Another ACORN Video, CA's Turn and it Gets Even Uglier...


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Glen Beck Airs New ACORN video...

Scroll down the page for running commentary on the new audio airing on the Glenn Beck radio show:

Democrats and Republicans alike have been shocked over the past few days as hidden-camera video after hidden camera video has surfaced regarding the practices of ACORN. In the videos, two actors, James and Hannah, pose as a prostitute and a pimp seeking an illegal housing loan for a brothel. So far, three videos, filmed at ACORN facilities in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York City, have been released and broadcast on news channels.

Regarding the corruption that is continuing to come to light, Beck cautions that we shouldn’t look at this issue on the surface, it isn’t about the people on the ground of ACORN. Rather, Beck says that “This is about the whole philosophy behind community organizing.”

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