An incomplete list


Verified User
Ufortunately there seem to be a lot more

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

  1. On 9/11, he personally saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering.
  2. He never said Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerberg's "personal senator."
  3. There are actually 93 million people not working and the real unemployment rate is about 40 percent.
  4. The Obama administration is sending Syrian refugees to red states.
  5. Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
  6. He opposed the Iraq War and has dozens of news clippings to prove it.
  7. Thirteen Syrian refugees were "caught trying to get into the U.S." (Actually, they just walked up and requested asylum.)
  8. He never said the stuff Megyn Kelly accused him of saying in the first debate.
  9. He will allow guns at Trump golf resorts.
  10. blog_politifact_donald_trump_0.jpg
    People on the terrorism watch are alreadyprohibited from buying guns.
  11. Among white homicide victims, 81 percent are killed by blacks.
  12. America has the highest tax rate in the world.
  13. CNN lied when it reported that a speech he gave in South Carolina was one-third empty.
  14. His criticism of Fordprompted the company to move a factory from Mexico to Ohio.
  15. Vaccines cause autism.
  16. The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees.
  17. ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East.
  18. He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and "got to know him very well."
  19. He was never interested in opening a casino in Florida.
  20. November 17: The United States only started bombing ISIS oil fields "two days ago."
  21. His campaign is 100 percent self-funded.
  22. Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship.
  23. The Iran deal forces us to "fight with Iran against Israel" if Israel attacks Iran.
  24. We still "really don't know" if Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  25. More than 300,000 veterans have died waiting for VA care.
  26. The Bush White House begged him to tone down his "vocal" opposition to the Iraq War.
Donald J. Trump is a liar. There's really no question about that. I come right out and say, "Donald J. Trump is a liar," without a second's concern about slander, libel or defamation because the statement has been shown to be demonstrably true.

At issue are three simple facts.

Firstly, some of his supporters are fully aware but don't actually care that Donald J. Trump is a liar. For some bizarre, inexplicable reason, his supporters like him MORE when he lies straight to their faces, then stands by that lie, repeating it as if saying over and over will make it true.

Secondly, some of his supporters can't be bothered to actually check the things he says, even when they are told that what he says is a lie. They just believe him, willingly, lazily, and stupidly and never educate themselves on the fact that Donald J. Trump is a liar.

Thirdly, there are the people who under no circumstances doubt him at all, as if they are utterly incapable of doubting him. These are the people who, if he was standing there with a hacksaw, removing their arm and he told them he in fact wasn't doing that, would still not believe that Donald J. Trump is a liar.

And this is what we have come to: a country filled with people too stupid, too lazy or too blinded by lies and idiocy to see the truth.

What's Trump making America, again?
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Donald J. Trump is a liar. There's really no question about that. I come right out and say, "Donald J. Trump" is a liar without a second's concern about slander, libel or defamation because the statement has been shown to be demonstrably true.

At issue are three simple facts.

Firstly, some of his supporters are fully aware but don't actually care that Donald J. Trump is a liar. For some bizarre, inexplicable reason, his supporters like him MORE when he lies straight to their faces, then stands by that lie, repeating it as if saying over and over will make it true.

Secondly, some of his supporters can't be bothered to actually check the things he says, even when they are told that what he says is a lie. They just believe him, willingly, lazily, and stupidly and never educate themselves on the fact that Donald J. Trump is a liar.

Thirdly, there are the people who under no circumstances doubt him at all, as if they are utterly incapable of doubting him. These are the people who, if he was standing their with a hacksaw, removing their arm and he told them he in fact wasn't doing that, would still not believe that Donald J. Trump is a liar.

And this is what we have come to: a country filled with people too stupid, too lazy or too blinded by lies and idiocy to see the truth.

What's Trump making America, again?

Yes, yes he is a liar.

It's sad for the country that his opponent gives him a run for being the bigger liar. I'm going to surmise that doesn't bother you much.
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It doesn't mother me at all. It does, however, bother me. (Incidentally, I think Trump would win the "Bigger Liar" contest, tiny, tiny hands down.)

I've said before that I don't have an iron in this fire. There is absolutely no-one on either side for me to vote for.

