Analysis of my Weekend with The Pinheads

As many of you may know, my dearest and closest friends, are Liberals. Not just 'moderate' Libs, but full-blown, black helicopter, Bush-is-a-puppet, Liberals. Their political views are slightly to the left of Desh. I have found, we have a much better time together, when we can avoid political discussions of any great length, and I generally go out of my way to avoid political topics, because I know any such conversation is going to end in a fight.

Most of the time, my diligence in not bringing up or furthering discussions on politics, is enough to get through the weekend without any serious rifts in friendship, or hurt feelings. This weekend, it was almost impossible to avoid the topic of politics. I now have permanent teeth marks in my tongue. I endured 40 hours of almost non-stop Liberal pontification on politics, and avoided losing a single friend, but I have to say, the pinheads are starting to worry. The market crash seems to have them completely baffled. Oh, they are still poised to elect Obama, but you could sense this tone of uncertainty now, which wasn't present just a month ago. The 'confidence' of 'thinking about tomorrow' is starting to wain, as they begin to realize, tomorrow brings us a big steaming shit sandwich.

They kept prodding me for my 'opinion' of the election, asking if I planned to vote for McCain, asking what I thought of Palin, If I supported the bailout, etc. It was like we were in a Star Wars scene, and I was Yoda... I now know how Charles Krauthammer must feel. All I can say is, the Liberal base doesn't seem as 'energized' as they once were. They are beginning to second-guess this whole thing, and wonder if their particular viewpoint might be just a tad bit extreme. Whether this will translate to a low turnout for Obama on election day, remains to be seen, but it certainly didn't sound encouraging for Obama.

Now, I realize, these are Alabama Liberals, which I explained to one of them, isn't much different from a mainstream Conservative in California. But, still, there was this definite sense of uncertainty among them. I ran my theory past them, about the current market crash being the result of 'rich folks' fears of an Obama presidency, and believe it or not, I didn't get a single disagreement. Oh, they raised the typical pinhead points about the need to "do something about fraud!" But, my response was simple, when have we NOT done something about fraud? Last I checked, the Enron guys are still in prison. Prosecution of fraud, is not going to fix the problem or solve the mess. The fundamental problem being, rich people afraid of an anti-capitalist administration. Pinheads really have no solution for this problem, and it shows.

As I said, the level of concern and worry is apparent. You can tell, they are genuinely concerned about what lies ahead, and seem to be resigned to the fact we are about to be in the midst of 'hard times' in the days to come. Oh well, at least we'll have a liberal government, that should be comforting! Liberals are very resourceful at figuring out how we can all survive... they were contemplating how we could all move in together and form a commune, grow our own food, pitch in together to make the mortgage payment, etc. You may think I am kidding, but they were dead serious! We're going to have a liberal government, and no one will have a pot to piss in, but it will all be okay, because we will have liberal government! I tell you, it's a 'mental disorder'.

The undertones were bleak, we had a great time as always, we drank whiskey and played guitar, signing Bob Dylan songs 'til the wee hours of the morning, but there was this constant feeling of despair and hopelessness over the future. I guess you have to become completely 'hopeless' in order for 'hope and change' to take hold. It is only from the perspective of hopelessness, you can truly appreciate hope, and welcome change. The pinheads are there! Gloom, despair, and agony on me!
hahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry about your tongue!!!! lol

Hey, we have met a group of people up here that have been planning their own self sufficiency for has cows, another has chickens, another sells fresh eggs another grows and freezes or jars has apples, one has firewood, one is a fisherman and one is a lobsterman another is a handyman another in construction, another a roofer....they "barter" with eachother, one cow's worth of beef for a years worth of chickens type blows my mind...they do everything together and all live in my new home town...they hate government...and are liberals.

I have never felt so safe, in my entire life as we do here, and with our new friends who have welcomed us in to their family of friends....

Of course, matt and I are useless....we can offer nothing but apples from the 7 trees on our lot, and they already have apples....we met them at a Town Festival up here where matt was performing...playing guitar and singing...they befriended us there and hired matt to sing at a camp party they were having on a local lake....

then they invited us to a pot luck that they have every thursday night at the local antique store that one of them owns, then they asked matt to play again at another party they had and paid him....this went on for a bit, so now when we need something from them, we barter with matt's talent and he performs for them in trade for help...yesterday, one of them came over and installed our back storm door, so this thursday matt will sing at their antique store at the pot luck...

I think it is good to be thinking about sticking together and helping one another Dixie....

We lost our way...when we stopped.

Oh I agree Care, I am just glad I have such great Liberal friends willing to accept me into the commune when things go south. It was an interesting study in psychology though, to hear them so down in the dumps, so resigned to 'hard times' ahead. I had thought all this time, that Obama represented this 'new age' in America, where things were going to be Liberally Beautiful, and all our problems would vanish in thin air, we just needed to oust the mean old republicans and tax the hell out of rich people. It seems, this isn't going to be the "hope and change" originally espoused. It appears we will all be "hoping" to find work, and begging for "change" on the corner. BUT... we'll have a Liberal Government, and that is the most important thing!

'Hard Times' seem to play better for Liberals. They just seem to come up with better ways to survive and make it. While the "rich folk" suffer and moan, Liberals join together and pool resources. I figure, in 4 years, when Obama is running for re-election, we will be reminded of how much happier we are, living in our self-sufficient communes instead of participating in the corporate machine. Since money will essentially be worthless by then, the importance of it will be completely downplayed. Who needs it? Sure, our Social Security is gone, and we have no jobs... the economy is completely tanked, and inflation is through the roof, but that only effects those who don't know how to live like hippies! Yes, we will be so thankful to Obama for enabling us to finally discover ourselves! As long as the economy was good, and prosperity reigned, we could never break the chains of gluttony and learn to live the simple life!
Do we have to be privy to every stage of your psychological angst, as you work through what it's going to mean to have a government completely run by Democrats?

