another study debunks the global warming pause

So they change the data, facts in other words, and magically no pause ! Sparkles and sunshine, It's a miracle !

Do you have any idea how often they change the facts to make new "facts" ? Oh and how convenient it comes out just now as though BO ordered NOAA to gin up more of their fairy tales.
I bet iconvinient truth had a bunch of wild ass predictions that didn't pan out

Absolutely, there has yet to be one accurate prediction. It is astounding how bad they are at it. You'd almost have to try to fail to fail so much. Not one accurate prediction from their "models"...
If the "pause" isn't real, then why did the elitist conspirators of the government scientific tit sucking community surviving on government grants, bother to change the label from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change?"

OH! That's because the uncovered e-mails of "Climategate" exposed the FACT that the earth has actually been marginally cooling for more than a decade. BUT, a new label of "Climate Change" allows the conspirators to claim their scam is a reality no matter what the weather pattern provides.

It's all leftist propaganda and the commie lust to destroy America's superior capitalist standard of living by making boogiemen out of our energy operations.