Another Republican Misogynist Idiot


I they grow these dimwits on peach trees or something?

During a Senate Armed Forces Committee hearing on sexual assault in the military, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) said it may be difficult to stop such attacks because of natural "hormone levels" of young men.

CHAMBLISS: "The young folks who are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22 or 23. Gee whiz, the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur. So we've got to be very careful how we address it on our side."
Oh my... after all these years of being told that it was FEMALE hormones that were the problem.... .

Aside from the fact that the last few guys who were accused were well over 23 yrs old, the implication that men can't behave themselves is an insult to the whole gender.
Oh my... after all these years of being told that it was FEMALE hormones that were the problem.... .

Aside from the fact that the last few guys who were accused were well over 23 yrs old, the implication that men can't behave themselves is an insult to the whole gender.

Exactly. They are the true man-haters. I always say that.
I agree with tekkychick. Saying that young men are innately incapable of not raping women they're in sustained association with is, well, insulting and flat out wrong.