An Open Letter to God - By Michael Moore


Junior Member
An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore

Sunday, August 31st, 2008

Dear God,

The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be cancelled.

I see that You have answered Rev. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.

Now, heavenly Father, we all know You have a great sense of humor and impeccable timing. To send a hurricane on the third anniversary of the Katrina disaster AND right at the beginning of the Republican Convention was, at first blush, a stroke of divine irony. I don't blame You, I know You're angry that the Republicans tried to blame YOU for Katrina by calling it an "Act of God" -- when the truth was that the hurricane itself caused few casualties in New Orleans. Over a thousand people died because of the mistakes and neglect caused by humans, not You.

Some of us tried to help after Katrina hit, while Bush ate cake with McCain
and twiddled his thumbs. I closed my office in New York and sent my entire staff down to New Orleans to help. I asked people on my website to contribute to the relief effort I organized -- and I ended up sending over two million dollars in donations, food, water, and supplies (collected from thousands of fans) to New Orleans while Bush's FEMA ice trucks were still driving around Maine three weeks later.

But this past Thursday night, the Washington Post reported that the Republicans had begun making plans to possibly postpone the convention. The AP had reported that there were no shelters set up in New Orleans for this storm, and that the levee repairs have not been adequate. In other words, as the great Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again!"

So the last thing John McCain and the Republicans needed was to have a split-screen on TVs across America: one side with Bush and McCain partying in St. Paul, and on the other side of the screen, live footage of their Republican administration screwing up once again while New Orleans drowns.

So, yes, You have scared the Jesus, Mary and Joseph out of them, and more than a few million of your followers tip their hats to You.

But now it appears that You haven't been having just a little fun with Bush & Co. It appears that Hurricane Gustav is truly heading to New Orleans and the Gulf coast. We hear You, O Lord, loud and clear, just as we did when Rev. Falwell said You made 9/11 happen because of all those gays and abortions. We beseech You, O Merciful One, not to punish us again as Pat Robertson said You did by giving us Katrina because of America's "wholesale slaughter of unborn children." His sentiments were echoed by other Republicans in 2005.

So this is my plea to you: Don't do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven't sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time -- they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don't know what, Bush's head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government's response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W's to help save the Gulf Coast.

So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It's done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I'll leave that to the followers of Rev. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.

Your faithful servant and former seminarian,

Michael Moore

P.S. To all of God's fellow children who are reading this, the city New Orleans has not yet recovered from Katrina. Please click here for a list of things you can do to help our brothers and sisters on the Gulf Coast. And, if you do live along the Gulf Coast, please take all necessary safety precautions immediately.
Nice prayer.

Just as an FYI, the people who were responsible for getting the people out of New Orleans before katrina hit were the mayor of New Orleans and the Gov of Louisianna. Before the federal government was allowed to send assistance the gov has to declare a state of emerency.

Yes, FEMA was fucked up. But the GOP was not the one who dropped the ball.
"Yes, FEMA was fucked up. But the GOP was not the one who dropped the ball."

You're speaking in technical terms. Katrina was a grand opportunity for Bush to display leadership, as he had promised so often in 2000. "I am a leaderrrrr..." he kept assuring us.

He said a few days before the storm hit that they were ready for anything, and was late to even react to the crisis, much less lead. Katrina is a microcosm of this man's incompetence & inability to do the job he was elected for. He was in over his head on that, just as he has been with everything.
"Yes, FEMA was fucked up. But the GOP was not the one who dropped the ball."

You're speaking in technical terms. Katrina was a grand opportunity for Bush to display leadership, as he had promised so often in 2000. "I am a leaderrrrr..." he kept assuring us.

He said a few days before the storm hit that they were ready for anything, and was late to even react to the crisis, much less lead. Katrina is a microcosm of this man's incompetence & inability to do the job he was elected for. He was in over his head on that, just as he has been with everything.

Its funny that you admit that "technically" I am correct that others dropped the ball. But Bush is the ONLY one you blame.

No blame for Nagin, no blame for the gov, no personnal responsibility for the thugs that went on a rampage in New Orleans.

Yes, Bush is a retard and is worthless as a leader. But he was not the only one to blame. He is just a convenient one for those who already hate him.

Blame Bush for what Bush did. I applaud that. But also blame those who share his incompetence.
Appears he rethought his apparent hope that God would punish Republicans.

Filmmaker Michael Moore appeared on Keith Olbermann's show on MSNBC, and quipped that Hurricane Gustav's timing was "proof there is a God."

The documentarian joked with Olbermann that he's delighted to see a natural disaster possibly interfere with the Republican event.

Michael Moore spoke on MSNBC’s August 29 “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” and said, “I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.”
Its funny that you admit that "technically" I am correct that others dropped the ball. But Bush is the ONLY one you blame.

No blame for Nagin, no blame for the gov, no personnal responsibility for the thugs that went on a rampage in New Orleans.

Yes, Bush is a retard and is worthless as a leader. But he was not the only one to blame. He is just a convenient one for those who already hate him.

Blame Bush for what Bush did. I applaud that. But also blame those who share his incompetence.

Nagin was a mess; a terrible leader.

Nagin being a terrible leader & underqualified for his job has very little, if any, effect on my life. Bush being a terrible leader & underqualified for his job has a larger effect on my life.
Nagin was a mess; a terrible leader.

Nagin being a terrible leader & underqualified for his job has very little, if any, effect on my life. Bush being a terrible leader & underqualified for his job has a larger effect on my life.

I agree that Bush has a much broader impact.

But how much impact did the damage in New Orleans have on your life?

All I am saying is that if you want to bust Bush, then do so for the things HE actually did.

But don't let others off the hook because you hate Bush.
Nice prayer.

Just as an FYI, the people who were responsible for getting the people out of New Orleans before katrina hit were the mayor of New Orleans and the Gov of Louisianna. Before the federal government was allowed to send assistance the gov has to declare a state of emerency.

Yes, FEMA was fucked up. But the GOP was not the one who dropped the ball.

I don't get to vote against the LA Gov or mayor of NO, however.
I don't get to vote against the LA Gov or mayor of NO, however.

Thats great. Vote for anyone else.

But do you really think the GOP is the issue when talking about how Katrina screwed up New orleans.
When talking about how FEMA screwed up Katrina, I think it is.

Really? So the Gov of LA and the mayor of New Orleans do next to nothing, and you think the GOP is to blame??

See? That is the biggest problem with our nation. Its not about actual solutions. Its about figuring out how we can blame the enemy (the other political party), and how we can make our party look better.

People lives don't matter. Who is actually responsible doesn't matter.

Its about how it can be spun for political gain.
FEMA fucked up, dude. You're a moron if you're going to try to spin your way around that. They fucked up because they had a guy in charge who wasn't qualified. The guy was in charge because Bush appointed him as a political favor.
FEMA fucked up, dude. You're a moron if you're going to try to spin your way around that. They fucked up because they had a guy in charge who wasn't qualified. The guy was in charge because Bush appointed him as a political favor.

I am not spinning a damned thing. Yes, FEMA fucked up. But FEMA could not do shit until requested by the state & local governments.

The dems waited until Katrina hit to do shit. The republicans had idiots in charge.

And you want to make it look like it was all the republicans and that the dems would have done it soooo much differently.

But thats just not the truth.
I've never made the implication that it was only the GOP that fucked up during Katrina. However, I don't get to vote against local LA Democrats. The politicians that effect my life who fucked up Katrina are GOP.
I've never made the implication that it was only the GOP that fucked up during Katrina. However, I don't get to vote against local LA Democrats. The politicians that effect my life who fucked up Katrina are GOP.

If you choose who to vote for in the presidential race because of who you CAN slap over the katrina debacle, you have a strange way of deciding who to vote for.
If you choose who to vote for in the presidential race because of who you CAN slap over the katrina debacle, you have a strange way of deciding who to vote for.

I don't exempt the Dems in LA from blame, but to me, Katina is a glaring example about Bush that we have seen time & time again on much less notable levels: a lack of leadership.

For a guy who campaiged on extremely little in 2000, save for a tax cut and 'I'm a leaderrrr" and a "uniterrrr", and who still lets us know that he is the "deciderrr", Katrina is just one more example of how empty that rhetoric is. The guy is the worst empty suit we have elected in my lifetime, and he's a goddamned 2-termer.

I'll use whatever I can to bash his supporters over the head with that. It's been enormously frustrating for someone who knew from the very 1st debate in 2000 what we were going to get.
"Yes, FEMA was fucked up. But the GOP was not the one who dropped the ball."

You're speaking in technical terms.

More like logical and rational terms. The democratic mayor and the democratic governor are the ones that truly failed. They failed miserably. But props for diverting all that on to the republicans.