An FYI... Rule 7.


Staff member
7. No advertising pics or links in sigs unless scanned and allowed by the staff. This also alludes to rule number 6. Sigs that have "quotes" from another member must link to the post they are from, or they must list where the quote is attributable to the user. (e.g. "This quote is from Generic's Signature line"). If we get complaints and the quotes are unattributed and not linked in any way they will be removed.
I appreciate the new rule, I never complained about the pics. However, couldn't open site at school, the kids would certainly notice those pics. Thanks Damo!
7. No pics or links in sigs unless scanned and allowed by myself. This also alludes to rule number 6. Sigs that have "quotes" from another member must link to the post they are from, or they must list where the quote is attributable to the user. (e.g. "This quote is from Generic's Signature line"). If we get complaints and the quotes are unattributed and not linked in any way they will be removed.


Those sig lines are looking REAL spiffy now!

Good detective work Damo! :good4u:
7. No pics or links in sigs unless scanned and allowed by myself. This also alludes to rule number 6. Sigs that have "quotes" from another member must link to the post they are from, or they must list where the quote is attributable to the user. (e.g. "This quote is from Generic's Signature line"). If we get complaints and the quotes are unattributed and not linked in any way they will be removed.

Thanks, I fixed my sig accordingly :)
Please note the portion that says, "If we get complaints"...


Tom, Chris, and Zap are now ferverishly looking for posts where foul language is used so they can directly link them to Zappapatootie's sig line.

What GOOD friends, and what GOOD and VALUABLE USE of their time!!

Right now Tom's in the Haiti thread, digging up the dead bodies as I type this!!!


Tom, Chris, and Zap are now ferverishly looking for posts where foul language is used so they can directly link them to Zappapatootie's sig line.

What GOOD friends, and what GOOD and VALUABLE USE of their time!!

Right now Tom's in the Haiti thread, digging up the dead bodies as I type this!!!


Right on cue, one of the Ugly Sisters chimes in. How many times do you complain about other posters?:pke:
I shut off sigs and avatars while I'm working.

Is there a rule against it? Crap... Changing the wording a bit. I don't want advertising pics or links.

I just don't want to be babysitter for quotes, if people want them outta there, and there is no cite, I'm taking them out...

I shut off sigs and avatars while I'm working.

Is there a rule against it? I don't think so, so enjoy...

I just don't want to be babysitter for quotes, if people want them outta there, and there is no cite, I'm taking them out...


Well, you said pictures needed to be approved by you. I'm not really sure what that entails...
Well, you said pictures needed to be approved by you. I'm not really sure what that entails...
I changed it to "advertising pics or links"...

I don't normally take an interest in sigs unless somebody is trying to advertise their own thing... and most of the time I let them if they ask. It was mostly the "quotes" part that I wanted people to notice.
I changed it to "advertising pics or links"...

I don't normally take an interest in sigs unless somebody is trying to advertise their own thing... and most of the time I let them if they ask. It was mostly the "quotes" part that I wanted people to notice.

Oh, well I guess you could say I'm promoting a super hot foreign model. :cool: