Angry Clinton Supporters Start Rallying for McCain Online


The Force is With Me
They're mad as hell, and Hillary Clinton's supporters aren't going to take it anymore.

Some Clintonites are so mad about Barack Obama's Tuesday victory that they've launched a web site to build support to launch a lobbying group to support Republican John McCain.

"We're going to run campaign ads to defeat Obama," says Ed Hale, a 63-year-old rancher and a Clinton supporter from Wellington, Texas. "We have doctors, lawyers, CPAs, the blue bloods, and then we have rednecks like me. It's a very diversified organization."

The split illustrates the difficult task the Democratic party now faces in rallying the troops behind Obama. Open dissent within party ranks provides

Hale launched the "Hillary Clinton Supporters for John McCain" group last Saturday. The campaign claims to have 5,000 supporters, and its website visitor counter says that it has already attracted 37,8071 visitors.

"Last night, when they crowned Obama king, that's when I sent my e-mails out to people, and since then, we've gotten thousands of hits," he says.

Hale, a Vietnam veteran and a long-time Democrat, says that many of the group's supporters are Reagan Democrats, and their primary concern is foreign policy and defense.

-- more at link

Obviously they'd have no problem with this ..

McCain: I'd Spy on Americans Secretly, Too
So, when Hillary was running they claimed the Republican party was responsible for all the problems and we needed to take back the white house for the people.

But now that Hillary has lost, suddenly the republican party is better than the dems, just because the system does not give the nomination to the one with the most popular votes?

Talk about bitter, sanctimonious, hate filled fools.
Yeah and Obama has every young voter and the people who would normally not vote on his side.

The only way he loses is if he picks Hillary as VP or it's rigged.
They're mad as hell, and Hillary Clinton's supporters aren't going to take it anymore.

Some Clintonites are so mad about Barack Obama's Tuesday victory that they've launched a web site to build support to launch a lobbying group to support Republican John McCain.

"We're going to run campaign ads to defeat Obama," says Ed Hale, a 63-year-old rancher and a Clinton supporter from Wellington, Texas. "We have doctors, lawyers, CPAs, the blue bloods, and then we have rednecks like me. It's a very diversified organization."

The split illustrates the difficult task the Democratic party now faces in rallying the troops behind Obama. Open dissent within party ranks provides

Hale launched the "Hillary Clinton Supporters for John McCain" group last Saturday. The campaign claims to have 5,000 supporters, and its website visitor counter says that it has already attracted 37,8071 visitors.

"Last night, when they crowned Obama king, that's when I sent my e-mails out to people, and since then, we've gotten thousands of hits," he says.

Hale, a Vietnam veteran and a long-time Democrat, says that many of the group's supporters are Reagan Democrats, and their primary concern is foreign policy and defense.

-- more at link

Obviously they'd have no problem with this ..

McCain: I'd Spy on Americans Secretly, Too

I find it difficult to believe this anger these people feel now will still be there in four or five months.
I find it difficult to believe this anger these people feel now will still be there in four or five months.

I don't at all. Anger and bitterness like this doesn't go away. Its too bad its unfairly targeted at Obama.

So sorry charlie...but Obama is a flash in the pan and will lower his head as he exits stage right in November...get over it already...our country is no where near accepting a Socialist/Communist President !
I don't at all. Anger and bitterness like this doesn't go away. Its too bad its unfairly targeted at Obama.

They will have to work together to smooth things over. I can see it going either way.

Personally, ya just have to laugh at the Dems some times. They are working their hardest to turn a sure thing into a close election.
So sorry charlie...but Obama is a flash in the pan and will lower his head as he exits stage right in November...get over it already...our country is no where near accepting a Socialist/Communist President !

I am not so sure about this. In the last presidential race the democrats basically used "We are not George Bush" as the basis for most of their campaigns.

This time its different. And I think there has been enough damage done to the GOP's credibility to make Obama's election quite possible.

I think its going to be close enough that no state need to have any serious irregularities. Otherwise there might be a bigger backlash.
They will have to work together to smooth things over. I can see it going either way.

