An EXTREMELY Important Point- Can He (or YOU) Answer It?


New member
I see that NOW, after listening to McCain's latest important speech, which is chock full of proven facts, it seems there is a New Paradigm, in Presidential Politics. Now, instead of having both candidates Well-Versed and Experienced in What's Going On in the World, now WE, THE VOTERS, and Other Pres. Candidates have to EDUCATE and TEACH FOREIGN POLICY to our Wet-eared, Clueless and Inexperienced Candidates!

Like McCain says, Obama has been to Iraq ONCE, in 2006, for a quick, "in,out, and home" trip.
How many Dozens of troops did he speak to? How many Colonels? How many Majors? How many Captains? How many Lieutennants, or Master Sargeants? The answer, for a man who would "Buddy Up" to someone like Weather Underground Pentagon Bomber William Ayers, is, probably none.
Obama has said repeatedly, he will meet, with NO PRE-CONDITIONS, people like Iraq's Ahmedinijad("Death to America!"), Syria's Terrorist-Sponsoring Bashar Al-Assad, Hezbolla and Hamas("Death to America!"), but Obama will NOT MEET WITH GENERAL PETRAEUS, a recognized American Hero and Terrorism and Insurgency EXPERT on Iraq!

Now WHY do you think that is? There can BE only TWO answers, why Obama will meet with America's Enemies, but will NOT meet with an American Hero,the Leader of our Fight against Terrorism in Iraq. Either 1.) He has a BURNING HATRED for America, and what it stands for, or 2.) He is AFRAID, to meet with Gen. Petraeus, or Large numbers of Troops in Iraq, because THEN, he will SEE, with his OWN eyes and ears, the SUCCESSES of our Mission there, as evidenced by the story below, and Many MORE, the the "Fair Media" HIDES FROM, BURIES, AND IGNORES, because they don't want the TRUTH to get OUT of Iraq. THAT way, "Blame-America-Firsters" like Obama, can continue spouting the LIES and STALIN-LIKE CONTROL of THEIR message, the Leftist/Socialist/Collectivist message of the Obama, and the Media.

Obama says "It's not relevant" that he hasn't been to Iraq, since his brief layover, waiting for his Private Jet to be refueled, in 2006.
OF COURSE, he says "It's not relevant"! Because the on-the-ground situation has become SO MUCH MORE POSITIVE, since 2006! Obama CAN'T GO BACK THERE NOW, BEFORE THE ELECTION, BECAUSE THE MEDIA WILL GET FILM OF THE SOLDIERS TELLING HIM OF THEIR SUCCESSES! And if he goes there NOW, when he returns HERE, he will have to call Gen. Petraeus, and All the Troops, LIARS!