
Verified User
I'd like to tell y'all something I've noticed about America in 2024 that I think is cause for grave concern.

The people who founded the American republic were predominantly (90+%) the descendants of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Right? As for their politics, they were moderate Conservatives. All 52 of the Founding Fathers had embraced the 17th-century English philosopher, John Locke's, political philosophy which is called "Classical Liberalism" today. By the way, don't confuse "Classic Liberalism" with modern era political term "liberal." (An American liberal is a left-leaning, moralistic "flake" who tends to vote Democrat and takes nit-wits like Greta Bumberg seriously).

Not long - (historically speaking) - after George Washington was was inaugurated as the new American republic's first President on April 30th, 1789, America progressed from being a simple agrarian society to become the most powerful and prosperous nation in the entire 6,000-year history of human civilisation. It chalked up this stunning achievement while it population was 85%-90% White (and) of North-Western European descent. These were a proud, confident and free people - there were not limits to what they could achieve. In 1969, they they put a man on the moon. The America Experiment in republican government was a stunning success.

In the 1960s ordinary Americans could never have imagined that in the second decade of the 21st-century they would all be demonized in their own country for being white - that is, literally, for being born with fair-coloured skin. They could never have envisaged a time would come when regardless of their individual behaviour or views, the mere fact that they were white would see them branded as "evil" - a threat to people of colour and therefore deserving of punishment.

I'm not making this up, BTW, - this is what has happened. This is -as you should know - FACT not fiction.

Consider, for instance, the Head of the CDC, publicly claiming that "White superiority in a public health crisis (!!), while about a year ago, El Presidente Demente, Joe Biden, clearly fried on a fistful of Adderral 20mg capsules (or the pharmaceutical equivalent) shrieked from his podium during a public address, that white supremacy was the greatest terrorism threat to the Homeland. But this is hardly abstract ranting by a few race hustlers. Thousands of White Americans are annually "detoxified" by trained Black "experts" to cure them of their "WHITENESS." (And) of the 97 federal judges appointed by Biden bin his first two years in office, merely five were white males despite 50% of the legal profession.. What of white American parents whose children are indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their school curricula. The most accurate synonym for CRT is "Black Racist Marxism". CRT was developed by a Black racist academic at Harvard Law School in the 1970s. His name was Derek Bell and he was a bitter and twisted man, Bell was saturated in ressentiment because he had the brains to understand that in general Black culture was far inferior to White Western culture, and knowing that just burned him all up on the inside. Derek Bell, BTW, was idolised by a young Barack Obama while he was a student at HLS. The actual term "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" was coined by another Black academic named Kimberle Krenshaw. Krenshaw developed Derek Bell's CRT in the late 1980s at Columbus and was subsequently hailed as a genius, She has received more awards and gold medals for her work than you could poke a stick at. However her published work on CRT is actually nothing more than a pile of obscurantist bullshit, rhetorical trickery and "hocus pocus" dressed up as intellectual profundity.

CRT - the reality of what was/is taught in classrooms...White children were/are taught that (1) they were born wicked and would always be wicked because all whites were racists who had persecuted Blacks (2) that they had to kowtow to Blacks because Blacks were morally superior to whites, (3) that America was a wicked nature that had been built by Whites on the back of slavery, (4) because Western culture was white European culture it was developed as an instrument of oppression against Blacks In short CRT taught that Western culture was worthless poison.

Then there is the government and corporate coerced sprawling Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy. A leftist, anti-white, monstrous giant octopus that has spread its tentacles across the length and breadth of the United State. into every major domain of human life activity. The upshot is that countless numbers of white American are denied jobs, promotions, admissions to elite schools, health and other benefits, because... "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH "

And what about all those policies that go lightly on Black miscreants in the name of "EQUITY" ('equity" means communism). Or the local District Attornies who allow serious Black criminals to evade punishment but then arrest a white ex-President for the flimsiest and "iffiest" minor offences conceivable ?

Whatever happened to America? Where did things go off the rails. How is it that the people who built the greatest nation in human history from nothing are now (figuratively) spat upon in the streets,. How is it that they are openly insulted, intimidated and persecuted by inferior races and their inferior cultures in their own country. Why is it that white Americans are afraid to speak out and expose the injustices they are now routinely forced to endure every day?

White America has only one option remaining... It can - metaphorically speaking - either roar like or lion, or, squeak like a mouse. Choosing the later will have the predictable consequences.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Last edited:
I'd like to tell y'all something I've noticed about America in 2024 that I think is cause for grave concern.

The people who founded the American republic were predominantly (90+%) the descendants of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Right? As for their politics, they were moderate Conservatives. All 52 of the Founding Fathers had embraced the 17th-century English philosopher, John Locke's, political philosophy which is called "Classical Liberalism" today. By the way, don't confuse "Classic Liberalism" with modern era political term "liberal." (An American liberal is a left-leaning, moralistic "flake" who tends to vote Democrat and takes nit-wits like Greta Bumberg seriously).

