An Issue Whose Time Is long Overdue


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Every so many years the exorbitant salaries ‘earned’ by people running charities comes under attack. Nothing is ever done about it. This article takes on charity hustles endorsed by the IRS:

President Trump’s acquittal on impeachment charges is welcome, but hardly the best news of the week. For, unnoticed until recently, another court proceeding advances, and win or lose, this matter can shake the globalist, deep state swamp off its here-to-now protected foundation.

The case in question is Lawrence W. Doyle and John F. Moynihan (Petitioners) v Internal Revenue Service (Respondents), a case where allegedly corrupt actions of the Internal Revenue Service itself may fall under the microscope. It likely involves as yet unprosecuted crimes by “charities” that are still corruptly directed by household names. For history of this case, and some tantalizing details, see here.

The names of Petitioners in the U.S. tax court case are familiar to many -- Doyle and Moynihan are self-described “financial bounty hunters” who are determined to police the waste, fraud and abuse that has grown exponentially of late, especially because the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service seem loath to go after the biggest of fish -- dynastic political families, billionaire donors, and all who enrich themselves at taxpayer expense.

In December 2018, Doyle and Moynihan threw down ample evidence of malfeasance by the network of loosely-affiliated Clinton Foundation “charities” before a Congressional oversight hearing chaired by Congressman Mark Meadows:

Most in the mainstream media ignored their testimony and its potential implications, but Sara Carter noticed and her work was picked up by the massive audience of concerned citizens who follow

Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney John Huber, who was slated to appear, did not bother to attend or even to send a stand-in. All was quiet on the Huber front after the December 2018 hearing until an unconfirmed report erupted in corporate or billionaire-owned media early in January 2020, starting with this piece in The Washington Post.

Though it should not be so, the deck is stacked against patriots like Doyle and Moynihan and other whistleblowers who correctly question suspicious, arguably criminal acts allegedly committed by people who must know better -- highly educated and acclaimed “public servants” who once held and still aspire to hold the highest government positions in this and other nations.

Why, today, are charities still used to launder dirty money, and then to trade it for influence?

The answer is as simple as it is sad -- because fraudtsers can do so with impunity.

To date, very few charity frauds have been prosecuted, and then chiefly against lower level grifters, not the rotten, core group that has tentacles in both political parties here inside the United States, and in counterparts worldwide.

Leaky bucket: The “business model” for charity fraud

In the United States, charities are readily exploited because the primary regulators, based in most states or territories and in certain localities, do not have resources or bandwidth to investigate or to prosecute large, complex schemes to divert donations, illegally, for political campaigns, or to enrich those who must be bought off. This is particularly so in the case of charities that claim they engage in work outside the United States, where even the F.B.I. has a hard time cracking the facade of charity frauds.

Fake charities can open bank accounts and then divert donations away from intended, worthy recipients whose faces we see, and appeals we hear so frequently across the media complex.

Who actually checks whether a given charity is lawfully organized in each jurisdiction where it operates?

Who regulates what a given charity has been authorized to do to advance its professed goals?

And who cares whether a charity – the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation to pick one -- actually changed its name lawfully since incorporation on Oct. 23, 1997?

That task falls to people like Doyle and Moynihan, as well as others who fight to protect integrity of the nonprofit sector.

Frankly, financial institutions and governments worldwide are still not careful enough when it comes to performing diligence on purported charities. This is crystal clear when it comes to the network of Clinton Foundation “charities”.

For example, to great public fanfare, John Kerry released a “Memorandum of Understanding” supposedly negotiated by Dec, 12, 2008 that would, in theory, mitigate potential conflicts among Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and an entity described in the document as “William J. Clinton Foundation” (see here).

Jason Goodman and I, since June 2017, have shared more than two hundred detailed podcasts -- see the playlist here -- which demonstrate, beyond doubt, that “William J. Clinton Foundation” was not lawfully organized or operated before, on, or after Dec. !2, 2008, a fact that the incoming Obama Administration Team likely would only have discerned after Jan. 20, 2009, once they found a copy of this memo dated Nov. 10, 2008, made available through the Podesta WikiLeaks release during 2016.

Why have so many Presidents allowed their Administrations to grant deference to predecessors to operate and potentially profit personally from stewarding Presidential Records?

Put differently, when did operating Presidential “Foundations” become a tool to transform politically ambitious families into phenomenally wealthy, almost royal dynasties?

Connecting the Dots Between Clinton Charity Frauds and Trump-Era Hoaxes

President Trump made clear just now that his Administration intends to learn and then expose why, and with what resources, plotters in both political parties worked so hard to support Hillary Clinton when she was a viable candidate and then to obstruct Donald Trump from the moment he secured his first election victory, right through to the present -- see here.

