Angela Merkel in surprising reaction to Trump's Twitter ban

just goes to show you how fascist the liberals are now. Even other liberals are seeing it for what it is. Totally transparent.

Germany and France Oppose Trump’s Twitter Exile

Germany and France attacked Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc. after U.S. President Donald Trump was shut off from the social media platforms, in an extension of Europe’s battle with big tech.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel objected to the decisions, saying on Monday that lawmakers should set the rules governing free speech and not private technology companies.

“The chancellor sees the complete closing down of the account of an elected president as problematic,” Steffen Seibert, her chief spokesman, said at a regular news conference in Berlin. Rights like the freedom of speech “can be interfered with, but by law and within the framework defined by the legislature -- not according to a corporate decision.
The illiberal Left are well named, what they are doing and propose to do is a form of totalitarianism without a doubt. A classic example of liberals doing what they accuse others of, Saul Alinsky would be so proud!
that lawmakers should set the rules governing free speech and not private technology companies.
Congress can regulate the free market platform. For all the anger( among those of us that abhor censorship of any kind)
even labeling is not enough? Thats acting as a publisher (Secton 230) but at least not banning and removal

Why should they be forced to tolerate tweets that incite violence?

Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to ban users? No matter what someone says? Really?!!!
I agree from outside and without your finger on the pulse it seems like a lot. She doesn't get the threat we are working with.

Bottom line when the supreme leader is insane, zipping him up is necessary but unfortunate.

I hereby groan myself so my obsessed detractor pasta primavera doesn't have to bother.:laugh:
Why should they be forced to tolerate tweets that incite violence?

Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to ban users? No matter what someone says? Really?!!!
they can delete, but to ban the account there has to be more then just their TOS.. "judgement" (speaking hypothetically)
There has to be evidence the account was actively inciting/plotting

Parler needed to patrol better -they say they will for violence.
If they can get free speech with violent intent removed up and working,, it will be a safe open platform