left, about to go Further Left and No Room for Moderation


New member
Regardless of whether Obama or McCain gets in, this stat is important.

158 congressmen and senators had perfect zero ratings for how many times they voted for the Conservative side in votes last year.

Zero as in that's as far left as it is possible to be. Plenty more had ratings under 10.

Right now we have a Dem majority in both the house and senate BUT it is NOT a Liberal majority, just like we had a Repub majority before but never a Conservative majority.
After this election there will likely be a Liberal majority in both the house and senate, possibly even a fillbuster proof majority.

McCain has plenty of faults, but he represents your last chance to even have a single check on the Liberal majorities that are coming.
Regardless of whether Obama or McCain gets in, this stat is important.

158 congressmen and senators had perfect zero ratings for how many times they voted for the Conservative side in votes last year.

Zero as in that's as far left as it is possible to be. Plenty more had ratings under 10.

Right now we have a Dem majority in both the house and senate BUT it is NOT a Liberal majority, just like we had a Repub majority before but never a Conservative majority.
After this election there will likely be a Liberal majority in both the house and senate, possibly even a fillbuster proof majority.

McCain has plenty of faults, but he represents your last chance to even have a single check on the Liberal majorities that are coming.

I guess I understand why this sort of argument is being made since there is no positive reason to vote for John McCain. But if what you say is correct that a lot of liberals are being elected doesn't that simply mean that most Americans like voting for liberals?

I suppose it makes sense if the target audience is people that aren't likely to vote or people that are Republicans but hate John McCain but as a general message it doesn't work that well.
And how many congressman voted with the Republicans 100% of the time? Why aren't they considered loony radicals as well?

It's just a fact that people tend to vote with their party, besides conservative Democrats like Gene Taylor and people who just thoughtlessly push the no button at every vote like Ron Paul. Neither party is particularly radical, but it's notable that the Republican party has NO liberals, while the Democratic party has tons of conservatives.

Have ANY of the votes brought up before congress been "hard left" votes anyway? Not really. So it would be impossible to gauge those who simply have sense from those who are far left.
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And how many congressman voted with the Republicans 100% of the time? Why aren't they considered loony radicals as well?

It's just a fact that people tend to vote with their party, besides conservative Democrats like Gene Taylor and people who just thoughtlessly push the no button at every vote like Ron Paul. Neither party is particularly radical, but it's notable that the Republican party has NO liberals, while the Democratic party has tons of conservatives.

Have ANY of the votes brought up before congress been "hard left" votes anyway? Not really. So it would be impossible to gauge those who simply have sense from those who are far left.
61 Congressmen voted 100%.
The ratings that they use are also pretty dubious.

Dennis Kucinich, who is unarguably one of the most liberal members of congress, has a 10% rating, well below many far more moderate members. As I've said before, choosing who votes with their party is not necessarily the best way to say who's liberal or conservative. And a 0% rating from the ACU is the rating of a moderate in any case.
Tom Tancredo, who was told to "never darken the White House Doorstep" supposedly hits 100, I wonder what Bush's number would look like and what they use as criteria.
The ratings that they use are also pretty dubious.

Dennis Kucinich, who is unarguably one of the most liberal members of congress, has a 10% rating, well below many far more moderate members. As I've said before, choosing who votes with their party is not necessarily the best way to say who's liberal or conservative. And a 0% rating from the ACU is the rating of a moderate in any case.

The best way is still to judge people based on their actions.
For example in the Dem primary, Edwards, Hillary and Obama pretty much had an almost identical voting record yet when it came to election time. Hillary pretended to be the moderate, Edwards pretended to be the populist and Obama to his credit just went with being the regular Liberal. Most people pay attention to how they are portrayed or want to act, which is a shame because it's the actions that only really matter.
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I guess I understand why this sort of argument is being made since there is no positive reason to vote for John McCain. But if what you say is correct that a lot of liberals are being elected doesn't that simply mean that most Americans like voting for liberals?
No and nor I think does it mean they like voting for Conservatives, I think sadly most people just vote D or R based on the letter next to the candidate. They assume they get someone left or right based on that and the degree is determined by how they portray themselves and are portrayed in the media.
After 8 years of Republican rule, we need 8 years of Democratic rule. That should bring us back to dead center. :cof1:
No and nor I think does it mean they like voting for Conservatives, I think sadly most people just vote D or R based on the letter next to the candidate.