Not long - (historically speaking) - after George Washington was was inaugurated as the new American republic's first President on April 30th, 1789, America progressed from being a simple agrarian society to become the most powerful and prosperous nation in the entire 6,000-year history of human civilisation. It chalked up this stunning achievement while it population was 85%-90% White (and) of North-Western European descent. These were a proud, confident and free people - there were not limits to what they could achieve. In 1969, they they put a man on the moon. The America Experiment in republican government was a stunning success.

In the 1960s ordinary Americans could never have imagined that in the second decade of the 21st-century they would all be demonized in their own country for being white - that is, literally, for being born with fair-coloured skin. They could never have envisaged a time would come when regardless of their individual behaviour or views, the mere fact that they were white would see them branded as "evil" - a threat to people of colour and therefore deserving of punishment.

I'm not making this up, BTW, - this is what has happened. This is -as you should know - FACT not fiction.

Consider, for instance, the Head of the CDC, publicly claiming that "White superiority in a public health crisis (!!), while about a year ago, El Presidente Demente, Joe Biden, clearly fried on a fistful of Adderral 20mg capsule (or the pharmaceutical equivalent) shreiked from his podium during a public address, that white supremacy was the greatest terrorism threat to the Homeland.. But this is hardly abstract ranting by a few race hustlers. Thousands of White Americans are annually "detoxified" by trained Black "experts" to cure them of their "WHITENESS." (And) of the 97 federal judges appointed by Biden bin his first two years in office, merely five were white males despite 50% of the legal profession.. What of white American parents whose children are indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their scool curricula.. The most accurate synonym for CRT is Black racist Marxism. CRT was developed by a Black racist academic at Harvard Law School in the 1970. His name was Derek Bell and he was a bitter and twisted man, Bell was saturated in ressentiment because he had the brains to understand that in general Black culture was far inferior to White Western culture and knowing that just burned him up on the inside. Derek Bell, BTW, was idolised by a young Barack Obama while he was a student at HLS. The actual term CRITICAL RACE THEORY was coined by another Blak academic named Kimberle Krenshaw. Krenshaw developed CRT in the late 1980s at Columbus and was hailed as a genius, She has received more awards and medals for her work than you could poke a stick at. However her publish work on CRT is actually all obscurantist bullshit, rhetorical trickery and "hockus pocus" dressed up as profundity.

CRTinfilreated schools across Americ under different benign-sounding euphemisms like "Sensitivity Training" or "Diversity Worksops".Here is the reality of what was taught in classrooms...White children were taught that (1) they were born wicked and would always be wicked because all whites were racists who had persecuted Blacks (2) that they had to kowtow to Blacks because Blacks were morally superior to whites, (3) that America was a wicked nature that had been built by Whites on the back of slavery, (4) because Western culture was white European culture it was developed as an instrument of oppression against Blacks In short CRT taught that Western culture was worthless poison.

Then there is the government and corporate coerced sprawling Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy. A leftist, anti-white, monstrous giant octopus that has spread its tentacles across the length and breadth of the United State. into every major domain of human life activity. The upshot is that countless numbers of white American are denied jobs, promotions, admissions to elite schools, health and other benefits, because... "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH "

And what about all those policies that go lightly on Black miscreants in the name of "EQUITY" ('equity" means communism). Or the local District Attornies who allow serious Black criminals to evade punishment but then arrest a white ex-President for the flimsiest and "iffiest" minor offences conceivable ?

Whatever happened to America? Where did things go off the rails. How is it that the people who built the greatest nation in human history from nothing are now (figuratively) spat upon in the streets,. How is it that they are openly insulted, intimidated and persecuted by inferior races and their inferior cultures in their own country. Why is it that white Americans are afraid to speak out and expose the injustices they are now routinely forced to endure every day?

White America has only one option remaining... It can - metaphorically speaking - either roar like or lion, or, squeak like a mouse. Choosing the later will have the predictable consequences.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
I'll give you this, you are consistent. Each post says essentially the same thing. But in case you have been frozen (like Dr. Evil in Austin Powers) it's not 1950 anymore. America is not an all white country nor will it be going forward (that's just reality).

Now a nuanced discussion can be had and those in the U.S. trying to promote an anti-white/anti-West mentality (no more books by old dead white males in our schools) can be pushed back against. But for your all white dream, some of the people who dislike this country the most are white. Some of the most patriotic Americans are immigrants (of color).

So you need to go Doc Brown and create a time travel machine to a previous time to get your wish.
You can pair what you have described with 7 million overwhelmingly non-white poorly educated illegals who
have entered this country in the last 3 1/2 years and project this out to see what our future will be.
The demographics of the USA has now been irreversibly changed. The new Americans will be reliant of government
and ever so much more compliant than those they are replacing.
This was planned and executed by the nefarious global elite who have embedded their minions in our nation.
The global elite want an underclass of workers to service the small group of mega-wealthy who rule the planet.
Their plan also includes the depopulation of the planet. They are working this in multiple ways. They will kill off the
excess population through vaccines, wars and starvation.
Now that they have destroyed the USA their goals will be far easier to attain.
I'd like to tell y'all something I've noticed about America in 2024 that I think is cause for grave concern.

