Another “Honorable” Swamp Creature Departs


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dirtier than he was when he was hired.

Every time media mouths tell the public a swamp creature is a straight arrow I know the fix is in. Remember when James Comey and Robert Mueller were straight arrows. Both were sold as honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.

And have you noticed the spin on William Barr? “At this stage of his life he does not need or want the job.” He is only taking the job because the country needs him. Unfortunately, the record tells us that career swamp creatures always lie like rugs covering a rotting floor. Barr is longtime swamp creature.

On the bright side, AG Barr was so dishonest the public will no longer believe anything the media says about “. . . honorable, dedicated civil servants who would die before they tell a lie.”

Barr's early departure this week comes with several dangling loose ends including the "investigation" by bulldog federal prosecutor John Durham into the origins of the Russia collusion scam undertaken by Barack Obama's FBI to frame Trump as an agent of the Kremlin.

Durham has completely disappeared, leading a perplexed and frustrated Trump to take to Twitter on Saturday morning to ask "Where the hell is the Durham Report?"

President Trump Asks 'Where The Hell Is The Durham Report?'
Chris Donaldson
Posted December 26, 2020