An Example of Our Fine Citizens and Leaders


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Hey "superstar", is that picture with the U.S. flag YOU? You look just like Democrat U.S.Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, who asked NASA scientists in a TELEVISED HEARING, when the buggy lands on Mars, will we be able to see the UNITED STATES FLAG, THAT OUR ASTRONAUTS PLANTED THERE, IN THE 70'S? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha !

What a MORON, Hahaha! She even got the YEAR wrong!

You and Lady Teabag should get together, you can be a Lady Wrestling Team, "The Moron Twins", Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!:tongout:
from a site called, an African-American-run site, but her idocy, and facts about her are well-known.
On a visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Out in Sunnyvale California), Lee, a member of the House Science Committee's space subcommittee, asked if the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag Neil Armstrong planted there in 1969!>Hey dumbass, pick up a book on the freaking subject you committee on.<

Jackson-Lee is a disgrace to those of us living in Houston. She spoke at my son's JROTC year end ceremony last year and her entourage demanded she speak ahead of the other speakers, then she hightailed it out of there as soon as her very short, "I support the military" speech was over. Then she goes back up to DC to her out of Iraq caucus and her fellow idiots.

A) 2003- Jackson Lee said she was so impressed with Syrian President Bashar Assad during her visit that she invited him to speak in Texas, even though his country is designated by the United States as a rogue state and a sponsor of terrorism.
"I'm sure someone will write a headline, `Congresswoman invites a terrorist'," Jackson Lee said. "But that's not what I'm trying to do."
She said Assad showed his willingness to negotiate by meeting despite President Bush's signing on Friday of the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003, which could impose sanctions on Syria.
"He's a 39-year-old president who even gave us a picture of him and his children," Jackson Lee said. "Let's see what he can do. He's not his father," a reference to Hafez Assad, who ruled Syria with an iron grip for 30 years before his death in 2000.
>Violating the Logan Act before it was cool, take that Piglosi<

B) AP- CARACAS, Venezuela - A U.S. congresswoman called on the Bush administration Wednesday to reconsider its ban on selling parts for U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to Venezuela, urging improved ties between the two nations.
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, told reporters that she was making the first U.S. congressional visit to Venezuela since President Hugo Chavez's December re-election with the message: "I want an immediate repairing of the relations between the United States and Venezuela."
Jackson Lee described Venezuela as a friendly nation that the U.S. should cooperate with and said that the F-16 jets, which are built in Texas, was an issue of concern to her constituents in Houston.
Pledging to "personally go back and raise" the issue, she called for the U.S. Congress "to reconsider sanctions on the F-16s."
The U.S. State Department has banned arms sales to Venezuela, including parts necessary to maintain its fleet of F-16s, citing a lack of support by Chavez's government for counterterrorism efforts and its close relations with Iran and Cuba."> As this board already knows about Chavez, I'll let you put you own comments here: ________<

B) "February 15, 2007
Sheila Jackson-Lee Moves to Terminate Freedom of Speech
A bill proposed by the abominable Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) would allow the federal government to jail people for "hate crimes" — a nebulous concept that will inevitably include speech privileged groups like Muslims and homosexuals don't want to hear. Disturbingly, H.R. 254 even allows the government to act preemptively to prevent a "hate crime."
The law attempts to circumvent the Tenth Amendment with the most absurd pretexts ever cooked up by Congress, including the notion that oppressing privileged groups constitutes "slavery," and affects interstate commerce by supposedly influencing whether people cross state lines." >I read this as Queen Shiela has no problem trashing the Constitution and help making a "Orwellian" 1984 state. Meanwhile on the left you keep hearing GW was stiffiling free speech. All I know is that "Free Speech" is politically Incorrect speech. Nuff said on that one.<

C) "In 2003, Congresswoman Jackson Lee co-sponsored legislation reducing or ending U.S. economic sanctions and travel restrictions against Cuba. In 2001 Jackson Lee had voted to keep a travel ban in place against Communist Cuba until Castro frees political prisoners. In 1999 she voted against granting Most Favored Nation trade status to Communist China until its observance of human rights improves. But in 2000 she voted in favor of granting Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to Communist China." >I get it, she is a gradstudent at the John Kerry "flip flop" school of government.<