Which is why I'll be writing myself in.

Stelakh for Emperor of the United States of America!

But seriously, I will in fact write myself in, because there isn't a single candidate that's worth my vote, but that shouldn't stop anyone from casting their ballot.

As my father used to say, "If you don't vote, you shouldn't bitch."
It doesn't mother me at all. It does, however, bother me. (Incidentally, I think Trump would win the "Bigger Liar" contest, tiny, tiny hands down.)

I've said before that I don't have an iron in this fire. There is absolutely no-one on either side for me to vote for.

Which is why I'll be writing myself in.

Stelakh for Emperor of the United States of America!

But seriously, I will in fact write myself in, because there isn't a single candidate that's worth my vote, but that shouldn't stop anyone from casting their ballot.

As my father used to say, "If you don't vote, you shouldn't bitch."

Not sure where you live but in San Francisco we have tons of City propositions on the ballot along with a number of state ballots so it's always worth voting even though our vote for the Presidency doesn't matter.
last week.....did you have your head up your ass and miss it?.....

Duh. Did you have your head up your ass about the dates?

"Right-wing media figures are distorting a comment made by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a MSNBC town hall, where Clinton said "we didn't lose a single person" during the 2011 U.S. military intervention in Libya. Conservative commentators parroted the GOP in berating Clinton for allegedly "forgetting" about the four Americans who were killed during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, when in reality Clinton was referring only to the military intervention in Libya, which ended nearly a year before the Benghazi attacks."
bull fucking shit.....the lying bitch is trying to cover her ass and you're stupid enough to let her.....

My oh my Pastor, Your hatred for Mrs Clinton seems to be compromising your Godly demeanor.
You will need to ask forgiveness for your profane language if you want to get to heaven.
Mrs. Clinton was talking about the military intervention, not the diplomatic mission. I'm sure you know that.

You're so silly sometimes.
Mrs. Clinton was talking about the military intervention, not the diplomatic mission. I'm sure you know that. one "knows" that.....because it was a fiction concocted to cover her which no one except the most committed Hillary defender will fall for........but as they say, what difference does it make now.......
bull fucking shit.....the lying bitch is trying to cover her ass and you're stupid enough to let her.....

You're lying and we know it because the rest of us know how to read.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Don't you support knocking off Assad, Bashar Assad?

HILLARY CLINTON: I think given the bloodshed he has spilled, that would be a good outcome, but Americans aren't going to do it. That's not us doing it. In Libya, you had a dictator who had American blood on his hands. Remember, Reagan tried to knock him off, as you recall, because you were working in the Congress -- missed, when he tried. When he said that he was going to track down his people and murder them, the Europeans and the Arabs came to us and said, "You've got to help us."

Because what they feared is what we see in Syria. What they feared was an out-of-control civil war on their shores. Right across the Mediterranean. Right next to Egypt. Right next to the rest of the Middle East. Remember, we had those countries helping us in Afghanistan, in our very big coalition. Now, when somebody that has helped you -- their people have died, they have expended their treasure to help us -- come and say, "This is personal to us, we in Europe, we in the Middle East," is the United States supposed to say, "you know what, that's not our problem?" And they can say to us, "yeah, Afghanistan wasn't our problem either." But that's not the way you work with allies and the way you build coalitions. So what did we do there? We provided our unique abilities and they ran most of the air missions. They were really very much involved in helping to cordon off Libya, and in eventually defeating Gadhafi and his forces.

Now, is Libya perfect? It isn't. But did they have two elections that were free and fair where they voted for moderates? Yes, they did. So, changing from a dictator who has hollowed out your country to something resembling a functioning state, and even hopefully more of a democratic one, doesn't happen overnight. And we've got to continue to support the Libyan people -- to give them a chance -- because otherwise, you see what's happened in Syria, with the consequences of millions of people flooding out of Syria with more than 250,000 people killed, with terrorist groups like ISIS taking up a huge swath of territory, as big as some of the states in that area. So yes, Libya was a different kind of calculation. And we didn't lose a single person. We didn't have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO. And now we've got to support the Libyan people.

[MSNBC, MSNBC Town Hall, 3/14/16]