The people who founded the American republic were predominantly (90+%) the descendants of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Right? As for their politics, they were moderate Conservatives. All 52 of the Founding Fathers had embraced the 17th-century English philosopher, John Locke's, political philosophy which is called "Classical Liberalism" today. By the way, don't confuse "Classic Liberalism" with modern era political term "liberal." (An American liberal is a left-leaning, moralistic "flake" who tends to vote Democrat and takes nit-wits like Greta Bumberg seriously).

Not long - (historically speaking) - after George Washington was was inaugurated as the new American republic's first President on April 30th, 1789, America progressed from being a simple agrarian society to become the most powerful and prosperous nation in the entire 6,000-year history of human civilisation. It chalked up this stunning achievement while it population was 85%-90% White (and) of North-Western European descent. These were a proud, confident and free people - there were not limits to what they could achieve. In 1969, they they put a man on the moon. The America Experiment in republican government was a stunning success.

In the 1960s ordinary Americans could never have imagined that in the second decade of the 21st-century they would all be demonized in their own country for being white - that is, literally, for being born with fair-coloured skin. They could never have envisaged a time would come when regardless of their individual behaviour or views, the mere fact that they were white would see them branded as "evil" - a threat to people of colour and therefore deserving of punishment.

I'm not making this up, BTW, - this is what has happened. This is -as you should know - FACT not fiction.

Consider, for instance, the Head of the CDC, publicly claiming that "White superiority in a public health crisis (!!), while about a year ago, El Presidente Demente, Joe Biden, clearly fried on a fistful of Adderral 20mg capsules (or the pharmaceutical equivalent) shrieked from his podium during a public address, that white supremacy was the greatest terrorism threat to the Homeland. But this is hardly abstract ranting by a few race hustlers. Thousands of White Americans are annually "detoxified" by trained Black "experts" to cure them of their "WHITENESS." (And) of the 97 federal judges appointed by Biden bin his first two years in office, merely five were white males despite 50% of the legal profession.. What of white American parents whose children are indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their school curricula. The most accurate synonym for CRT is "Black Racist Marxism". CRT was developed by a Black racist academic at Harvard Law School in the 1970s. His name was Derek Bell and he was a bitter and twisted man, Bell was saturated in ressentiment because he had the brains to understand that in general Black culture was far inferior to White Western culture, and knowing that just burned him all up on the inside. Derek Bell, BTW, was idolised by a young Barack Obama while he was a student at HLS. The actual term "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" was coined by another Black academic named Kimberle Krenshaw. Krenshaw developed Derek Bell's CRT in the late 1980s at Columbus and was subsequently hailed as a genius, She has received more awards and gold medals for her work than you could poke a stick at. However her published work on CRT is actually nothing more than a pile of obscurantist bullshit, rhetorical trickery and "hocus pocus" dressed up as intellectual profundity.

CRT - the reality of what was/is taught in classrooms...White children were/are taught that (1) they were born wicked and would always be wicked because all whites were racists who had persecuted Blacks (2) that they had to kowtow to Blacks because Blacks were morally superior to whites, (3) that America was a wicked nature that had been built by Whites on the back of slavery, (4) because Western culture was white European culture it was developed as an instrument of oppression against Blacks In short CRT taught that Western culture was worthless poison.

Then there is the government and corporate coerced sprawling Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy. A leftist, anti-white, monstrous giant octopus that has spread its tentacles across the length and breadth of the United State. into every major domain of human life activity. The upshot is that countless numbers of white American are denied jobs, promotions, admissions to elite schools, health and other benefits, because... "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH "

And what about all those policies that go lightly on Black miscreants in the name of "EQUITY" ('equity" means communism). Or the local District Attornies who allow serious Black criminals to evade punishment but then arrest a white ex-President for the flimsiest and "iffiest" minor offences conceivable ?

Whatever happened to America? Where did things go off the rails. How is it that the people who built the greatest nation in human history from nothing are now (figuratively) spat upon in the streets,. How is it that they are openly insulted, intimidated and persecuted by inferior races and their inferior cultures in their own country. Why is it that white Americans are afraid to speak out and expose the injustices they are now routinely forced to endure every day?

White America has only one option remaining... It can - metaphorically speaking - either roar like or lion, or, squeak like a mouse. Choosing the later will have the predictable consequences.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Settle down whitey
I'd like to tell y'all something I've noticed about America in 2024 that I think is cause for grave concern.

The people who founded the American republic were predominantly (90+%) the descendants of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Right? As for their politics, they were moderate Conservatives. All 52 of the Founding Fathers had embraced the 17th-century English philosopher, John Locke's, political philosophy which is called "Classical Liberalism" today. By the way, don't confuse "Classic Liberalism" with modern era political term "liberal." (An American liberal is a left-leaning, moralistic "flake" who tends to vote Democrat and takes nit-wits like Greta Bumberg seriously).

Not long - (historically speaking) - after George Washington was was inaugurated as the new American republic's first President on April 30th, 1789, America progressed from being a simple agrarian society to become the most powerful and prosperous nation in the entire 6,000-year history of human civilisation. It chalked up this stunning achievement while it population was 85%-90% White (and) of North-Western European descent. These were a proud, confident and free people - there were not limits to what they could achieve. In 1969, they they put a man on the moon. The America Experiment in republican government was a stunning success.

