An Interesting way to Keep Labor Costs Down: Murder Union Leaders


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Murder + Terrorism + Rightwing militias = Keeping labor costs down

US Coal Firm Linked to Colombia Militias
Friday, July 6, 2007
The Associated Press

LA LOMA, Colombia (AP) — The bus had just left Drummond Co. Inc.'s coal mine carrying about 50 workers when gunmen halted it and forced two union leaders off. They shot one on the spot, pumping four bullets into his head, and dragged the other one off to be tortured and killed.

In a civil trial set to begin Monday before a federal jury in Birmingham, Ala., union lawyers have presented affidavits from two people who allege that Drummond ordered those killings, a charge the company denies.

Multinationals operating in Colombia have admitted paying right-wing militias known as paramilitaries to protect their operations. But human rights activists claim the companies went further, using the fighters to violently keep their labor costs down….

Edwin Guzman, a former Colombian army sergeant who later became a paramilitary member, testified that his military units were responsible for guarding the property of the Birmingham, Ala.-based Drummond coal company, which has extensive operations in Colombia.

"Drummond is not the only company paying for the services of the paramilitaries. There are many other companies that are paying," Guzman said through an interpreter. "I hope the members of the Congress investigate these things further because every time we raise these things in Colombia, they try to erase our testimony any way they can.",1,7625524.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true

I suggest murdering conservatives to keep murder down.

Such a intelligent comment! Not to worry though because Liberals are killing themselves in the Abortion Factories/Gay marriages...pretty soon... in a generation or two...walla no more Libs';)
Unions are what America needs more of.... that, or compassionate and fair governmet regulation (like that's ever going to happen). :rolleyes: