An obvious solution.


Shaken, not stirred!
Americans --- get off your rear ends and form a third political party that is actually by, of and for THE PEOPLE! NOT corporations or lobbyists! Also, learn to share and be nice to each other. IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO DO!
Americans --- get off your rear ends and form a third political party that is actually by, of and for THE PEOPLE! NOT corporations or lobbyists! Also, learn to share and be nice to each other. IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO DO!
The UniParties stranglehold on access must be removed before that can happen.
"We have crime family A and Crime family B, who work together to shut everyone else out"
You are correct about Trump and his family. You believe the lies about Biden because you want to. Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies. He has a couple of trials coming up that he cannot win due to his belief he can doe what he wants. He did not even hide those crimes.
You are correct about Trump and his family. You believe the lies about Biden because you want to. Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies. He has a couple of trials coming up that he cannot win due to his belief he can doe what he wants. He did not even hide those crimes.
Stupid your family business, isn't it?