In the 1960s ordinary Americans could never have imagined that in the second decade of the 21st-century they would all be demonized in their own country for being white - that is, literally, for being born with fair-coloured skin. They could never have envisaged a time would come when regardless of their individual behaviour or views, the mere fact that they were white would see them branded as "evil" - a threat to people of colour and therefore deserving of punishment.

I'm not making this up, BTW, - this is what has happened. This is -as you should know - FACT not fiction.

Consider, for instance, the Head of the CDC, publicly claiming that "White superiority in a public health crisis (!!), while about a year ago, El Presidente Demente, Joe Biden, clearly fried on a fistful of Adderral 20mg capsules (or the pharmaceutical equivalent) shrieked from his podium during a public address, that white supremacy was the greatest terrorism threat to the Homeland. But this is hardly abstract ranting by a few race hustlers. Thousands of White Americans are annually "detoxified" by trained Black "experts" to cure them of their "WHITENESS." (And) of the 97 federal judges appointed by Biden bin his first two years in office, merely five were white males despite 50% of the legal profession.. What of white American parents whose children are indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their school curricula. The most accurate synonym for CRT is "Black Racist Marxism". CRT was developed by a Black racist academic at Harvard Law School in the 1970s. His name was Derek Bell and he was a bitter and twisted man, Bell was saturated in ressentiment because he had the brains to understand that in general Black culture was far inferior to White Western culture, and knowing that just burned him all up on the inside. Derek Bell, BTW, was idolised by a young Barack Obama while he was a student at HLS. The actual term "CRITICAL RACE THEORY" was coined by another Black academic named Kimberle Krenshaw. Krenshaw developed Derek Bell's CRT in the late 1980s at Columbus and was subsequently hailed as a genius, She has received more awards and gold medals for her work than you could poke a stick at. However her published work on CRT is actually nothing more than a pile of obscurantist bullshit, rhetorical trickery and "hocus pocus" dressed up as intellectual profundity.

CRT - the reality of what was/is taught in classrooms...White children were/are taught that (1) they were born wicked and would always be wicked because all whites were racists who had persecuted Blacks (2) that they had to kowtow to Blacks because Blacks were morally superior to whites, (3) that America was a wicked nature that had been built by Whites on the back of slavery, (4) because Western culture was white European culture it was developed as an instrument of oppression against Blacks In short CRT taught that Western culture was worthless poison.

Then there is the government and corporate coerced sprawling Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy. A leftist, anti-white, monstrous giant octopus that has spread its tentacles across the length and breadth of the United State. into every major domain of human life activity. The upshot is that countless numbers of white American are denied jobs, promotions, admissions to elite schools, health and other benefits, because... "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH "

And what about all those policies that go lightly on Black miscreants in the name of "EQUITY" ('equity" means communism). Or the local District Attornies who allow serious Black criminals to evade punishment but then arrest a white ex-President for the flimsiest and "iffiest" minor offences conceivable ?

Whatever happened to America? Where did things go off the rails. How is it that the people who built the greatest nation in human history from nothing are now (figuratively) spat upon in the streets,. How is it that they are openly insulted, intimidated and persecuted by inferior races and their inferior cultures in their own country. Why is it that white Americans are afraid to speak out and expose the injustices they are now routinely forced to endure every day?

White America has only one option remaining... It can - metaphorically speaking - either roar like or lion, or, squeak like a mouse. Choosing the later will have the predictable consequences.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
A racist rant by a racist foreigner who matters nothing to any American
Can you point out where the racism is, I bet you can't!
The entire manifesto is racist white grievance. A whiny foreign white racist bitching that the world is unfair because after centuries of suppression, violence, brutality, slavery, treachery, and treatment by white people against all non-white people as subhuman, white people are finally having their unearned privilege stripped from them and finally told to shut the fuck up. Cry me a river and acknowledge the abject horror that white people have inflicted on the non-white world for most of human existence.
Can you point out where the racism is, I bet you can't!
Yes, I can define racism for you.

A racist is a person who has a "reflex"/ pre-cognitive hatred of EVERY INDIVIDUAL he sees or encounters who is not a member of his own racial group.

Now, it seems to me that it is white people in America Australia, England ,and other Western nations, who are increasingly denounced as racists.

Take me, for example. You didn't waste any time branding me a racist for the remarks I made in my post (above).

So let me explain my position in the vexed issue of race.

(1) I am a RACE REALIST. That mean I believe that race is a biological/genetic reality. The current, official position, that has been embraced almost all of the scholary experts and liberal intellectuals is that race is a purely "SOCIAL CONSTRUCT." When you argue that race is merely a "SOCIAL SONSTRUCT" it means means you are saying that there are no actual/real differences between different racial groups with respect to physical/anatomical/mental/physiologial, etc attributes and traits.