First, denial; then, "I've got my bunker & my guns, I just hope it's quick & painless for you!"; now, "liberals may win, but they're not happy about it!"

What's next?
Do we have to be privy to every stage of your psychological angst, as you work through what it's going to mean to have a government completely run by Democrats?

First, denial; then, "I've got my bunker & my guns, I just hope it's quick & painless for you!"; now, "liberals may win, but they're not happy about it!"

What's next?

Next is the impeachment drive.
Do we have to be privy to every stage of your psychological angst, as you work through what it's going to mean to have a government completely run by Democrats?

First, denial; then, "I've got my bunker & my guns, I just hope it's quick & painless for you!"; now, "liberals may win, but they're not happy about it!"

What's next?

LOL... You just can't stand it that I am not miserable! I am sorry Onzies, I wish I could fulfill your desire to be completely distraught and in agony, but I'm really not. I realize, your whole political ideology has been based on inflicting pain and suffering on the likes of me and my 'ilk' but, I am happy as can be, and plan to stay that way. You'll just have to try harder, I guess.

What's next? I have no idea, but whatever it is, I know Democrats will be credited for it, because they will control every aspect. Who knows? Maybe we are in store for 8-years of unprecedented peace-time prosperity? But it really didn't sound like Liberals believe that, going by the things I heard over the weekend. It appears they are all ready to line up at the soup kitchen... load their furniture on the jalopy and head west into the dust bowl of 'hope and change' with Obama at the helm. Suits me just fine! :)
LOL... You just can't stand it that I am not miserable! I am sorry Onzies, I wish I could fulfill your desire to be completely distraught and in agony, but I'm really not. I realize, your whole political ideology has been based on inflicting pain and suffering on the likes of me and my 'ilk' but, I am happy as can be, and plan to stay that way. You'll just have to try harder, I guess.

What's next? I have no idea, but whatever it is, I know Democrats will be credited for it, because they will control every aspect. Who knows? Maybe we are in store for 8-years of unprecedented peace-time prosperity? But it really didn't sound like Liberals believe that, going by the things I heard over the weekend. It appears they are all ready to line up at the soup kitchen... load their furniture on the jalopy and head west into the dust bowl of 'hope and change' with Obama at the helm. Suits me just fine! :)

Well, not sure if you're keeping up w/ current events there, but the market went down about 2,500 pts. in the past few weeks, and the IMF said over the weekend that we're on the precipice of a global economic meltdown. Do ya think that maybe their emotions stemmed more from that than from how they think Obama might do as President? I dunno...that's a tough one.

As for your being miserable, you are. You've also gone around the bend since that big poll jump that you warned us about after Palin's speech didn't happen, and since it's become pretty clear that Obama is going to win. You're a mess right now, Dixie.

Maybe they're all ready for the soup kitchen, but you're ready for the big civil war & societal breakdown that you're sure is going to happen in January.
Yeah I expect the Impeach Obama Bumperstickers will show up on singlewides across this great nation of ours in february sometime.
Yeah I expect the Impeach Obama Bumperstickers will show up on singlewides across this great nation of ours in february sometime.

Oh yes. I remember, very shortly after Clinton took office in 1993, long before Lewinsky or the impeachment hearings, there were bumper stickers here that read "Impeach him hell, let's hang him".

And of course, Rush had started with his "AMERICA UNDER SEIGE" on day one.

They are sick, sick people. And they will not, ever, accept a Democratic victory for the white house.

I believe that's treason. It's certainly not American.
"And of course, Rush had started with his "AMERICA UNDER SEIGE" on day one."

Isn't that amazing? Clinton didn't even have a chance to do anything, before Rush was going on & on about "what did you expect?" and "see, I told you so."

Flash forward 16 years. We've had 8 under a Democrat, and 8 under a Republican. Under which years did America prosper, enjoy relative peace & see their country as a respected leader around the world? Under which years did the banks nearly collapse, we engage in a folly of a war that has lasted longer than WWII and see our standing in the world take a nosedive?

You don't have to answer those last 2...
"And of course, Rush had started with his "AMERICA UNDER SEIGE" on day one."

Isn't that amazing? Clinton didn't even have a chance to do anything, before Rush was going on & on about "what did you expect?" and "see, I told you so."

Flash forward 16 years. We've had 8 under a Democrat, and 8 under a Republican. Under which years did America prosper, enjoy relative peace & see their country as a respected leader around the world? Under which years did the banks nearly collapse, we engage in a folly of a war that has lasted longer than WWII and see our standing in the world take a nosedive?

You don't have to answer those last 2...

This is why I am really hoping for a strong victory. An electoral landslide would be good. A large majority in the popular vote, would be good.

They will attempt to overturn a close election, or frame it as not legitimate. They used Clinton's less than 50% margin (Perot) to term him the illegitmate president. Of course, when their boy was appointed, that was totally legit. Lunatics.

They're very dangerous. A strong victory would be some kind of stop-gap against them though.
Oh yes. I remember, very shortly after Clinton took office in 1993, long before Lewinsky or the impeachment hearings, there were bumper stickers here that read "Impeach him hell, let's hang him".

And of course, Rush had started with his "AMERICA UNDER SEIGE" on day one.

They are sick, sick people. And they will not, ever, accept a Democratic victory for the white house.

I believe that's treason. It's certainly not American.

Trying to immobilize government and being obstructionist is the fun stuff. You democrats should try it sometime instead of putting your tails between your legs and doing whatever the republicans tell you :)
Can I demand a refund of my school taxes for that?

Considering the disgusting mistakes and wastes of the Alabama Education system, asking for a refund becauseI have a sense of humor seems silly.