Another Cory Maye


New member

Officer Jarrod Shivers was shot and killed while executing a search warrant in Cheseapeake, Virginia Thursday night.

The suspect had no criminal record (at least in the state of Virginia). And he says in an interview from jail he had no idea the undercover cops breaking into his home were police. The suspect, 28-year-old Ryan David Frederick, also says a burglar had broken into his home earlier this week.

Thought the raid was apparently part of a drug investigation, police aren’t saying what if any drugs were found. They won’t even confirm that police had the correct address. But they have arrested Frederick and charged him with first-degree murder.

More to come, I’m sure.
We have a little problem with that in this country. To bust a drug house police now use a tactic called a "No knock entry". it is a military tactic used in civilian population. They come in wearing black (from what I have seen) that have little or no identifacation that they are police. They may not vocally identify themselfs either--but I am not sure about that. their orders are to invade the home, and if anybody has a weapon, they get 2 shots in the center of mass, and they keep on moving.

First--a o knock entry is probably unconstitutional, but the bigger problem is they sometimes get the wrong address--and all they say is sorry if they kill a guy that is just protecting hiself from what he thinks is a robber. It is rare that a cop gets killed instead of the civilian. If this was a no knock entry, and the wrong address---I wonder if the civilian will have the ability to simply say----"I'm sorry" and send him home.

I never heard of Cory Maye though.

it will be interesting to see what happens.

This time a cop was killed--and that is always public. You never hear of the innocent getting killed during a no knock invasion with a wrong address---but it happens.
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This is crazy but it happens quite often. The article doesn't say but I'm sure that the officers were executing a no knock warrant which are issued to ensure that the subject of the warrant doesn't destroy evidence. God forbid that some evidence get flushed. That would be such a tragedy. Clearly, the no knock warrant is preferable.
This is crazy but it happens quite often. The article doesn't say but I'm sure that the officers were executing a no knock warrant which are issued to ensure that the subject of the warrant doesn't destroy evidence. God forbid that some evidence get flushed. That would be such a tragedy. Clearly, the no knock warrant is preferable.

I agree--it is crazy. The war on drugs is crazy. For the life of me, I don't understand how anyone can think if we throw all these people in jail, that we are helping them. More often than not, right now, the punishment is more detrimental to the person than the drug itself.

Make drugs legal so we don't waste our money any more on a war against drugs, and help these people with treatment and real education at a young age. Not to many people actually become better people by being in jail. Most just learn how to become better criminals.

Officer Jarrod Shivers was shot and killed while executing a search warrant in Cheseapeake, Virginia Thursday night.

The suspect had no criminal record (at least in the state of Virginia). And he says in an interview from jail he had no idea the undercover cops breaking into his home were police. The suspect, 28-year-old Ryan David Frederick, also says a burglar had broken into his home earlier this week.

Thought the raid was apparently part of a drug investigation, police aren’t saying what if any drugs were found. They won’t even confirm that police had the correct address. But they have arrested Frederick and charged him with first-degree murder.

More to come, I’m sure.

OK, if men come into your house with guns, any state in the nation recongnizes that as a justifiable homicide.
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The mayor of Prentiss Mississippi fired the public defender in the area specifically because he decided to represent Mayes. Mayes was then left with his own crappy defense.

I don't know what happened to the daughter he was trying to protect.

Cory Maye was a black man in my state who was sentenced to death for using deadly force during a no-knock warrant, by an all white jury.

Whooo weee---that was quite a story.

It sound to me that the warrent was for Smith, and when they did not find the drugs they expected--they broke into the neighbors (Maye) home also.

Here is a little way I use to help protect myself from police today. If I get pulled pver, I explain to the officer that I had a bad experience with another officer, in another county, and it is now my policy to record any time I may be stopped. I will show him the little recorder. If he turns out to be a bad cop, I also have another recorder that is a wrist watch. To be admmissable in court, I think you need to tell them that they are being recorded--but I don't have to tell them that I using two recorders.

let them do what they want--I will get even in court.