Animus against Trump runs deep; many anti-Trump plotters are in thrall to unregulated globalism, a project begun in earnest around 1988 that hollowed out the heartland, shuttering factories here to employ less expensive workers in loosely policed foreign nations. For more than thirty years, globalists squeezed private sector workers, as American and foreign oligarchs reaped the spoils of their late, great gambles. In time, this approach may become known as “futilism” -- impoverishing workers to make them dependent upon profligate governments only “works” inside ivory towers, and then, just in theory.

This is an era that the Trump Administration has started to end. It may have been a fun ride for those who today operate near monopolies, and grease political wheels using opaque charities. But, long-overdue reckoning nears.

Follow the Doyle and Moynihan case, and follow developments with regard to “charities” affiliated with Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, wishing the Trump Administration success in efforts to rebalance equal justice, under law, by policing all larger, tax-exempt organizations, particularly those operating internationally.

February 9, 2020
Forget about Impeachment, Here's a Legal Case that Actually Matters
By Charles Ortel

I will keep my fingers crossed hoping the First Amendment will rein-in the IRS even though it is a vain hope. The only thing I can say to compliment Charles Ortel’s article is post some of my observations about charity hustlers, and unconstitutional charitable tax deductions.

2. Truckloads of tax dollars go to religious charities and to hell with the First Amendment. It never occurs to charity hustlers to pay for their compassion out of their own pockets.


Do-gooder freaks like this guy want everybody else to pay for their moral worldview. It never occurs to charity hustlers to take care of just one family out of their own pockets instead of converting the world to Christianity’s bullshit:


Every dollar charity hustlers take in is a TAX DEDUCTION. Adding insult to injury, EVERY charity dollar sent abroad is a tax deduction for somebody while the American people do not benefit in any way.​


The Marshall Plan came about after a major war. The original Marshall Plan had practical military/political applications for the U.S. In just the last few decades charity hustlers jumped on the Marshall Plan concept and turned it into charity scams promising to rebuild the world. Transforming the reason for the Marshall Plan into touchy-feeling thinking in the hands of charity hustlers never provides one benefit that I can see.


p.s. Morality attracts idiots and charity hustlers to politics faster than horse manure draws flies.


If for no other reason than diplomatic immunity the U.N. should be relocated on the most isolated island available; preferably one that is located in the coldest year-around climate where U.N. charity hustlers would freeze their balls off.


Charity hustlers are much worse than the other crooks who promise to deliver something or other. Every other scam pales besides charity scams. This is my all-time favorite. One guy supposedly collected $200 in 30 minutes for the widow of the Unknown Soldier.


The most offensive thing about Albright and her kind is them telling Americans what this country stands for while they work full-time at handing this country’s independence to United Nations charity hustlers and Third World parasites.


Forcing Americans to take in Muslim refugees prove that Christian do-gooders despise the Bible’s Good Samaritan. Jesus preached individual responsibility. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” In short: charity hustlers despise Jesus Christ because he never preached institutional charity —— the kind that priesthoods feast on. Ignore everything else and you will see that individuals opposing religious institutions will always activate conflicts that separates God from organized religion.


Note that television mouths gave United Nations charity hustlers more credit for relief efforts than they gave to the people who actually helped the victims immediately after the tsunami hit.

The U.N. charity hustle fell short, but the blueprint is alive and well minus the U.N.


In fact, every charity hustler believes in government charity. Tax dollar charity is the ancient dream of every parasite that ever lived in every culture. American Socialist parasites succeeded where parasites throughout history failed as soon as they got control of the XVI Amendment. Forcing everybody to enrich charity hustlers is the dream come true.

Finally, involuntary charity will continue to increase so long as the XVI Amendment is not repealed.

p.s. The XVI Amendment is a violation of the First Amendment —— the amendment Democrats despise more than they contemn the Constitution itself:

Finally, the U.N. does not yet have an anthem; so I suggested that it adopt Rhythm Is Our Business most often associated with the Jimmie Lunceford Band. Only change rhythm to charity:

Charity is our business
Charity is what we sell
Charity is our business
Business sure is swell


Sanders: 'Obviously I am not a communist,' but maybe Trump 'doesn't know the difference'
By Zack Budryk
02/09/20 10:06 AM EST

QUESTION: What is the dirty old Commie if he is not a Communist? ANSWER: A priest who treats the XVI Amendment like a poor box:

The dirty old Commie is better off admitting he is a Communist. Getting parasites to vote for free stuff is a cinch compared to getting voters to vote against the Constitution.

Note that Constitution-hating touchy-feely clerics began doing their dirty work before Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) was born:

In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." James Madison, 4 Annals of congress 179 (1794)

Democrat scum will govern for as long as the philosophy that gave a free people the XVI Amendment is enforced.

