Another gun nut shows everyone just how brave he really is


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Jimmy Lee Dykes Dead: 5-Year-Old Hostage Rescued In Alabama Standoff

Good riddance...

The standoff between law enforcement and an Alabama man who held a boy in a bunker for seven days ended with the suspect dead and the 5-year-old safely rescued.

Reports of an explosion at Jimmy Lee Dykes' Midland City property came first on Monday afternoon, followed by media reports of the 65-year-old's death.

At a hastily organized roadside press conference near the crime scene, FBI agent Steve Richardson said negotiations had deteriorated over the last 24 hours. He said they entered the bunker shortly after 3 p.m. fearing the child was "in imminent danger," because they'd seen Dykes carrying a firearm.

The crisis began Jan. 29 when authorities say Dykes boarded a school bus and demanded that he take two boys between six and eight years old. The bus driver -- Charles Albert Poland, Jr. -- is hailed as a hero for putting himself between Dykes and the children. His valor cost him his life, as Dykes allegedly shot Poland several times before taking the 5-year-old boy from the bus.

"You didn't deserve to die but you died knowing you kept everyone safe," said a letter from a student on Poland's bus that was read aloud at the bus driver's funeral.

The bunker in which Dykes holed up was four feet underground. He equipped it with electricity and was said to possibly have weeks of supplies stored. Negotiators communicated to him through a ventilation pipe. Because of the risk of tornadoes in this part of Alabama, bunkers are a relative fixture on the landscape.

Authorities sent Ethan's prescription medicine as well as items the boy requested like Cheez-Its snacks and a red Hot Wheels toy car.

There was open communication with Dykes, according to authorities, but they said he'd made few demands, making it unclear what he hoped to accomplish.

Some neighbors believed Dykes timed the abduction to nearly coincide with a court appearance scheduled for the day after he shot Poland. In December, Dykes was arrested for allegedly shooting a gun to frighten a neighbor.

For that incident and others, people who lived near Dykes were leery of him long before he became a hostage-taker. They said that he once beat a dog to death with a lead pipe, that he warned children they'd be shot for crossing onto his land and that he guarded his property at night with a flashlight and gun.

He was a loner who allegedly lost contact with an adult daughter years ago, according to people who lived near him. The sounds of conservative talk radio filled his home and fed his anti-government attitudes, locals said.

Details about Dykes slowly emerged as negotiations failed to break the impasse. Dykes was a decorated Vietname War veteran who'd served in the Navy. He'd grown up nearby, but later in life, he moved to Florida where he worked as a surveyor and truck driver. He returned to Alabama about two years ago, acquiring the rural property on a dirt road.
Gun Nut Indeed!


Before Jimmy Lee Dykes dug a bunker, before he kidnapped 5-year-old Ethan and shot his bus driver dead, he liked to bet on dog races, according to his friend and former neighbor, George Arnold.

Dykes, who was 65 when he died, kept records of the races, boxes of them, sure that one day, if he studied them hard enough he would find a pattern in the results and get rich, Arnold said.

Still, he never seemed to be able to get ahead, and he remained poor, so poor that he lived in his truck for two years and later in a van with windows covered in tin foil. Dykes believed the pattern was there, but it never panned out because the government foiled him at every turn, according to Arnold.

“He thought the government was working with the mafia to control the dogs,” Arnold said. “Like if you bet $10,000 on a dog and it was about to win, they would hit a microchip they put in them to shock them and slow them down so you couldn’t get your money.”

Dykes’ sister and the kidnapped boy’s grandmother used to live in the same small public housing project, a spit of a dozen duplexes lining the highway as you head out of town, according to Arnold.

For a while, Dykes lived there too, though that was before Ethan was born, Arnold said.

More precisely, Dykes lived in a truck in front of the house, in a gray 1978 Ford. “I’ll never forget that truck,” Arnold said. “She was scared of him. She wouldn’t let him in the house except to shower. So he slept in there.”

Mostly Dykes just smoked cigarillos and drank coffee, constantly, Arnold said. The gun and a handful of marijuana plants he’d planted in his sister’s yard were what finally got him kicked off the project property, Arnold said. The gun was seized, but no charges were filed, he said.

Sounds like a democrat to me....