And the Global Warming hits just keep on coming


New member
Some people say the Democrats and their standard-bearer Al Gore, when they declared the earth is warming and will be ruined by high temperatures within a decade or two, had never made such a poor prediction in living memory.

Personally I don't think that's true.


Quebec children get holiday as snow piles on roofs

Reuters - Tuesday, March 18

MONTREAL - Several dozen schools were expected to remain shut this week in the Canadian province of Quebec over fears their roofs may collapse under the weight of near record amounts of snow, officials said on Monday.

Administrators at Montreal's French-language school board said only 73 of the roughly 200 schools shut since Friday will reopen on Tuesday.

Some of the others may not open until after the four-day Easter weekend, which begins Friday.

"The objective, of course, is to open the maximum of schools but at the same time to proceed carefully because we want there to be zero risk," school board president Diane de Courcy told reporters.

All told, 90,000 students have been out of school in the Montreal area since Friday.

Primary and secondary schools and adult education centres will reopen only once their roofs have been cleared of snow and the buildings have been inspected for structural safety, de Courcy said.

Four people have been killed in the mainly French-speaking Canadian province of 7.6 million after roofs collapsed under the weight of accumulated snow, though none of the incidents involved schools.

In Shawinigan, about 150 kilometres northeast of Montreal, a 55-year-old man died on Saturday when the roof of his home collapsed.

Three women were killed in Morin Heights north of Montreal last Wednesday when part of a food warehouse roof caved in under the weight of snow.

To date, some 350 centimetres of snow has fallen in the Montreal area, approaching a record level of 383 centimetres set in 1971.
Hmmmm. More stale, and frankly sad, Con attempts at humor. I don’t think I’ve seen the old “Hey, look, there’s a lot of snow today!” gag against global warming used since 1998. Or, at least since Dano left. But, have fun with shopworn and threadbare hackery!

Maybe you can play with superfreak and his global cooling theories.
Yes, the leftist extremists are becoming increasingly bitter about being found so wrong, so consistently.

Here's a suggestion: Why not say something that's true for a change? :lolup: Then your long nightmare would gradually begin to end... if you kept it up.
Are you fucking stupid? EVERYTHING that "leftists" predicted in the '90's is now TRUE. Oceanic warming, disappearing coral reefs, melting ice caps, habitat shifts & disappearance, lost farmland, drought, water shortage. And you find a freak snowfall as some sort of "proof" of anything?
One of the oddest things about Global Warming is that the ocean currents would shift causing glaciation in the northern hemisphere. Glaciation is caused by "record snow falls"...
Maybe you can play with superfreak and his global cooling theories.

Yet another lie from our resident dishonest hack.

Please share with all of us where I have proposed global cooling is taking place moron. Otherwise, do us all a favor and shut the ole pie hole. It is getting rather tiresome dealing with your idiocy.
Great.... show me any one scientist that would dispute anything I have stated....

1) Global warming has occured over the past 50 years.

2) The period in the 90's saw a dramatic increase to record temperatures.

3) From 1998-2007 we saw the warmest decade on record as those record temperatures were maintained.

4) 2005 was the warmest year on record druing that warmest decade on record.

There... are you still with me? Good.

Now.... find one that will disagree that average global temperatures in 1998 and 2007 were the same.

Just in case you were still confused Gumby... I will post this for the twentieth time for you to once again pretend you don't see.

While you are at it Gumby.... how about you stop ducking the fact that it turns out what Wright said is exactly as we were describing to you.... according to Obama.... but you ducked out on all of those threads too didn't you retard.... because once again facts got in the way of your brainwashed fairy tale....