My point. Chopping off Communism’s tentacles like democracy is not enough, The philosophy must be disgraced before there is any hope of repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT. No small task when you look at the parasites controlling the media-education-entertainment complex. Add in the wealth and influence of the New World Order Crowd (the United Nations) and the task is monolithic.

It took 119 years after Madison defended the Constitution in vain for the ancient dream to become reality:

In fact, every charity hustler believes in government charity. Tax dollar charity is the ancient dream of every parasite that ever lived in every culture. American Socialist parasites succeeded where parasites throughout history failed as soon as they got control of the XVI Amendment. Forcing everybody to enrich charity hustlers is the dream come true.

Finally, involuntary charity will continue to increase so long as the XVI Amendment is not repealed.

p.s. The XVI Amendment is a violation of the First Amendment —— the amendment Democrats despise more than they contemn the Constitution itself:

Look at how far charity hustlers, freaks, and priests came since 1913.
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The dirty old Commie is better off admitting he is a Communist. Getting parasites to vote for free stuff is a cinch compared to getting voters to vote against the Constitution.

U.S.—The campaign trail is reportedly taking a toll on Bernie Sanders. The main thing that seems to be wearing him out is the extremely foreign concept of having to convince people to voluntarily hand over money.

“This just feels so wrong,” Sanders told staffers. “If you know you really have a good idea how to spend that money, you just take that money from people under threat of imprisonment. Having to convince people to voluntarily hand over money just feels too much like capitalism.”

Initially, to get people to give him money, Sanders would just grab people by the collar and shake them, yelling, “Give me your money!” When this didn’t work, Sanders had to change his tactics to a kinder, more sensitive approach, asking for donations. “The incentive of money made me change my behavior from what I wanted to do to what other people want,” Sanders said. “I feel so dirty!”

Reportedly, to calm down after a long day of having to convince people to voluntarily do things, Sanders likes to relax by playing with some stuffed animals he can control and make all the plans for.

Bernie Sanders Frustrated With Having To Ask For Money Instead Of Just Taking It
February 14th, 2020

Sanders: 'Obviously I am not a communist,' but maybe Trump 'doesn't know the difference'
By Zack Budryk
02/09/20 10:06 AM EST

QUESTION: What is the dirty old Commie if he is not a Communist? ANSWER: A priest who treats the XVI Amendment like a poor box:

The dirty old Commie is better off admitting he is a Communist. Getting parasites to vote for free stuff is a cinch compared to getting voters to vote against the Constitution.

Note that Constitution-hating touchy-feely clerics began doing their dirty work before Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) was born:

In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 for relief of French refugees who fled from insurrection in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia, James Madison stood on the floor of the House to object saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." James Madison, 4 Annals of congress 179 (1794)

Democrat scum will govern for as long as the philosophy that gave a free people the XVI Amendment is enforced.

My point. Chopping off Communism’s tentacles like democracy is not enough, The philosophy must be disgraced before there is any hope of repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT. No small task when you look at the parasites controlling the media-education-entertainment complex. Add in the wealth and influence of the New World Order Crowd (the United Nations) and the task is monolithic.

It took 119 years after Madison defended the Constitution in vain for the ancient dream to become reality:

Look at how far charity hustlers, freaks, and priests came since 1913.

Can you define Communism?
In order to achieve said definition, the middle class must be obliterated.

To Bull Durham: To be precise, one necessary component of the definition creates a government middle class with tax dollars (A Parasite Class), while eliminating every trace of a private sector middle class.
But what is said definition? Nobody here seems to be able to define what Communism is.

To StoneByStone:
If I posted brief definitions of every component in the thousand and one limbs of Communism you would ask for one more definition ad infinitum. In short: Brevity is not the soul of Communism/Socialism. Playing Polonius speaking to the king, I will be brief for you. What is Christianity? Islam? Hinduism? Buddhism? Confucianism? Shintoism?

Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Origin of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

It is one of the countless phrases coined by William Shakespeare. It appears in his play, Hamlet, in the second act, where Polonius says, “Since brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…” However, doubt about the creation of this phrase lurks among literary circles. Some critics argue that, by using this proverb in his play, Shakespeare made it popular, though the phrase was already in use. On the other hand, some doubt the veracity of this argument.

Meaning of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

This phrase has multiplicity of meanings. In one sense, it means that a good piece of writing, or a good speech, should be brief and concise. However, in another sense, it implies that funny speech should be short; otherwise, it tends to lose its flavor. On the other hand, if explored on a word-by-word level, its meanings are quite interesting. The use of the word “wit” also is debatable, which here refers to knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and humor, as it was used for wisdom and intelligence during the Shakespearean era. Hence, this phrase has won proverbial approval, which means that knowledge and intelligence need be expressed in as few words as possible.

