Analytic and continental philosophy were obsessed with language


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Analytic and continental philosophy were obsessed with language, almost entirely absorbed by it by century’s end. And the motivation on both sides was somewhat similar: linguistic philosophy was going to cure the discipline of the woolly, possibly empty, merely speculative metaphysics of the 19th century, the grand systems of people like G W F Hegel, Friedrich Schelling or Arthur Schopenhauer.
Yes that was a silly debate.

Thinking that language was one of the biggest factors in a society was a flawed concept to begin with.

Essential this was just a bunch of guys who obsessed over language and split into two groups.

It was a debate between nerds that had zero impact on anything
Yes that was a silly debate.

Thinking that language was one of the biggest factors in a society was a flawed concept to begin with.

Essential this was just a bunch of guys who obsessed over language and split into two groups.

It was a debate between nerds that had zero impact on anything

Like AI. Yes, Artificial Intelligence is a thing of the past.

"In July 2020, OpenAI unveiled GPT-3, a language model that was easily the largest known at the time. Put simply, GPT-3 is trained to predict the next word in a sentence, much like how a text message autocomplete feature works. However, model developers and early users demonstrated that it had surprising capabilities, like the ability to write convincing essays, create charts and websites from text descriptions, generate computer code, and more — all with limited to no supervision."
In college I studied Noam Chomsky extensively and while I disagreed with his politics his ability to capture the nuances of linguistics was utterly amazing