My response is as follows.... Suppose I select ten (10) native Englishmen from the county Hertfordshire, then I select ten (10) Chinese individuals at random from the city of Beijing, then I select ten (10) native, Australian Aboriginal at random from an Australian city like Darwin and finally I select ten (10) Maoris from a city in New Zealand. Next, I take these 40 individuals and place them on a stage. I get them to stand shoulder - to - shoulder in a straight line across the stage as follows: the ten Chinese individuals stand next to each other, then to the right of them the ten Maoris, then to the right of the Maoris the ten Aboriginals, and lastly, to the right of the Aboriginals, the Englishmen So the 40 are standing on my stage, as follows....


Now I invite DIESEL to inspect the line-up of the 40 individuals on the stage, and to spend as much time as he tkies studying them. Diesel spends over two hours carefully observinf the line of 40 individuals (they are all male adults, BTW, but could have selected 40 females, or even 20 males and 20 females - it wouln't make any difference).

When DIESEL's done checking out the 40 individuals on the stage I say to him: "DIESEL, did you notice any substantial physical/anatomical,, differences between the four groups that
you examined ?" Diesel says to me: "Yeah, BIG TIME , dude !" Then I ask him: "and did you notice that the individual in each group of ten liked roughly similar to each other. I mean similar shaped eyes, similar types of hair, similar kins of body builds, and nose shapes, etc ?" DIESEL says to me: " Yeah, definitely, man"! Then I said to him: "DIESEL, are you 100% sure that you weren't possibly imagining any of this ? I mean, the differences between the groups of ten, and the similarities within the groups of ten? Are you certain that they were REAL ? " DIESEL says: "Of COURSE I am !! I saw it with my own F**King eyes !". I say to him: " Now, now, DIESEL, no need to get upset, man, I totally believe you;. I mean, I know you're not a flake (???!!!), This is all part of my college research project, and when I write it up I have to say that I asked you whether or not you were sure - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that what you observed was the "Real McCoy"

I'll give you this, you are consistent. Each post says essentially the same thing. But in case you have been frozen (like Dr. Evil in Austin Powers) it's not 1950 anymore. America is not an all white country nor will it be going forward (that's just reality).

Now a nuanced discussion can be had and those in the U.S. trying to promote an anti-white/anti-West mentality (no more books by old dead white males in our schools) can be pushed back against. But for your all white dream, some of the people who dislike this country the most are white. Some of the most patriotic Americans are immigrants (of color).

So you need to go Doc Brown and create a time travel machine to a previous time to get your wish.

I do not see how America can survive as an advanced, civilised state when its white (North -Western European) population inevitably become a minority demographic in the not too distant future. Western (European) culture is objectively superior to any other culture that has ever emerged in the 6,000 year history of human civilisation. When this culture is replaced in ,Western nations like America and the United Kingdom, with inferior African and/ or Middle-Eastern (Islamic) culture, through mass -immigration, what was the advanced, industrial/technological Western world will sink into a "dark age just like Europe did after the Fall of the Roman Empire..

The blueprints for the American republic were drawn up according to the political philosophy of an England - a 17th-century Enlightenment philosopher who was a genius and was, if you like' , THE FOUNDER OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS - his name was John Locke. Locke was a devout Christian ( a Protestant) and a brilliant political philosopher. He was responsible for bringing his political ideology - "CLASSICAL LIBERALISM" - to the American colonies. All of the 52 Founding Fathers embraced classical liberalism; the Declaration of Independence" and the US Constitution would never have existed, but for the work of John Locke ( in, particular, his great text: "Two Treatises of Government",




I have decided to mark the start of America's decline as being 1965. the reason is because the Hart-Cellar Immigration Bill was ratified in November, 1965 by Lyndon Johnson. The Hart-Cellar Bill which Lyndon Johnson promised the American public would have no radical effects of national demography, in fact swamped the US with 3rd-World immigrants at an exponential rate. Once a country like America imports mass numbers of individuals who are not culturally Western, the entire American system of government will eventually seize. This is because America was founded using the principles of John Locke's "Classical Liberalism" that were a pure by-product of 17th century Western culture. Everything in America worked a treat when the population was 90% White, West European; but when you start throwing massive numbers of immigrants from inferior cultures into the population, the dominant Western culture is undermined and the nation fragments along racial/ethnic and cultural lines into a set of insular enclaves (generally speaking, peoples from non-white, foreign culture do NOT assimilate into mainstream White/Western American society - the classical example being Black African Americans, with Hispanics not far behind).


Secondly, I have chosen 1965, because by that year neo-Marxism (in the form of Critical Marxism and Cultural Marxism) had gained a firm foot-hold in American colleges and Universities. This triggered the rise of a sizeable Leftist counter-culture on American campuses that persists to this day. The presence of the neo-Marxist left grew ever stronger throughout the 70's, 80's 90's 00's and so on tight up to the present day. The universities and colleges acted as "Conveyor Belts" for transporting Neo-Marxist ideas into the other institutions of American society. For instance, the militant second-wave feminist movement that ran through the 1970s and 1980's; the 1972 Roe vs Wade decision which was made by the SCOTUS following intense, political pressure from American, "Women's Liberation" groups;" the successful infiltration of K-12 schools with CRT, which is a poisonous form of racial Marxism that is hostile "Whiteness" (Americans with white skin) and to "Phallogocentric" White, Western European culture; the entire, monstrous (anti-White) DEI bureaucracy which has spread across America into both the public and private sectors; the WOKE ideology; the use of Identity politics by Barack Obama ( a fully-fledged Black Marxist) to create and support the BLM Inc organisation which successfully encourage mass rioting across America in the Summer of 2020, and lastly, by way of example, the is the gender ideology movement that endorses the use of gender-affirming,hormonal treatments and radical surgery to transform males who THINK they are female into "women" by cutting off their penises and testicles, inserting false, silicon breasts and a range of other Frankensteinian manipulations.

