An Attempt at Damage Control


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This is HILARIOUS! Now Obama is trying "The Crazy Uncle Defense"! He's making the rounds of freindly cable news(he STILL is afraid to go on Fox News, even though he broke his "promise" to do so OVER A YEAR AGO), NOW he's saying "I personally have never heard Rev.Wright SAY those things", and "Rev.Wright is like a family member, an uncle (insert Crazy Uncle here), who says things you don't agree with"(Really, Barack, even though we have heard over a dozen clips, now, FILLED with "White Hate", "America Hate", and the entire congregation was whipped up into a near-riot frenzy?) It's only a matter of TIME before someone brings out a PHOTO of Barack leaving the "United Church of Hate Whitey" on one of those days he says "I never heard that", it won't be long.

He should just come clean, ADMIT he's sat there, along with the hundreds of other "Let's Hate on the White Man" group! I heard again, this morning, about 5 NEW clips of "Rev.Wright". In THESE, he was saying, The White Opressor, the American Government LIED to us! They KNEW all about AIDS YEARS before! They didn't need to look where it came from, because they(the American Government) BROUGHT IT HERE, THEY SET IT LOOSE ON OUR POPULATION TO WIPE OUT BLACK PEOPLE, AND PEOPLE OF COLOR!"
And another gem, "I HATE it, when I hear about Black-on-Black Crime! Don't DO that, brothers! You're fighting the WRONG ENEMY! You shouldn't be attacking EACH OTHER, YOU SHOULD BE ATTACKING THEM!" (Meaning Whites, of course) And of course, the throng, what sounded like hundreds, ROARED their approval! Barack Obama tries to tell us he's a "New Breed" of politician.

He'sthe same, old, Anti-American Values, Ultra-Leftist Socialist with White hatred the the OTHER Afr.American Democrats put out, like Sharpton, Jackson, and Farrakhan. He's a LIAR. He thinks people are going to BELIEVE that a man goes to the SAME CHURCH for TWENTY YEARS, has his Marriage and child's Christening there, and has NEVER heard this Black Racist Reverend say these things, that he OBVIOUSLY says OFTEN, there are DOZENS of examples, now. And more will come out, before the election. They will KEEP coming out, until Barack FACES the truth that he KNEW, he HEARD, and he APPLAUDED. What will he say when a PHOTO comes out? :blowup:
Wall Street Journal today, Ronald Kessler: "'Obama and the Minister.' -- In a sermon delivered at Howard University, Barack Obama's longtime minister, friend and adviser blamed America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate president. The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., pastor of Mr. Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, gave the sermon at the school's Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel in Washington on Jan. 15, 2006. 'We've got more black men in prison than there are in college,' he began. 'Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse [Jackson] and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outside what she can give with her body.'" That's two years ago. "Mr. Wright thundered on: 'America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. ... We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers ... We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi ... We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.' His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, 'We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. ... We care nothing about human life if the end justifies the means...' Concluding, Mr. Wright said: 'We started the AIDS virus ... We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty...'

.......A lot of liberals won't bring this up, that Malcolm X (also Malcolm Little) said the very exact same thing as an open black separatist, before he made his pilgrimage to Mecca, and that caused his breakaway from the Nation of Islam, which inevitably led to his demise. So to have one with that type of radical mentality as an advisor, you know? I just don't know how people can say that they're advocating the love of Christ, but openly speaking about hate. RUSH: Yeah, I know. You know, we've had people call here today, they said, "Well, you just don't understand the black church, the context and experience." Well, that may be true, but you nailed it. I don't care. Preaching hate doesn't do anybody any good, any time. And you're right. I think there is an attempt here. This guy's clearly advocating separatism. This guy does not want any in his congregation to like white people, at all. He wants them to walk out of there hating white people. Now, you tell me how that's productive for anybody, particularly the country. And you tell me how in the world that comes from the Bible or from Christianity or any other religion, for that matter, but this guy is clearly advocating hatred and perhaps separatism. And, you know, Dr. King was all just the opposite. Dr. King was all about integration. You know, Brown vs. Board of Education was all about integration. Now it seems that so many of these civil rights leaders, be they pastors or what have you, are interested in separatism again, segregation. Even when integration laws allow the discrimination of the past to be forgotten and the college admissions or other clubs, they get inside and still have advocates and leaders suggesting that they segregate once they integrate.

This is why if you're a human being -- if you have any humanity about you at all, and if you have any appreciation for the greatness of this country -- the idea that you would rather have your flock or the people who are under your spell constantly poor, angry, filled with hatred and rage... I don't see the humanity in that. I just don't see it basic humanity in what Pastor Wright happens to be preaching. We've all got things that made us mad over our life. We've all had things that were unfair, every damn one of us. I know, "But, Rush, it happened because the skin color." I understand that. Progress is being made and has been made, lots of it. But despite that, everybody has some kind of an obstacle, and lots of them are unfair, and there are lots of people who face all kinds of discrimination on the basis of some other physical characteristic that they might have, not just the color of their skin. But there aren't whole industries that have been set up to establish -- for example, there is no civil rights group for the fat. There is no civil rights group for one-armed amputees living in SoHo in New York City
Do all you Liberal Obama Supporters KNOW that Oprah Winfrey was a member of this church once, and she QUIT the church, because she DIDN'T LIKE WHAT SHE WAS HEARING, FROM REV. WRIGHT! But Barack Obama is trying to take the "Clintonesqe" way out of his big problem- He's trying to LIE to the American People, and a STUPID lie, at that. Who in their right mind is going to believe, after hearing DOZENS of clips of Pure White Hatred, with the crowd cheering and chanting close to Riot Stage, that Barck, a Gold Member for over 20 years, married their, christen his child there, wrote a BOOK with "Rev. Wright", who's going to believe "I never heard him say that". A "New Breed" of Politician, indeed. We've never HAD a White-Hating President, before