An Answer to Two Knowledge-Seekers


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(This was Jarod's resposnse to the DOCUMENTED, TAPE-RECORDED STATEMENTS of William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn("We're going to KILL ALL THE RICH, and teach the CHILDREN to KILL THE PARENTS, YEAH!!"-Ayers), and "Within the next fourteen days, we will attack a symbol or institution of American of American injustice. And next week, families and tribes will attack the enemy around the country. We're not just attacking targets. We're bringing a pitiful, helpless giant to it's knees. Guard your planes, guard your colleges, guard your banks, guard your children, guard your doors"- Obama's Friends, Willie Ayers and his "moll", Bernadine Whore Dohrn, the 60's Terrorist Scum Losers.)

Wake me when Obama says he agrees with this stuff...!
Well, Jarod, we don't have to wake you, because it doesn't MATTER if B. Hussein Obama "agrees with this stuff". IT'S A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD!!! Call CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, whatever Liberal Source you LIKE. They will have to ADMIT, that THIS is what B.H. Obama's Good Friends SAID. As a matter of FACT, Ayers and Dohrn BRAGGED about the fact they not only SAID these Traitorous Statements during a Time of War (Death Penalty), but Ayers and Dohrn, B.Hussein Obama's "good neighbors and friends" BRAG ABOUT BOMBING THE PENTAGON, CAPITOL, NYPD HEADQUARTERS AND OTHER FED BUILDINGS, AND BRAG ABOUT GETTING AWAY WITH IT!

Are you STILL going to SLEEP, while B. Hussein Obama's Friends commit MORE Acts of War on the United States, and it's PEOPLE???
Coolest Member Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by Socrtease
So what do you all think, Latex or natural membrane condoms. I mean if you are not trying to prevent STD's the natural membrane ones seem better don't you think?

I'm going to go with latex or withdrawal method. No need to half-ass it. If you're going to be safe, be safe, if you're not, don't bother at all.
C'mon, now, "Lady" T, you KNOW that in YOUR line of "work", you can't advise your younger colleagues, under 50, any Dangerous Advice! You shouldn't even SAY the words "withdrawal method"! That's how lives come to a premature end! You should KNOW that, by now!
speaking of hemorrhoids, I needed advice. What's the best way to keep them clean after you do the doo?
One coworker suggested band-aid beforehand, but I'm just thinking that would get messy.

WOW! I guess I was wrong, thinking "Lady T" was TunaBooty! THAT chick was SO uptight, she would NEVER talk about condoms, ESPECIALLY the "female ones", haha!
As far as hemmoroids, luckil I've never had more than a slight itch. But if you truly have that problem, I feel for you. I wouldn't wish a bad case of those on my worst MAN enemy. Seek a Proctologist, or Seek a Nunnery!