Another Upgrade...


Staff member
This one will add some cool functions. I am upgrading from version 3.6.10 to 3.7.0 which was just released. It adds some functions, and plugs a rare security hole.

Here is a list of some of them that I thought were cool.

* Reciprocal friendships between users
* Public visitor messaging on profile pages with 'conversation' feature
* User picture galleries with user comment facility
* User-created social groups with invite only and moderated membership options
* Extended member profile pages
* Customizable member profile pages
* Inline editing of custom user profile fields
* Lightbox viewer for attached images

Of course this actually is a security upgrade as well...

I'm turning them back on.

Some of the functions may not work right away as I update templates on the fly...
If anybody notices something that I missed that need to be reestablished. Please post here.

I'll get to it.
I think I got everything working. I haven't tested all the new functions yet.

Again, if anybody notices something not working give me some notice in this area.