In terms of the decline of a society like America I also used 1965 to mark the start of the degeneration of the US because the erosion of White Western cultural homogeneity which began in 1965 and the entrenchment of neo-(cultural)-Marxism in American higher education that took place at about the same time were mutually enhancing.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Re the post above. It is all that is left of my original, as this was over 10,000 characters, so I had to cut most of it just to post what I have. This is why it may not read very coherently !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
I'd like to tell y'all something I've noticed about America in 2024 that I think is cause for grave concern.

The people who founded the American republic were predominantly (90+%) the descendants of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Right? As for their politics, they were moderate Conservatives. All 52 of the Founding Fathers had embraced the 17th-century English philosopher, John Locke's, political philosophy which is called "Classical Liberalism" today. By the way, don't confuse "Classic Liberalism" with modern era political term "liberal." (An American liberal is a left-leaning, moralistic "flake" who tends to vote Democrat and takes nit-wits like Greta Bumberg seriously).

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Paring your diatribe to its opening, your history is a non-starter. The revolutionaries who risked their necks to form the first democracy since the ancient world were hardly "moderate Conservatives". You confuse them with what their radical philosophy seems to ignoramuses like yourself in the world of today. In fact, the tenets not only of Locke, but Hobbes, Rousseau and others form the political philosophy of liberals now just as they did then. Your obvious problem, widely shared, is that the culture we share compels respect for those writers, so you imagine ways to separate them.
Paring your diatribe to its opening, your history is a non-starter. The revolutionaries who risked their necks to form the first democracy since the ancient world were hardly "moderate Conservatives". You confuse them with what their radical philosophy seems to ignoramuses like yourself in the world of today. In fact, the tenets not only of Locke, but Hobbes, Rousseau and others form the political philosophy of liberals now just as they did then. Your obvious problem, widely shared, is that the culture we share compels respect for those writers, so you imagine ways to separate them.
Speaking of ignoramuses, Marty, our revolutionaries founded a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.

Your obvious problem, Marty, is that you are uneducated and ignorant.

Poor Marty.
It's true that there will soon be a Latino majority in the USA. It's inevitable. White Evangelists should study the word.
The new Latino majority will unseat White Christian Zionists and slap America back into moral consciousness.
We can all help this come about by separating religion and state through blacklisting any politician that attempts to continue to push America down the oily slope of theocracy.
Paring your diatribe to its opening, your history is a non-starter. The revolutionaries who risked their necks to form the first democracy since the ancient world were hardly "moderate Conservatives". You confuse them with what their radical philosophy seems to ignoramuses like yourself in the world of today. In fact, the tenets not only of Locke, but Hobbes, Rousseau and others form the political philosophy of liberals now just as they did then. Your obvious problem, widely shared, is that the culture we share compels respect for those writers, so you imagine ways to separate them.


No you are incorrect.Of all the 17th and 18th Enlightenment philosophers, it was John Locke's political philosophy that exerted the greatest impact on the Founders. For instance, the core principles in Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independent" (are lifted directly from Locke's "Two Treatises of Government" 1690, and in places "plagiarised word for word:" It was Locke's argument that a people being subjugated by a tyrannical government has the Natural (Gid-given) Right to wage armed revolution against their oppressor/s. Which, of curse, is what the Americans of the 13 colonies did in (1775)/1776. in the American War of Independence. But the argument that morally hustified this was first set down by John Lock in 1690, not Thomas Jefferson in 1776 AS for other 18th century Enlightenment philosopher, the Founder did read Rousseau, (and many others), but found some of his most important, core political tenents illogical (like Rousseau's argument that man in his hypothesised "state of nature" possessed a political consciousness more or less the same that of man in organised society, etc).

After the American victory against the British Crow, the US Constution was was drafted and finalised in Philadelphia on Sept 17th, 1787.

The Constution was like a plant that grew up out of a pot that was filled with the rich and dertil soil that was the "Declaration of Independence".

John Locke WAS the Father of Classical Libralism" and this political ideology was indeed very much situated on the right side of the RIGHT-LEFT political continum. The FOUNDING Father all embraced John lockes political philosophy which blended Christian faith in concepts like the Natural - Divinely endowed - Law and the unalienal Rughts (and duties) this law gave to all men.

Your shouls not confuse an American political "Liberal" with a man who identifies himself as a "Classical Libertarian". The latter is most definitely an American political conservative, the former is a left-leaning specimen.

In conclusiom John Locke - a devout Protestand and a brilliant rationl/logical political philosopher was without question - THE FATHER of the FOUNDING FATHERS of AMERICA in their lifetimes. Locke was was pious Protestant and what you would call, in America today, a staunch Western European (English) Conservative.

