Anderson Cooper


Well-known member
Crusing the vast wasteland of american cable "news" channels last night, I saw something very interesting, and encouraging.

After skipping through lame ass stories about pedophiles, rape cases, and ideological blowhard talking heads I came across Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN.

He was in the Congo, and doing a poignant, and fact-based show on the Congolese civil war and the situation in Darfur. And he was reporting on the ground, in the Congo. Not from a New York studio. It was fact-based, and a truly important report about a situation most americans have no clue about: the Congalese civil war which is the worst human disaster (in terms of lives lost) since World War Two: three million dead people.

There was not pontificating, no ideological blowhards bashing the UN or bashing Bush. It was simply fact-based and informative. I simply can't see Bill O'Reilly, Brit Hume, Sean Hannity, or (bless his heart) Keith Olbermann doing anything like this.

In short, a breath of fresh air. Kudos to Anderson Cooper.
Too few real journalists and reporters now-a-days Cypress. Those others you named are just sensationalistic cionfrontational pundits.
fOX had that story months ago. But it is a good one that is mostly ignored. But well Africa is a huge diaster that is always ongoing.
Too few real journalists and reporters now-a-days Cypress. Those others you named are just sensationalistic cionfrontational pundits.

That's why I watch BBC international ;)

This Anderson Cooper report remined me of the journalistic approach of BBC
I like AC, its a great show and he is a real journalist.

I think he is gay, does anyone know?
This is a good point. What is with Africa? Central Africa. Massive natural resources, plenty of people with little or no income. And what goes on there? KILLING. No develpment of resources, no sweat shops labor. It almost begs the question of why can't black people take care of themselves? Now that is not racist but just the facts of Africa.
It does not really matter much to me... I am just interested in people and who they are. I think he is very good at his job!