Anatomy of a Republican!


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Subject: Republicans have now given up Patriotism

During the last 8 years the Republicans have been waving their flags and passing laws with names like the "Patriot Act."
Now that they are no longer in power Republicans are openly wishing the president will fail in a time of national crisis.
Republicans are talking about states seceding from the country. Where is all that patriotic talk now?
Like fiscal responsibility, the Republicans have now abandoned patriotism.

The reason we are in this crisis is because for the last 8 years the Republicans were on a drunken spending binge.
Now that the spending party is over, the Republicans are running out of the bar without paying their tab.

This is their crisis, they caused it, and Republicans should have to pay the price for their actions.
Republicans need to take responsibility for what they did rather than heckling President Obama
and the Democrats while they and the taxpayers clean up their mess.

I say, how dare they?

How dare they?

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.


Subject: Republicans have now given up Patriotism

During the last 8 years the Republicans have been waving their flags and passing laws with names like the "Patriot Act."
Now that they are no longer in power Republicans are openly wishing the president will fail in a time of national crisis.
Republicans are talking about states seceding from the country. Where is all that patriotic talk now?
Like fiscal responsibility, the Republicans have now abandoned patriotism.

The reason we are in this crisis is because for the last 8 years the Republicans were on a drunken spending binge.
Now that the spending party is over, the Republicans are running out of the bar without paying their tab.

This is their crisis, they caused it, and Republicans should have to pay the price for their actions.
Republicans need to take responsibility for what they did rather than heckling President Obama
and the Democrats while they and the taxpayers clean up their mess.

I say, how dare they?

How dare they?

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
LOL. "Desire to buy out Jesus in a Hostile Takeover bid"...

I don't even believe in Jeebus.
I liked the "Tight Ivy League Assholes". Those Ivy League schools sure are known as bastions of conservatism.
I remember the '70's, '80's and '90's when we were such a united country! Why did it have to change??? And those '60's were all about love! That was a smooth status quo decade if there ever was one. No internal strife within the U.S.
No people blasted with hoses or shot by the police either, because everybody was dedicated to making love, not war and stuff...

Boy, those were the days. Too bad I didn't live then... we would all sit around and sing "Imagine", and nobody would ever get venereal disease...
...and Obama and his crew are dividing us even more.

I blame both parties for the mess we are in. Hey, where are all the jobs Obama promised over and over again? Oh yeah, that was just to get votes.

Nobody divided the country like the previous administration and God willing, we'll never have a president like that again. Worst. president. ever.
I remember the '70's, '80's and '90's when we were such a united country! Why did it have to change??? And those '60's were all about love! That was a smooth status quo decade if there ever was one. No internal strife within the U.S.

That's one of the things I loved about Alice Cooper. They drove a stake through the heart of the flower generation! LOL