Another other better suggestion

so brave yurt. You really went out on a limb there proposing something so controversial. Is your next idea going to be candy for cancer kids?

I kid..


personally I don't see any particular reason why we should have a woman mod just because she's a woman. It's not like we are banning people that support support outlawing abortions, and we need a woman to speak for the voice of all the ignored woman on the forum, or anything.

Personally I would just be interested in anyone that would be active, fair, had a good rep with the community at large, etc.

Also we don't really need another mod, we get maybe... 2 reported posts a day max, and it's usually just something to delete or edit, which takes 5 seconds.

But if the community wants one in spite of all that, I mean, it's not going to burden me or anything. Certainly can't hurt.

My suggestions for a woman mod though would be Christie, Rana, or Darla.

Let me know what you guys think

so brave yurt. You really went out on a limb there proposing something so controversial. Is your next idea going to be candy for cancer kids?

I kid..


personally I don't see any particular reason why we should have a woman mod just because she's a woman. It's not like we are banning people that support support outlawing abortions, and we need a woman to speak for the voice of all the ignored woman on the forum, or anything.

Personally I would just be interested in anyone that would be active, fair, had a good rep with the community at large, etc.

Also we don't really need another mod, we get maybe... 2 reported posts a day max, and it's usually just something to delete or edit, which takes 5 seconds.

But if the community wants one in spite of all that, I mean, it's not going to burden me or anything. Certainly can't hurt.

My suggestions for a woman mod though would be Christie, Rana, or Darla.

Let me know what you guys think


I have to be honest, I would not be a good moderator. I am honored by your suggestion, thanks.

I think we have just the right mount of mods.
the thread is tongue in cheek :)

i just think it is funny there has never been women mods here. it is not on purpose, just the nature of the board.