Another Responsible Gun Owner: NASCAR Edition



Well-known NASCAR racer Dick Trickle has dies of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Trickle was 71 years of age.

According to reports, police in Lincoln County, NC were informed via an anonymous phone call (very likely made by Trickle himself) prior to the suicide where to find the body. Trickle's body was found at the Forest Lawn Cemetary in Boger City, NC, next to his pickup truck.
Fucking liar!!
All these anti gun posts are lies.
Truth is howey is a fat incontinent loser, he stinks of shit and has been known to shit his depend so severely that he meens to be hospitalized for dehydration.
He is disgusting.
Should we pass legislation making suicide illegal? Should we pass legislation forcing gun sellers to ask gun buyers if they plan to commit suicide?
Should we pass legislation making suicide illegal? Should we pass legislation forcing gun sellers to ask gun buyers if they plan to commit suicide?

It's obvious some kind of mental evaluation is necessary. Something. Too many people are dying at the hands of guns.

BTW - I can't see 007's post. Can someone report it so he can be banned?
Ignore all these ' gun threads' they are as fake as Newtown!!!!
We all know that was a liberal planned attack to put gun control at the top of the agenda again!!
Note it was an attack on white, wealthy taxpayers .
The people the liberals hate.
It's obvious some kind of mental evaluation is necessary. Something. Too many people are dying at the hands of guns.

BTW - I can't see 007's post. Can someone report it so he can be banned?

So do we need to start hiring physicians to do health tests on all people at guns stores to make sure they won't commit suicide at some point in the future?
If some fucker wants to top himself let him.
Guns are not the issue.

Gun control is not about guns.
It's about control.

I can't see incontinent Howeys post, can someone tell him he fucking stinks of shit, he needs to get his depend changed, disgusting fat smelly cunt!!
So do we need to start hiring physicians to do health tests on all people at guns stores to make sure they won't commit suicide at some point in the future?

hardly, that is the responsibility of the person to seek mental health counseling

assisted suicide should be a personal right if a person is truly set on ending their life