Usage of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

The phrase is used in several rhetorical situations and contexts in modern English. It is mostly used as a sarcastic remark in response to long nonsense chattering. Modern writers use this phrase as their motto in copywriting, speeches, essays, and fictions. Politicians use it to keep their audiences glued to them lest they may leave, feeling boredom and tedium over long political speeches. Statesmen may use this to bring home their audience. Debates and common speakers can also use this phrase to demonstrate that they are about to end their speech or argument.

Literary Source of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

This phrase is used in Act-2, Scene-2, lines 86-92 of the famous play, Hamlet. It is spoken by one of its characters, Polonius. It goes thus:

My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad …

(Hamlet, Act-2, Scene-2, lines 86–92)

In its real context, the phrase was meant to be an ironical statement, as one can see how brief Polonius is in telling the King and Queen that their son is mad. Polonius thinks himself the wittiest person on the planet, though his actions put him on the opposite side throughout the play. Throughout the course of time, this phrase has become a standard English proverb, though the context of its use has mostly witnessed neglect.

Literary Analysis of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Shakespeare is the true master of crafting characters with exquisite subtleties. In Hamlet, Polonius is an incarnation of vanity and foolishness. He wastes a large amount of rhetoric in asserting his brevity. Shakespeare, through this phrase, manifests his grip on using irony, and making epigrammatic statements pregnant with meaning. In this context, it is not just the phrase, but equally noteworthy is the character who speaks it. In Jokes and Their Relation to Unconscious, Sigmund Freud aptly personifies Polonius as “the old chatterbox,” who is always least “brief” and least “witty.”

Literary Devices
Definition and Examples of Literary Terms

To StoneByStone:
If I posted brief definitions of every component in the thousand and one limbs of Communism you would ask for one more definition ad infinitum. In short: Brevity is not the soul of Communism/Socialism. Playing Polonius speaking to the king, I will be brief for you. What is Christianity? Islam? Hinduism? Buddhism? Confucianism? Shintoism?

Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Origin of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

It is one of the countless phrases coined by William Shakespeare. It appears in his play, Hamlet, in the second act, where Polonius says, “Since brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…” However, doubt about the creation of this phrase lurks among literary circles. Some critics argue that, by using this proverb in his play, Shakespeare made it popular, though the phrase was already in use. On the other hand, some doubt the veracity of this argument.

Meaning of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

This phrase has multiplicity of meanings. In one sense, it means that a good piece of writing, or a good speech, should be brief and concise. However, in another sense, it implies that funny speech should be short; otherwise, it tends to lose its flavor. On the other hand, if explored on a word-by-word level, its meanings are quite interesting. The use of the word “wit” also is debatable, which here refers to knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and humor, as it was used for wisdom and intelligence during the Shakespearean era. Hence, this phrase has won proverbial approval, which means that knowledge and intelligence need be expressed in as few words as possible.

Usage of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

The phrase is used in several rhetorical situations and contexts in modern English. It is mostly used as a sarcastic remark in response to long nonsense chattering. Modern writers use this phrase as their motto in copywriting, speeches, essays, and fictions. Politicians use it to keep their audiences glued to them lest they may leave, feeling boredom and tedium over long political speeches. Statesmen may use this to bring home their audience. Debates and common speakers can also use this phrase to demonstrate that they are about to end their speech or argument.

Literary Source of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

This phrase is used in Act-2, Scene-2, lines 86-92 of the famous play, Hamlet. It is spoken by one of its characters, Polonius. It goes thus:

My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad …

(Hamlet, Act-2, Scene-2, lines 86–92)

In its real context, the phrase was meant to be an ironical statement, as one can see how brief Polonius is in telling the King and Queen that their son is mad. Polonius thinks himself the wittiest person on the planet, though his actions put him on the opposite side throughout the play. Throughout the course of time, this phrase has become a standard English proverb, though the context of its use has mostly witnessed neglect.

Literary Analysis of Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Shakespeare is the true master of crafting characters with exquisite subtleties. In Hamlet, Polonius is an incarnation of vanity and foolishness. He wastes a large amount of rhetoric in asserting his brevity. Shakespeare, through this phrase, manifests his grip on using irony, and making epigrammatic statements pregnant with meaning. In this context, it is not just the phrase, but equally noteworthy is the character who speaks it. In Jokes and Their Relation to Unconscious, Sigmund Freud aptly personifies Polonius as “the old chatterbox,” who is always least “brief” and least “witty.”

Literary Devices
Definition and Examples of Literary Terms

So you can't define Communism either?
Funny how the people who fear Communism the most are the people who don't know what it is.
Every so many years the exorbitant salaries ‘earned’ by people running charities comes under attack. Nothing is ever done about it.

Well we should be glad then at least they caught Trump. He can't run a charity in New York anymore. Too bad for men like Jason Chavitz who were planning another 6 rounds of benghazi investigations if Hillary had won. So many accusations, so many investigations, yet where's the indictments? Empty.