And why the hell shouldn't they?

Vote for the party, not the person. I may know Republicans that are pretty nice guys, but I'm not going to cast a vote for them. Even if they were more liberal than the Democrat I wouldn't vote for them. They bring the house one step closer to be controlled by rabid conservatives, and that's simply unacceptable, no matter how nice you are.
I guess I understand why this sort of argument is being made since there is no positive reason to vote for John McCain. But if what you say is correct that a lot of liberals are being elected doesn't that simply mean that most Americans like voting for liberals?

I suppose it makes sense if the target audience is people that aren't likely to vote or people that are Republicans but hate John McCain but as a general message it doesn't work that well.
These wingnuts just can't deal with the fact that mainstream Americans have rejected their extremism. Notice how bigots like King spew "Liberal" as a pejorative. Just scratch the term out and replace it with "Kike, Niger, Spick, Chink, Wingnut and you'll see what I mean! LOL
The ratings that they use are also pretty dubious.

Dennis Kucinich, who is unarguably one of the most liberal members of congress, has a 10% rating, well below many far more moderate members. As I've said before, choosing who votes with their party is not necessarily the best way to say who's liberal or conservative. And a 0% rating from the ACU is the rating of a moderate in any case.

Who really gives a shit about the Left/Right, Conservative/Liberal ideology shit? Read your Orwell and Machiavelli. It's just devide and conquer politics that politicians use on simple minded nitwits like King here.
Regardless of whether Obama or McCain gets in, this stat is important.

158 congressmen and senators had perfect zero ratings for how many times they voted for the Conservative side in votes last year.

Zero as in that's as far left as it is possible to be. Plenty more had ratings under 10.

Right now we have a Dem majority in both the house and senate BUT it is NOT a Liberal majority, just like we had a Repub majority before but never a Conservative majority.
After this election there will likely be a Liberal majority in both the house and senate, possibly even a fillbuster proof majority.

McCain has plenty of faults, but he represents your last chance to even have a single check on the Liberal majorities that are coming.

and what is your definition of the condservative side ? It is not voting with the majority of the Republicans that is for sure.
sort of like when bushco stole the 2000/2004 elections and took the nation to a radical swing to the right with little room for moderation or bipartisanship

i do not like these swings any more than you do

but we seem to be stuck with people entrenched as either mostly to the left or right - so politics in this nation resembles war
sort of like when bushco stole the 2000/2004 elections and took the nation to a radical swing to the right with little room for moderation or bipartisanship

i do not like these swings any more than you do

but we seem to be stuck with people entrenched as either mostly to the left or right - so politics in this nation resembles war

Well hold on here. Let's look at some facts.

Far right extremist like King are in no credible position to make claims that this nation is going to the far left with no moderation.

People like him are pure blinded partisans. The biggest socialist move in my life time has just been precipitated by the Bush administration, well ok when they do it it's a "Rescue Plan" or when they bail out Chrysler or grant farm subsides. Anything that would benefit you or I is leftist socialist extremism. So this hypocracy is the first point.

Second, he is correct when he says this nation is making a hard shift to the left in our government. That's because our Government is on the far extreme right and is moving back towards the center.

Third, where is the objective evidence that we are moving to the far left with out moderation. Just saying so may be ok for a right wing extremist like King. Chances are though, it's not the truth.

Fourth, the evidence for moderation is as plain as can be seen. The democrats have built a winning political coalition by being more inclusive by accepting moderates and right of center conservatives where as Republican party has become narrower and narrower and has excluded those who do not toe the far right extremist reactionary line.

Fifth, people like me, who were Republicans for over 20 years and left the party because of people like King, Webway, Dixie, Little Nut and the other extremist who took over the party is strong evidence that ole King here is completely full of shit.