You should read some of Locke's poltical work - he was a true genius with a rare insight into human nature/Western culture.

What you current have in the Biden administran that is running Americ is an example of revolutionary and radical modern -era Marxism that if not somehow stopped very soon will utterly destroy the United States
(in the same kind of way that California has been wrecked).

Take it easy, Marty !


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!

No you are incorrect.Of all the 17th and 18th Enlightenment philosophers, it was John Locke's political philosophy that exerted the greatest impact on the Founders. For instance, the core principles in Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independent" (are lifted directly from Locke's "Two Treatises of Government" 1690, and in places "plagiarised word for word:" It was Locke's argument that a people being subjugated by a tyrannical government has the Natural (Gid-given) Right to wage armed revolution against their oppressor/s. Which, of curse, is what the Americans of the 13 colonies did in (1775)/1776. in the American War of Independence. But the argument that morally hustified this was first set down by John Lock in 1690, not Thomas Jefferson in 1776 AS for other 18th century Enlightenment philosopher, the Founder did read Rousseau, (and many others), but found some of his most important, core political tenents illogical (like Rousseau's argument that man in his hypothesised "state of nature" possessed a political consciousness more or less the same that of man in organised society, etc).

After the American victory against the British Crow, the US Constution was was drafted and finalised in Philadelphia on Sept 17th, 1787.

The Constution was like a plant that grew up out of a pot that was filled with the rich and dertil soil that was the "Declaration of Independence".

John Locke WAS the Father of Classical Libralism" and this political ideology was indeed very much situated on the right side of the RIGHT-LEFT political continum. The FOUNDING Father all embraced John lockes political philosophy which blended Christian faith in concepts like the Natural - Divinely endowed - Law and the unalienal Rughts (and duties) this law gave to all men.

Your shouls not confuse an American political "Liberal" with a man who identifies himself as a "Classical Libertarian". The latter is most definitely an American political conservative, the former is a left-leaning specimen.

In conclusiom John Locke - a devout Protestand and a brilliant rationl/logical political philosopher was without question - THE FATHER of the FOUNDING FATHERS of AMERICA in their lifetimes. Locke was was pious Protestant and what you would call, in America today, a staunch Western European (English) Conservative.

You should read some of Locke's poltical work - he was a true genius with a rare insight into human nature/Western culture.

What you current have in the Biden administran that is running Americ is an example of revolutionary and radical modern -era Marxism that if not somehow stopped very soon will utterly destroy the United States
(in the same kind of way that California has been wrecked).

Take it easy, Marty !


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
About your very narrow objection to that comment, Locke did not spring out of nowhere. He followed the lead of earlier social philosophers, including Thomas Hobbes who formulated the idea of "the social contract". Locke drew on Hobbes, Spinoza and others in "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and the two "Treatises", works the Founders frequently cited. But Locke also believed in the factual accuracy the Bible many of the Founders rejected.
Yes, I can define racism for you.

A racist is a person who has a "reflex"/ pre-cognitive hatred of EVERY INDIVIDUAL he sees or encounters who is not a member of his own racial group.

Now, it seems to me that it is white people in America Australia, England ,and other Western nations, who are increasingly denounced as racists.

Take me, for example. You didn't waste any time branding me a racist for the remarks I made in my post (above).

So let me explain my position in the vexed issue of race.

(1) I am a RACE REALIST. That mean I believe that race is a biological/genetic reality. The current, official position, that has been embraced almost all of the scholary experts and liberal intellectuals is that race is a purely "SOCIAL CONSTRUCT." When you argue that race is merely a "SOCIAL SONSTRUCT" it means means you are saying that there are no actual/real differences between different racial groups with respect to physical/anatomical/mental/physiologial, etc attributes and traits.

My response is as follows.... Suppose I select ten (10) native Englishmen from the county Hertfordshire, then I select ten (10) Chinese individuals at random from the city of Beijing, then I select ten (10) native, Australian Aboriginal at random from an Australian city like Darwin and finally I select ten (10) Maoris from a city in New Zealand. Next, I take these 40 individuals and place them on a stage. I get them to stand shoulder - to - shoulder in a straight line across the stage as follows: the ten Chinese individuals stand next to each other, then to the right of them the ten Maoris, then to the right of the Maoris the ten Aboriginals, and lastly, to the right of the Aboriginals, the Englishmen So the 40 are standing on my stage, as follows....


Now I invite DIESEL to inspect the line-up of the 40 individuals on the stage, and to spend as much time as he tkies studying them. Diesel spends over two hours carefully observinf the line of 40 individuals (they are all male adults, BTW, but could have selected 40 females, or even 20 males and 20 females - it wouln't make any difference).

