Another Fag Claiming To Be Chistian...

Here is another fag who claims to fuck for Christ

NewsChannel5 reported Philip Distasio is representing himself. Cuyahoga County prosecutors said Distasio raped nine autistic boys.

Distasio admitted his guilt in court on Monday, calling the children he raped accomplices. He also blamed the children's parents. He filed a motion to have his alleged victims give written depositions, something the prosecution fought against.
Distasio told a judge that his apartment was a religious sanctuary where smoking marijuana and having sex with children are sacred rituals protected by civil rights laws.
He told the judge, "I'm a pedophile. I've been a pedophile for 20 years. The only reason I'm charged with rape is that no one believes a child can consent to sex. The role of my ministry is to get these cases out of the courtrooms."
Distasio said the children were willing participants and for that reason he believes he's entitled to reduced charges and a shorter sentence.
I kinda figured that one out already! Just curious if you would be making these posts if rob was not a member here? Seems to me you are playing right into his hands, and almost giving him more the reason to hate christians...
It is a valid question as to what motivates these kinds of people. Is it that they are Christian or that they are fags? Which thing controls the behavior?
let me guess....toby is posting news storie about sexual perversion again, amI right? Even though I have him on ignore, I'll bet I can predict his content. This sick perv scours the net in search of stories like that and has for years. I am certain that he gets some perverse pleasurable release from reading them all. That was the extent of his contribution to the last site and it appears as if he is picking right up where he left off.

Sir Evil...I respect you and wanted to warn you! ;)
It is a valid question as to what motivates these kinds of people. Is it that they are Christian or that they are fags? Which thing controls the behavior?

I'm not really all that interested either way to be honest, I don't live the lifestyle so therefore see no need to make it an issue out of it. I can make an issue for all christians hating gays as I am a christian and don't hate them, but otherwise what's the point?
toby said that?

I wonder how that piece of pond scum arrives at his opinion that I am "defending pedophiles" when I merely point out that finding articles about pedophilia and sexual perversion is what toby does day in and day out... nowhere in anything I have ever written is there one sentence in defense of pedophiles.

if you go back into and look at the threads started by toby, they are most often some obscure link to some news story about some sick sexual pervert somewhere in the world... and toby would scour the internet and find these disgusting stories seemingly every day.

That's a fact.

Pointing that out to our newcomer Sir Evil who may not have known about toby's perserve proclivity is certainly not in the same universe as "defending pedophiles".

Not only is toby one sick and twisted motherfucker, he also has the logical reasoning skills of a carrot...

thanks for making me aware of this sick twisted pervert's slanderous attack Grind! I appreciate it.
I make a post and maine calls me a >sick perv<and that I >> gets some perverse pleasurable release from reading them all.<< Then when I say you defend pedophiles you respond with >that piece of pond scum < >one sick and twisted motherfucker, he also has the logical reasoning skills of a carrot<
And then claim I made a >
sick twisted pervert's slanderous attack ..........where is that attack Maine?

As usual, Maine is in his own special world! LOL