Personally, ya just have to laugh at the Dems some times. They are working their hardest to turn a sure thing into a close election.

pathetic isn't it?
Yeah and Obama has every young voter and the people who would normally not vote on his side.

The only way he loses is if he picks Hillary as VP or it's rigged.

Whatever shortcomings clinton may have, she would more than enough make up for them in key swing states such as florida, ohio and pennsylvania.
Whatever shortcomings clinton may have, she would more than enough make up for them in key swing states such as florida, ohio and pennsylvania.

That's not how general elections work and there are going to be a lot of "swing states" this year as Obama encroaches on republican territory .. or what used to be republican territory.

Besides, Hillary is OUT as VP .. says the Obama team.
When taken as a whole, the current political environment is a bit frightening. I have never seen the nation so fractured. The democratic party is split with people threatening to vote for McCain because their candidate was not nominated. A faction of republicans are saying they'll abstain or vote 3rd party because they do not like the republican nomination. Both parties' national committees have basically told the people (and the states) that if they don't toe the line, they'll be left out. The DNC has literally tossed election results in favor of a poll.

This is not about the government no longer representing the people. It is now about the leadership of political parties no longer giving a crap what their own have to say. And people are just STANDING there, letting a few elite in power over the NCs to dictate what happens. What is wrong with us?!?
what do you base this on?

Republicans Lose Third Special House Election in a Row
Faces Disaster in November Congressional Elections

Republican Election Losses Stir Fall Fears

It isn't JUST the losses, but where they occured .. in normally absolutely safe republican districts .. and in every loss republicans tied their opponent to Obama .. still lost.
Republicans Lose Third Special House Election in a Row
Faces Disaster in November Congressional Elections

Republican Election Losses Stir Fall Fears

It isn't JUST the losses, but where they occured .. in normally absolutely safe republican districts .. and in every loss republicans tied their opponent to Obama .. still lost.

Though in the past a strong republican district, making the insinuation that a CONSERVATIVE democrat winning the race in a SINGLE district is evidence of massive STATE AND NATIONWIDE electoral shifts seems a bit fallacious.

You are assuming facts not yet in evidence. All you have to go on so far is how well he pulled out democrats in democratic primaries.
Though in the past a strong republican district, making the insinuation that a CONSERVATIVE democrat winning the race in a SINGLE district is evidence of massive STATE AND NATIONWIDE electoral shifts seems a bit fallacious.

You are assuming facts not yet in evidence. All you have to go on so far is how well he pulled out democrats in democratic primaries.

A. The defeats (plural) happened in 3 solidly republican districts, not a "single."

B. Republicans themselves are worried about the defeats and believe they demonstrate just how bad it's going to be .. as stated in the articles ..

"Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia and former leader of his party’s Congressional campaign committee, issued a dire warning that the Republican Party had been severely damaged, in no small part because of its identification with President Bush. Mr. Davis said that, unless Republican candidates changed course, they could lose 20 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate.

“They are canaries in the coal mine, warning of far greater losses in the fall, if steps are not taken to remedy the current climate,” Mr. Davis said in a memorandum. “The political atmosphere facing House Republicans this November is the worst since Watergate and is far more toxic than it was in 2006.”

I could post a hundred such comments .. from republicans.

C. "Democrats in democratic primaries" ??? These were republican defeats in republican districts in special elections in places where republicans don't lose.

D. I'm pretty good with history, but perhaps you can point out any time in history where a party occupying the White House was returned during an economic meltdown?

E. Economy in the dumps, mortgages failing everywhere

F. More than 80% of Americans believe this nation is on the wrong course

G. Majority of Americans against the war

H. Republicans are running a candidate that engenders no enthusiasm or energy, and in fact, became the candidate only by default

I. Both Obama and Clinton raised WAY more money than McCain

J. Democrats have brought in WAY more new voters than republicans and the voters who participated in democratic primaries FAR exceed republican primaries

K. Americans who identify themselves as republicans have been declining steadily since 2002 .. still declining

L. All of the above .. and more

If you can make lemonade out of that, you should be running the RNC.
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