When DIESEL's done checking out the 40 individuals on the stage I say to him: "DIESEL, did you notice any substantial physical/anatomical,, differences between the four groups that
you examined ?" Diesel says to me: "Yeah, BIG TIME , dude !" Then I ask him: "and did you notice that the individual in each group of ten liked roughly similar to each other. I mean similar shaped eyes, similar types of hair, similar kins of body builds, and nose shapes, etc ?" DIESEL says to me: " Yeah, definitely, man"! Then I said to him: "DIESEL, are you 100% sure that you weren't possibly imagining any of this ? I mean, the differences between the groups of ten, and the similarities within the groups of ten? Are you certain that they were REAL ? " DIESEL says: "Of COURSE I am !! I saw it with my own F**King eyes !". I say to him: " Now, now, DIESEL, no need to get upset, man, I totally believe you;. I mean, I know you're not a flake (???!!!), This is all part of my college research project, and when I write it up I have to say that I asked you whether or not you were sure - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that what you observed was the "Real McCoy"

I do not see how America can survive as an advanced, civilised state when its white (North -Western European) population inevitably become a minority demographic in the not too distant future. Western (European) culture is objectively superior to any other culture that has ever emerged in the 6,000 year history of human civilisation. When this culture is replaced in ,Western nations like America and the United Kingdom, with inferior African and/ or Middle-Eastern (Islamic) culture, through mass -immigration, what was the advanced, industrial/technological Western world will sink into a "dark age just like Europe did after the Fall of the Roman Empire..

The blueprints for the American republic were drawn up according to the political philosophy of an England - a 17th-century Enlightenment philosopher who was a genius and was, if you like' , THE FOUNDER OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS - his name was John Locke. Locke was a devout Christian ( a Protestant) and a brilliant political philosopher. He was responsible for bringing his political ideology - "CLASSICAL LIBERALISM" - to the American colonies. All of the 52 Founding Fathers embraced classical liberalism; the Declaration of Independence" and the US Constitution would never have existed, but for the work of John Locke ( in, particular, his great text: "Two Treatises of Government",




I have decided to mark the start of America's decline as being 1965. the reason is because the Hart-Cellar Immigration Bill was ratified in November, 1965 by Lyndon Johnson. The Hart-Cellar Bill which Lyndon Johnson promised the American public would have no radical effects of national demography, in fact swamped the US with 3rd-World immigrants at an exponential rate. Once a country like America imports mass numbers of individuals who are not culturally Western, the entire American system of government will eventually seize. This is because America was founded using the principles of John Locke's "Classical Liberalism" that were a pure by-product of 17th century Western culture. Everything in America worked a treat when the population was 90% White, West European; but when you start throwing massive numbers of immigrants from inferior cultures into the population, the dominant Western culture is undermined and the nation fragments along racial/ethnic and cultural lines into a set of insular enclaves (generally speaking, peoples from non-white, foreign culture do NOT assimilate into mainstream White/Western American society - the classical example being Black African Americans, with Hispanics not far behind).


Secondly, I have chosen 1965, because by that year neo-Marxism (in the form of Critical Marxism and Cultural Marxism) had gained a firm foot-hold in American colleges and Universities. This triggered the rise of a sizeable Leftist counter-culture on American campuses that persists to this day. The presence of the neo-Marxist left grew ever stronger throughout the 70's, 80's 90's 00's and so on tight up to the present day. The universities and colleges acted as "Conveyor Belts" for transporting Neo-Marxist ideas into the other institutions of American society. For instance, the militant second-wave feminist movement that ran through the 1970s and 1980's; the 1972 Roe vs Wade decision which was made by the SCOTUS following intense, political pressure from American, "Women's Liberation" groups;" the successful infiltration of K-12 schools with CRT, which is a poisonous form of racial Marxism that is hostile "Whiteness" (Americans with white skin) and to "Phallogocentric" White, Western European culture; the entire, monstrous (anti-White) DEI bureaucracy which has spread across America into both the public and private sectors; the WOKE ideology; the use of Identity politics by Barack Obama ( a fully-fledged Black Marxist) to create and support the BLM Inc organisation which successfully encourage mass rioting across America in the Summer of 2020, and lastly, by way of example, the is the gender ideology movement that endorses the use of gender-affirming,hormonal treatments and radical surgery to transform males who THINK they are female into "women" by cutting off their penises and testicles, inserting false, silicon breasts and a range of other Frankensteinian manipulations.

In terms of the decline of a society like America I also used 1965 to mark the start of the degeneration of the US because the erosion of White Western cultural homogeneity which began in 1965 and the entrenchment of neo-(cultural)-Marxism in American higher education that took place at about the same time were mutually enhancing.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
If you have a time machine and can go back to 1965 to change things then be my guest. But it's now 2024. The fastest growing immigrant group to America are Asians and Indians. They also happen to be the highest earning ethnicities in America. (Go look at the black population of the Ivies. A very high number are either African immigrants or kids of immigrants.)

I'm not speaking to be politically correct or woke rather just speaking reality, we live in a global society and trying to set immigration laws based on race isn't going to happen. The key, which some say is racist, is the old melting pot or assimilation. Many white immigrants were also not considered white over a century ago. Ultimately many of them assimilated as well.

You'll find some that share your view that America should be more white. But it's not happening. And more and more people of all races are inter mixing and making bi-racial children. That isn't changing. I understand many Boomers remember their childhood when the country was predominantly white and race was mostly white and black. But the times have changed and neither of those scenarios now exist.